Take-home Exam

This exam is to be completed individually. It is not a team-based exam. It is due Saturday, December 3rd by 12:30 pm, but if you need a little extra time just let me know and we can work it out. This portion of the exam is worth 25% of your grade. It consists of a single question, to be answered in essay form. (You're welcome to include supporting graphics, quantitative analyses, etc.). Please email the finished essay to Jinmiao at jinmiaow@gmail.com.

Here's the assignment. What I want you to do is to reflect on your own network of work-related contacts. Then, write an essay about you, from a network perspective. That's it. Go.

1. Was that too unstructured? Ok, if you like, try this. Fill out the LeadershipNetworkDiagnostic.pdf form from the Center for Creative Leadership (handing it in is optional). Read the LNDInterpretationGuide.pdf. Look at the slide presentation LeadershipNetworkDiagnostic.ppt. Watch the video on all of this. Having done all that, now write an essay about you, from a network perspective.

2. Didn't care for #1? Fine, here's another idea. Open the Excel file called Individual Portion of Final Exam.xlsx and follow the instructions. When you are done, write an essay about you, from a network perspective.

3. Still not finding inspiration? Try the network diagnostic that I emailed you. After working it through, write an essay about you, from a network perspective.

Hopefully, you are starting to get the picture. I want you to assess your own network. Here are some questions you might try to take into consideration -- these are merely suggestions:

    • Often, our networks are made up of contacts acquired without much intention -- they are physically proximate, they are part of our workflow, they are similar to us in terms of gender, race, personality, culture, background, function, etc. To what extent is that true of your network? What are the positive and negative consequences of this?

    • How much diversity of inputs are you getting from your network? How could it be improved?

    • Assess your social capital both from the point of view of Burt's structural holes theory, and Lin's social resource theory.

    • Do you have all your relational eggs in one basket? Are all your contacts concentrated in one area of your work life? Do you exist within a close circle of tight friends/allies?

    • What are the strengths and weakness of your network? What does it work well for, and what does it not work well for? Think about this with respect to today, and with respect to where you want to be five years from now.

    • Formulate a plan for changing your network to meet your five-year goals. How does it need to change, and how do you go about doing it?