Free Consulting

If you are interested in doing a real organizational network analysis at your organization, I will be glad to organize one for you. For us, it provides our management PhD students with practice working with real data. For you, it is a free diagnostic -- a kind of network audit of your organization. Naturally, we tailor the study to the kinds of questions you need answered. Ideally, you would also allow us to your data, in de-identified form, for research purposes, but this is not required. The main benefit for us is the practice it gives to our students.

In the last couple of years, we have done free projects locally for Central Bank, Community Action Council, Chandler hospital, and Neogen. Of course, we also do more extensive, paid projects, such as the Tempur-Sealy project directed by Joe Labianca.

Globally, our faculty and graduate students have done network-based consulting for a large number of companies. I have personally done projects with Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Booz Allen, Bristol Myers Squibb, Cardinal Healthcare, Merck, Pfizer, Price Waterhouse, Novartis, IBM, Merck, Towers-Perrin, and many others.

I have also worked with various entities of the federal government, including the NSA, the Army's Human Terrain Systems, JWAC, Vanguard (now ELDP), and several other DoD units.