10.08.5 Alloys


What does this mean?

Pure Metals v Alloys

An alloy is a mixture of a metal element with at least one more element (usually other metals).

We don't use pure metals much because they are too soft.

So, most metals we see round us are alloys - even the gold in most jewelry

24 carat Gold means gold that is 24/24 parts Gold - 100%.

It looks nice but wears away.

18 carat gold would be 18/24 Gold, =  3/4 = 75%

12 carat gold would be 12/24 Gold, =  1/2 = 50%


Why are alloys stronger and harder than Pure Metals?

In a pure metal the atoms line up in layers well because they are all the same size.

But in an alloy with some of the atoms  much bigger or smaller than the others - the pattern is disrupted.

In a pure metal it's very easy for one layer to slide over another.

But not in an alloy.

So, because the layers can't easily slide it's much more difficult to bend or reshape an alloy.
