
Traducción en español de “go”

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verb /ɡəu/ ( 3rd person singular present tense goes, past tense went /went/, past participle gone /ɡon/)

to walk, travel, move etc


He is going across the field

Go straight ahead

When did he go out?

to be sent, passed on etc

enviar, tramitar, pasar

Complaints have to go through the proper channels.

to be given, sold etc

vender(se), darse

The prize goes to John Campbell

The table went for $100.

to lead to

ir, llevar

Where does this road go?

to visit, to attend

ir, acudir

He goes to school every day

I decided not to go to the movie.

to be destroyed etc

desaparecer, destruir, demoler

This wall will have to go.

to proceed, be done

ir, desarrollarse

The meeting went very well.

to move away

irse, partir, marcharse

I think it is time you were going.

to disappear

desaparecer, esfumarse

My purse has gone!

to do (some action or activity)

ir a

I’m going for a walk

I’m going hiking next week-end.

to fail etc


I think the clutch on this car has gone.

to be working etc

ir bien, funcionar

I don’t think that clock is going.

to become

volverse, ponerse

These apples have gone bad.

to be

ir, ponerse, guardarse, colocarse

Many people in the world regularly go hungry.

to be put

pasar, transcurrir

Spoons go in that drawer.

to pass

valer, estar permitido, ser aceptable

Time goes quickly when you are enjoying yourself.

to be used


All her pocket money goes on sweets.

to be acceptable etc

ser, estar, tener

Anything goes in this office.

to make a particular noise

gastarse, utilizarse, usarse

Dogs go woof, not miaow.

to have a particular tune etc

ser, decir

How does that song go?

to become successful etc

funcionar, triunfar, salir bien

She always makes a party go.

going noun

an act of leaving, moving away etc


the comings and goings of the people in the street.

the conditions under which something is done


Walking was heavy going because of all the mud.

go-ahead adjective

successful and progressive

emprendedor, enérgico, dinámico

His firm is very go-ahead.

go-cart noun

another spelling of go-kart

cochecito de niño

go-getter noun

a person with a great deal of energy, ability etc who gets what he wants


Tony’s a go-getter who is likely to go far in his career.

going-over noun

a study or examination

repaso, inspección, revisión

He gave the accounts a thorough going-over.

goings-on noun plural

(usually strange) happenings or behaviour/behavior

tejemanejes, chanchullos, actividades sospechosas

There have been some strange goings-on in that house.

go-kart noun

a light vehicle like a small car made of a low open frame on foursmall wheels that is used for racing.

carrito motorizado

go-karting noun


no-go adjective

(of a district etc ) which a person etc is not allowed to enter

(zona) prohibida

That part of the city is a no-go area for tourists.

all go adjective

very busy

en plena actividad, sin descanso, ajetreado

It’s all go in this office today.

be going on (for)

to be near or close to (a time, age etc)

andar por

He must be going on (for) eighty.

be going strong

to be successful, healthy etc

estar en plena forma

Our business/grandfather is still going strong.

from the word go

from the very beginning

desde el principio

Sheila has been very efficient at her job from the word go.

get going

to get started

ponerse en marcha, ponerse manos a la obra, empezar

If you want to finish that job on time, you’d better get going.

go about phrasal verb

to (begin to) work at

emprender, empezar a hacer

I don’t know the best way to go about the job!

(of a ship) to change direction or turn around.


go after phrasal verb

to try to win

perseguir, andar tras, ir en busca de

He’s going after that prize.

to follow or chase

seguir, correr tras

Go after him and apologize.

go against phrasal verb

to oppose or refuse to act on

ir en contra de, oponerse a

He went against his parents’ wishes.

to be unacceptable to

ir contra

This goes against my conscience.

go along phrasal verb

to go


I think I’ll go along to that meeting.

to proceed or progress

avanzar, ir haciendo, progresar

Check your work as you go along.

go along with phrasal verb

to agree with

estar de acuerdo con

I’m afraid I can’t go along with you on that.

go around phrasal verb

(of stories, rumours/rumors etc) to be passed from one personto another

correr, circular

There’s a rumour/rumor going around that you are leaving.

go around with phrasal verb

to be friendly with

andar con, ir con, frecuentar, juntarse con

I don’t like the group of friends you’re going around with.

go at phrasal verb

to attack

lanzarse sobre, atacar, arremeter contra

The boys went at each other with their fists.

to do with enthusiasm

lanzarse a

He really went at the job of painting the wall.

go back phrasal verb

to return to an earlier time, topic of conversation etc

volver a

Let’s go back for a minute to what we were talking about earlier.

go back on phrasal verb

to fail to do (something one has promised to do)

faltar, romper, incumplir

I never go back on my promises.

go by phrasal verb

to base an opinion on

guiarse por, fundarse sobre, basarse en

We can’t go by what he says.

to be guided by

seguir, guiarse por

I always go by the instructions.

go down phrasal verb

(with well/badly) to be approved or disapproved of

ser bien/mal acogido, ser bien/mal recibido

The story went down well (with them).

(of a ship) to sink


The sailors were lost at sea when the ship went down.

(of the sun or moon) to go below the horizon

ponerse, esconderse

The sun goes down at about 7 o’clock in the evening.

to be remembered

pasar (a la historia), quedar (para la posteridad), ser recordado

His bravery will go down in history.

(of places) to become less desirable

volverse menos solicitado; decaer

This part of town has gone down in the last twenty years.

go far

to be successful

llegar lejos

If you keep on working as hard as this, I’m sure you’ll go far.

go for phrasal verb

to attack physically or in words

tirarse sobre, atacar

The two dogs went for each other as soon as they met.

go in phrasal verb

(of the sun or moon) to become covered by cloud

esconderse, quedar cubierto/encapotado

The sun has gone in, and it’s now rather chilly.

go in for phrasal verb

to take part in

participar, presentarse a

I’m going in for the 1,000 metres race.

to do (something) as a hobby, career etc

dedicarse, interesarse; tomar parte en

My son is going in for medicine

She goes in for collecting postcards.

go into phrasal verb

to make a careful study of (something)

estudiar en profundidad, examinar, investigar

We’ll need to go into this plan in detail.

to discuss in detail

entrar en, discutir

I don’t want to go into the problem at the moment.

go off phrasal verb

(of a bomb etc) to explode

estallar, explosionar

The little boy was injured when the firework went off in his hand.

(of an alarm) to ring

disparar(se), sonar

When the alarm went off, the thieves ran away.

to leave

marchar(se), irse, partir

He went off yesterday.

to begin to dislike

perder el gusto por

I’ve gone off that game show – it’s just the same every week.

to become rotten

pasarse, estropearse, echarse a perder

That meat has gone off.

to stop working

apagarse, parar(se)

The fan has gone off.

go on phrasal verb

to continue

continuar, seguir

Go on reading – I won’t disturb you.

to talk a great deal, usually too much

hablar sin parar

She goes on and on about her health.

to happen

pasar, suceder, ocurrir

What is going on here?

to base one’s investigations etc on

basar(se) en, apoyarse en, fundarse en

The police had very few clues to go on in their search for themurderer.

go on at phrasal verb

to nag at

reñir, echar bulla

Her mother went on at her for coming home late after the dance.

go out phrasal verb

to become extinguished


The fire has gone out.

to go to parties, concerts, meetings etc


We don’t go out as much as we did when we were younger.

to be frequently in the company of (a person, usually of theopposite sex)

salir con

I’ve been going out with her for months.

go over phrasal verb

to study or examine carefully

examinar, estudiar detenidamente, revisar

I want to go over the work you have done before you do any more.

to repeat (a story etc)

repetir, repasar

I’ll go over the whole lesson again.

to list

enumerar, recapitular

He went over all her faults.

(of plays, behaviour/behavior etc) to be received (well or badly)

tener buena/mala acogida, ser bien/mal recibido

The play didn’t go over at all well the first night.

go round phrasal verb

to be enough for everyone

llegar para todos, haber suficiente para todos

Is there enough food to go round?

go slow

(of workers in a factory etc ) to work less quickly than usual, egas a form of protest

huelga de celo

The workers are threatening to go slow if they are not awarded a payrise.

go steady

to have a close friendly relationship with someone of theopposite sex

tener una relación de pareja, ser novio de alguien

My girlfriend and I have been going steady for a year.

go through phrasal verb

to search in

registrar, rebuscar

I’ve gone through all my pockets, but I still can’t find my key.

to suffer

pasar por, sufrir

You have no idea what I went through to get this finished in time.

to use up


We went through a lot of money on holiday.

to complete


You have to go through certain formalities to get a visa.

to be completed

concluirse, hacerse

After long hours of negotiations, the deal went through.

go through with phrasal verb

to finish doing

llevar a cabo

I will go through with this in spite of what you say.

go too far

to do something which is so bad as to be unacceptable

ir demasiado lejos, pasarse, pasarse de la raya

Some of his jokes went too far and offended people.

go towards phrasal verb

to help to buy etc

ser destinado a

The money we collect will go towards a charity.

go up phrasal verb

to increase in size, value etc

subir, aumentar

The temperature/price has gone up.

to be built


There are office blocks going up all over town.

go up in smoke/flames

to catch fire; to be destroyed or damaged by fire etc

estallar en llamas

The building across the street went up in flames.

go with phrasal verb

to be sold with, be part of etc

ir con, estar incluido en

The carpets will go with the house.

to look etc well with

ir bien con, hacer juego con, combinar con

The carpet goes with the wallpaper.

go without phrasal verb

to manage without

pasarse sin, prescindir de

If you can’t afford a new dress, you’ll have to go without (one).

keep going

to continue doing what one is doing; to survive

seguir adelante, no parar, continuar

The snow was falling heavily, but we had to keep going

Business is bad at the moment, but we’ll manage to keep going.

make a go (of something)

to make a success (of something)

conseguir algo, tener éxito en algo

He has never owned a shop before, but I think he’ll make a go of it.

on the go

very busy or active

ocupado, atareado, activo, que no para

He’s always on the go, from morning to night.

Traducciones de “go”

(Definition of go from the Password English-Spanish Dictionary © 2013 K Dictionaries Ltd)