Sessions 24-25: Hot Topics in Education

Learning Outcomes:

CLO 5253.1 - Offer alternative instructional suggestions and strategies that address the specific needs of California’s diverse student population.

CLO 5253.2 - Identify a clear instructional goal that is related to the English content of the standards.

CLO 5253.3 - Provide the learning in each instructional year that lays the necessary groundwork for success in subsequent English courses.

CLO 5253.4 - Identify the most successful and efficient approaches within a particular classroom so that learning is maximized.

CLO 5253.5 - Assess student progress toward the achievement of English standards and adjust instruction accordingly.

CLO 5253.6 - Balance theory, research, and practice.

Discussion Questions:

  • The Roman god Janus (January) looks both forwards and backwards, "how would you start next Fall differently from this past Fall?" Cite texts which you read for this course as support for your answer.
  • "I believed, and still believe, that teaching is a separate skill—in fact, an art that is creative, intuitive, and highly personal.” – Salman Khan
  • "Formal education must change. It needs to be brought into closer alignment with the world as it actually is; into closer harmony
  • with the way human beings actually learn and thrive.” -Salman Khan
  • If you could change how we educate the K-12 students in America - what would you change and why? Suggest ways in which you can effect this change. How can you "change" your own classroom?
  • Students are “victims of Swiss cheese learning. Though it seems solid from the outside, her education is full of holes” - Salman Khan
  • Provide an example and explanation of how your own education is full of academic holes.
  • "Quicker isn’t necessarily smarter and slower definitely isn’t dumber. Further, catching on quickly isn’t the same as understanding thoroughly." - Salman Khan
  • Explain how this has been true in your own life and then read classmates' posts and reply to them. Perhaps education/the classroom should think less about time and more on comprehension - is that feasible?
  • Most students who are struggling avoid assessments at all costs. How can you use evaluation and assessment to meet the needs of students at risk of failing English? How can assessments be made to become learning events instead of just showing what they don't know or haven't learned? Post your response then read your colleagues' posts and then reply appropriately.
  • Most teachers want to make a difference in this world. No one gets into it for the money. Many of you are in TFA because of social justice! Please relate personal experiences along this theme. You may relate something that happened to you or your students. Think of literature that might fit your experience. A poem, short story, essay, play, novel, etc.
  • Describe a difficulty you had this year. State what you did to resolve this difficulty but state why it didn't work as well as you had hoped.


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