The Neoconservative Serpent: The Enemy Within the Gates



This is a world in which America dominates the world and the Jews dominate America.

An edited abridgement based on this article by Nelson Hultberg,

with many clarificatory comments inserted into the text by Lasha Darkmoon.



The term “Fifth Column” came into popular use in the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s. It means a group of guerrillas, activists, and intellectuals who work to undermine a nation from within. Its activities can be out in the open, or they can be secret.

Today, in America, the neoconservative political movement represents a “Fifth Column” for the forces of collectivism or neo-Communism.

Its intellectuals and activists promote themselves as conservatives who oppose the liberals, but their political philosophy has nothing to do with true American conservatism, which has always stood for a limited constitutional government and free enterprise. These traditional American values are anathema to today’s neoconservatives.

The neoconservatives, as we all know, are either overwhelmingly Jewish or shabbos goyim: non-Jewish camp followers of international Jewry who are on the Jewish payroll. They all have one thing in common: a fanatical allegiance to the state of Israel and to the neoliberal values of the Frankfurt School, itself a predominantly Jewish movement that took root in Germany in the 1920s and was then exported WHOLESALE

to America.

The values these neo-Marxists espouse, often disguised and prettified to make them more palatable to the public, are godlessness, a culture of pessimism, despair creation, hatred of Christianity, sexual licence masquerading as “sexual liberation”, the destruction of the family, homosexual propaganda, radical feminism, abortion, the promotion of pornography and sexual deviation, the sexualization of children, and, soon to come, the legalization of pedophilia.

The late Irving Kristol, editor of The Public Interest, and Norman Podhoretz, editor of Commentary, were the founders of the neoconservative movement in the late 1960s. In their youth during the 1930s and 1940s, they were followers of the communist Leon Trotsky.

Having bought into the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, they saw socialism as an ideal that needed to be spread to the West. While they and their followers subsequently modified the Marxist roots of their ideology in favor of a more gradualist methodology, they always remained adamant supporters of “collectivism” (i.e. neo-Communism) for America.

Are they outright socialists? No, but their policy proposals have always been in favor of massive government welfarism domestically and an aggressive militaristic foreign policy that seeks what is termed “benevolent global hegemony,” in which the US military is to be used preemptively to spread “freedom and democracy” throughout the world.

What the neoconservatives want is a centralized mega-state running the world from Washington, with international Jewry calling the shots and doing its utmost to ensure that America, while bossing the world around, remains subservient to Israel and world Jewry. The basic philosophy underlying neoconservatism is essentially this: what is good for the Jews is good for the world.

In Irving Kristol’s eyes, the laissez-faire vision of America’s Founding Fathers was a “doctrinaire fantasy.” Its ideals “make it inadequate for a political community,” he pontificated in 1977. Yes, Irving Kristol, son of Jewish immigrants to America, knows better than George Washington and Thomas Jefferson what is good for America. The Founding Fathers were fools. Away with their anachronistic views! According to Kristol and his fellow neoconservatives, all such erroneous ideas must be phased out of our collective consciousness.

And so here is another fundamental premise of neoconservatism: Jews know best what is good for non-Jews. And what is good for non-Jews, as you might expect, is good for Jews also.

Kristol died in 2009, but his worldview dominates all of today’s younger neoconservatives. He believed that capitalism and individual rights are dangerous institutions. They must be constantly modified by a powerful state that redistributes wealth whenever necessary to mold market enterprises into an appropriately egalitarian social structure.

The redistribution of wealth, however, invariably seems to involve the rich 1 percent getting richer at the expense of the other 99 percent of the population. In addition, the richest ethnic group to profit and become even richer under this new egalitarianism happens to be, by sheer coincidence, the Jews. How strange! We live in an Orwellian world where not only does peace means war and freedom means slavery but where egalitarianism, or making people equal, actually means making people less equal.

In the neoconservative mind, freedom, while desirable, is not a primary political value. Machiavelli had the better idea: expediency is the best way to rule. People need to be manipulatively led by their elites – via open dialogue and democracy if possible, but by deception, coercion and expediency when necessary.

The neoconservatives represent tyranny’s Fifth Column in America. They are deceiving the people into believing that they are genuine conservatives, but like the socialists who were their mentors, they call themselves what they know the people want to hear. These bogus conservatives have now grown to dominate Washington’s think tanks, Wall Street’s brokerages and banks, and many major publications and universities. They are highly influential writers, scholars, pundits, publishers, institute heads, bankers and corporate moguls.

The Enemies Within the Gates

Let’s now mention eight of the more influential neoconservatives in America, past and present. These are not friends of freedom, but enemies. They need to be recognized for who they are, traitors to what America was meant to be. They need to be exposed and attacked as we would attack serpents that are slithering into our back yards to threaten our safety and our families.

Irving Kristol ( Jew) . . . his picture . . . is considered to be the “godfather of neoconservatism.” A powerful liberal writer during the 1950s and 1960s, he had grown disenchanted with the Democratic Party by 1970 and switched to the Republican Party, coining the name “neoconservative” for the band of intellectuals he brought with him. Immensely persuasive in the shaping of the movement.

Norman Podhoretz (Jew) . . . his picture . . . is one of the major founders with Irving Kristol of neoconservatism in the late 1960s. He served as Editor-in-Chief of Commentary magazine from 1960 to 1995, pouring out a myriad of articles and books on the need to build America into an all-pervasive “collectivist state.”

Richard Perle (Jew) . . . his picture . . . is called the “Prince of Darkness” because of his extreme hawkish military stands. He is a member of the Reagan Pentagon, now serves in Washington think tanks such as the Hudson Institute and the American Enterprise Institute. Vehemently promoted the invasion of Iraq, and to this day favors extensive intervention in the Middle East to bring about regime changes.

Paul Wolfowitz (Jew) . . . his picture . . . is the most hawkish advocate in the Bush administration and the architect of the Bush Doctrine. A visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, he is a former World Bank chief and Pentagon official who was closely involved in the decision to invade Iraq in 2003. He has been back and forth between academia and government for the entirety of his career.

William Kristol (Jew) . . . his picture . . . is the son of Irving Kristol and editor of the prestigious Weekly Standard. He was the cofounder of PNAC (Project for the New American Century) with Robert Kagan. He is a widely recognized pundit and influential Washington political operative. Director at the Foreign Policy Initiative and member of numerous think tanks in Washington as well as a Fox News regular.

Robert Kagan (Jew) . . . his picture . . . is co-founder with Bill Kristol of the Project for the New American Century, Kagan is a policy pundit and historian based at the Brookings Institution. He serves also as a contributing editor at The New Republic and, thus, personifies the collectivist liberalism that infuses neoconservatism. They are statist ideological brothers.

Frank Gaffney (Jew) . . . his picture . . . is the director of the hawkish neoconservative Center for Security Policy. He has been a longtime advocate of interventionist U.S. foreign policies, ever-increasing military budgets and aggressive attacks upon the Islamic world. A regular on Fox News.

Charles Krauthammer (Jew) . . . his picture . . . is a writer for The Washington Post. He is considered to be the most influential neoconservative political columnist in America. He is also a Pulitzer Prize winner, Fox News talking head, and was a weekly panelist on the PBS show “Inside Washington” from 1990 to 2013.

There are, of course, many other prominent neoconservatives than just these eight — all of them either Jewish or fanatically devoted to Zionist interests, apparently quite happy to see America become an Israeli colony. (See here)

Hundreds of others like Bill Bennett, Elliott Abrams, Joshua Muravchik, James Woolsey, John Bolton, Max Boot, Karl Rove, David Frum and Condoleezza Rice are all assiduously working to advance One World Government throughout the world.

This is a world in which America dominates the world and the Jews dominate America. Nothing could be simpler than this, and only a fool can fail to perceive it: this is Jewish world domination by the back door.

No need to mention the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Forget the Protocols! This is a new way of achieving old ends. First get control of America, and then make America the indisputable superpower.

This is how a group comprising 0.2 percent of the world’s population can achieve world domination, reducing the rest of mankind to the condition of slaves and vassals.

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6 thoughts on “The Neoconservative Serpent: The Enemy Within the Gates”

    • RICH P.
      • May 2, 2015 at 3:55 pm
        • I have been thinking recently about nostalgia for ugly things that are so second nature as to be reassuring—things like neon signs in dusty main streets and alleyways filled with weeds. Jewish rule is like that for me. There is no joy in it and in fact the opposite, it’s depressing and yet that old list of neocon names has a kind of neon dusty quality for me.
        • I was once a reader of Jewish news: the New Republic, the New York Times, The Village Voice.. I was younger and those guys were younger. I don’t think anyone has replaced them, but I don’t read the Jewish news anymore so I wouldn’t knows. It all has that run down feeling for me, nothing new, very tired, dilapidated and America follows suit—familiar in that ugly way and in bad need of new blood.
        • The question is whether it will lumber along broken like this until it just grinds to a halt. At least that is America, but people in other places that are better off haven’t caught on that America is like that..bled dry. The rest of the world like Italy, Germany, places with some real authenticity and energy need to cut loose from this imagery of an America that isn’t in trouble. They need to save themselves. Otherwise the serpent will wind its way around the whole of civilization and nothing but weeds, dust, and blinking broke neon will remain…
        • LOBRO
          • May 2, 2015 at 5:05 pm
            • ok, let me follow thru on this line of thought, kapoore to see what would be the likely scenario if the talmud blueprint bears its messianic-satanic fruit.
            • it would by necessity mirror the hindu caste hierarchy, but without its spiritual richness and life that gave it its longevity and magical glow.
            • jews would be the top scribes and priests, just as they pretty much are today, basically dead asses sitting on top of the putrefying heap.
            • there would be an enforcer caste of “warriors”, tasked with terrorizing those beneath and keeping them from open rebellion.
            • the helots at the bottom would be maximally dumbed down, uneducated, superstitious, sedated by drugs and mind pulverizing jew “entertainment”, kept in a perpetual state of cretinous masturbation when not toiling in fields.
            • basically, the ugliest jew phobias and fantasies (anne frank, etc) is precisely the projection of what they would visit on us.
            • any creative spark and energy would be soon gone, the brightest would be just glorified handymen trying to maintain the ancient machinery in running order, sort of like cuba was thru all these decades.
            • those even more intelligent and independent would be either bought out to become top shabbos or eliminated if too unruly.
            • yet cuba too had a proud cultural life, music, literature and hope of an improved tomorrow, under the jew, there would be nothing – hannah arend’s phrase “darkness at noon” comes to mind.
            • the end result is extreme degeneracy, imbecility and eventual terminal weakness of such regime, so lifeless and filled with internal hate and animosity that it would be ultimately unsustainable and at some point prey to even a badly organized insurrection or attack by some goy tribe of runaway slaves.
            • certainly, all the fine frankfurt inventions of nazi guilt and so on would no longer apply, jews would be devoured alive.
            • i just don’t see the winning line in jew playbook.
          • May 2, 2015 at 5:19 pm
            • You have HIT on something, Kapoore! America has too long been artificially portrayed as an ‘ideal’, which ideal has been corrupted by the mechanations described in this very good article. Even we Americans need to start pulling in our concerns about overseas affairs – and start tending our OWN garden.
            • Some friends – who are very instrumental in the ‘Tea Party’ – understood this, and have, thereby, just about captured control of elections of certain counties in certain states. (Basic philosophy: The counties comprise the states, the states comprise the union – make the bricks which build the wall.)
            • Of course, the race is in full turn, right now – but this philosophy and approach beat Eric Cantor in his last bid for re-election. It will cause dismount of others. We must QUIT putting so much emphasis on the WHOLE, and put more emphasis on the components – where we CAN wield effective influence. Everything we do, at this point, needs be exemplary of fair play and administration. ANYTHING we do helps slow down the process of complete takeover.
            • If history teaches us anything, we know that the Evil Isms (e.g., Bolshevism, Marxism, etc.) require dramatic conflict for their obvious manifestations. Let’s DE-dramatize.
      • May 2, 2015 at 5:14 pm
        • Excellent analysis, which mirrors my own print and broadcasting narratives for almost 14 years. Yet the question is begged: What is the viable and coherent strategy for an informed opposition presumably comprising 1% of the American and remaining Western public? Perhaps the answer will crystallize only when Putin and BRICS destroy the Petrodollar and its reserve currency status, and the American Empire is led into a military disaster beyond anything seen up to now. Quo vadis? I don’t pretend to know.
      • May 2, 2015 at 5:44 pm
        • Jews have always been a collective and they have always functioned under some form of collective system. Their earliest records are of the Tabernacle, a collective of priests that bonded together tribal groups with a religion based on blood sacrifice. This was the basis that held the Jew’s together throughout their history of diaspora.
        • Over time, I have come to understand just how unimaginative, hidebound and slavish Jew’s are in their beliefs. They are not anywhere near as bright as their Einsteinian propaganda would have us believe. Their true brilliance only shines in their ability to create and tell lies. Beyond that, they have done little but repeat the same Old Testament lessons for thousands of years. Unfortunately these lessons work because the Jews have taken them into their collective consciousness, while non-Jews, never bothering to analyze, evaluate and learn from them, choose to believe the lies Jews tell them about their “holy” book.
        • Many reading this believe Christianity presents the fundamental problem faced today. Yet Christianity was simply another Jewish system created by Jews for Jews, a system based on their words, their beliefs, written in their book. The New Testament is yet another call for a collective system to replace the existing collective ruled by the second Temple. It doesn’t take much intelligence to realize that Saul’s/Paul’s lectures to his followers indicated he was setting himself up as high priest of this new religion, Christianity; a religion based once again on the blood sacrifice.
        • However, this sacrifice was unique in that it involved the crucifixion of a rebel priest who had rebuked the law to undermine the entrenched sacrificial system. According to Saul/Paul and others, this sacrifice was different in that it rose from the dead after three days, invalidating not only the sacrifice, but the system that had created and maintained the sacrificial laws. “His blood be upon us and our children!” the priest screamed in glee, never realizing the true gravity their words would have upon later generations of Jews. After this very special blood was shed, it would only be a matter of time before the old sacrificial system would crumble to be replaced by the new.
        • The power inherent in this new system was every bit as pernicious as the old, a fact born out by the Catholic church. But this should come as no surprise, as the guiding principals of the new church were based on the same Old Testament stories, because that is where the true power of the Bible is found. The Vatican became the new Temple that brought forth yet more terror and destruction that soon exceeded the judgement and righteous wrath displayed by the Old Testament’s “god”. The crusades were carried out on a far grander scale than any of the campaigns described in the Old Testament. The inquisition far exceeded the terror and torture levied against groups like the Amalekites and Canaanites and like a later Jewish religion, communism, it was turned against many of its most strident adherents. Once again, the only real power lay in blood and rivers of it flow around the entire history of the Jews and their religions.
        • The new church system quickly became as inflexibly hidebound and dogmatic as the old. Outside new faces and new places, nothing of any significance had changed. And so it goes, to this day the same Old Testament stories are employed to carry out the Jew’s new campaigns of terror and destruction. The Tower of Babel is now unrestricted immigration. The moral imperative of Sodom and Gomorrah is used to invoke and justify the destruction of the Semitic people of the Middle East as well as the Aryan heritage of Iran. Nothing has changed and nothing will change until the Jews and their bloody religions of terror and destruction are fully recognized and neutralized for all time. Nothing the Jews have touched can be allowed to touch the lives of non-Jews. Everything they have created must be expunged from our cultural records, especially their book of power. Their “holy” book must be understood as the basis for the true horror and destruction these have wrought upon humanity. Their book of blood sacrifice must be erased from the mind and history of all non-Jews – if not from existence.