Speculates on the Possibility of another Mossad False Flag this Month


(Left, Holocaust Remembrance Day is April 19) Richard Evans Speculates on the Possibility of another Mossad False Flag this Month There will be another false flag, though. No one can predict the next one, but we know the motive. They need American public support of Netanyahu's position to cut off negotiations with Iran. American support for Israeli aggression tanked with Gaza last summer, and media has had to do double back flips to memory wipe all that and realign American public perception of the Iranian nuclear threat with the Likudniks. So we can guess that a false flag must boost distrust of Iran; while restoring the 'victim status' perception of the "Jewish State".I have a scientific guess the next big false flag will most possibly occur in a US city on April 19th. No one can predict the next psywar psychodrama. but a slew of favorable factors line up this April 19th.

Likely scenario: Boston Marathon or Charlie Hebdo type shooting or bombing, involving an outdoor event.

Target: Christian Zionist marchers who will be huddled in a convenient high density group at..

Event: the 'Remembrance March' taking place in most cities in the United States April 19th.

This promo is from the 2013 March, so this has been building for a while, though turnout has been less than needed for a false flag.

2013 Holocaust March of Remembrance Houston Leaders' VIP Dinner

Other things that happened on April 19th. These are suitable triggering 'remembrances' that are always mentioned by media on April 19th.

1995 U.S.A. Oklahoma Bombing 1995 :

1993 U.S.A. Waco "Cult" Assault 1993 :

1943 Poland Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 1943 :

And the Boston Marathon Bombing was April 15th, 2013. But April 15th is on a Wednesday this year. Apr 19 is on a Sunday.

This makes afternoon April 19 an optimum time for a hit, so Zionized Churchians can watch it over dinner and say, "OMG! That could have been us!!"

I'd rather be wrong about such a thing. It's diabolical, but the public opinion value is obvious. If they give the suburban church people martyrs from their own ranks, that alone could swing public opinion toward a war of vengeance without asking any questions. he reason I'm expecting something to happen soon is I keep reading things like this,Netanyahu vows to 'kill' deal