Silent Journey: Sweat The Small Stuff...Just This Once!---Day 4

Post date: Mar 06, 2013 4:25:41 PM

Sweat the Small Stuff..Just This Once!-Day 4 Like climbing a mountain, driving across country, or finishing a project at work, we all need reference points that help us get to a particular destination or achieve a particular goal. You are now on Day Four of your One Week Meditation Challenge,which means you are more than half way to your destination of a clearer, freer mind. And that is an accomplishment all in itself. (I think another round of applause is in order!) Which is why we want to remind you to take note of the small adjustments - the reference points - in your meditative process. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here's today's tip... 1) This is the one time you can sweat the small stuff! When you begin a meditation routine, the smallest physical movements can truly conver your practice from irritating and frustrating to one of renewal and invigoration. You might not notice it at first, but these small changes have a profound effect on your overall results. And when noticed and nurtured, they may help you along the way. 2) Allow yourself to be open physically and mentally during meditation. This means to enable full communication through your whole being. Try letting yourself give way to the process while being mindful of your physical being. 3) Once you are calm and in the flow of meditation, focus your attention to your body. Give your full attention to your head and then slowly move down your neck, into your chest, through your belly and all the way down to your feet. This will help connect your body with your mind and may allow you to get into a deeper meditative state. Give it a try. Apply these techniques while you listen to today's guided meditation. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Happy meditations! Silent Journey Team, 275 Madison Avenue 4th Fl