csaccac eNewsletter November 2013

csaccac eNewsletter Vol 4. No 14

American Diabetes Month, Election Day, Veteran's Day,

Black Friday & Cyber Monday

(Thanksgiving) Edition

Mission Statement

Editor Note

In this issue:

Mission Statement

Inside Every Issue,Editor's Pick

twice the Luv,cac

A Special Thank You


Events,Seminars,Webinars, & Conferences 2013-2014

A Day Of Rembrance : Honoring American Veterans

csaccac eCalendar November 2013

Life Just Got Better.

Shopping Nibble-ts

What's With All That Stuff,cacjohnson!@#!(A Shopper's Guide to Better Shopping

Become a member of csaccac Inc

Money Blogs

Tech Crunch,July 2013

Editor's Pick (eReader& Tablet) November 2013

Tell a friend,affordable plans with text messaging and 3G

Alternative Debt Solutions

Movie Favorites,Editor Pick November 2013

Weekly Tv Shows,Editor Pick 2013 (REVISED&EDITED)

Stay Connected w/the Editor@

Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc.

twicetheLuv on USTREAM

Survey@csaccac Inc

Safety First

Do's & Dont's of Downloading

Editor Note

A Special Thanksgiving Message,November 2013

Every Vote Counts

Make A Pledge

Make A Pledge: Pledge Card

Highlights in U.S. Women History,November 2013

Women's History Birthdays November 2013

American Diabetes Month, November 2013

Featured Section:Dan Hollings(100 Twitter Tips,Twittin Secrets TipsandTwitter Twenius#54,#55,#56,9)

Easy,Simple,Resume Basics & Tips to getting the job.(Where to Begin:First Impressions,the interviewer's guide to a potential candidate future success!)

Editor Top 5 Android Apps, November (2013)

Membership (Update 2013)

Products of the Month November 2013 A (Tripod for all your Family &Holiday Pics)

Thanksgiving Quotes 2013

Research & Invest

@Xlibris request Book Id111954,@Amazon.com,& Barnes & Noble.com

(We've added a few more books to the list check them out! (Good Reads,Summer 2013 )

LocaL Author's Day

Now Accepting,Submit Today! (shopping photos,articles,and scheduled events)

cc: Holiday Shopping Tips


National Consumer Alerts

Inside Every Issue,Editor's Pick

Our mission is to educate ,to inform and to assist the disenfranchised as well as consumers with disabilities between the ages of 17-45 build credit,manage debt,shop smart,secure employment and make informed choices with the use of online educational materials in addition to providing low cost services and products.

    • Dedicated to providing low cost services and products

    • Committed to providing quality customer service

    • Brazened to go the distance for each customer

    • Engendered to produce the most accurate and relevant product information.

    • Imbued and aplomb that products and services displayed online by csaccac meets the demand of its patrons.

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow. ~Melody BeattieNovember 28th,2013

A message from the Editor,Founder and President of csaccac Inc;The following Editor Note is an account of events past during the month of November: "It's mid week of November and I havent written one thought or commented on the events in the previous weeks. Thanksgiving is only two weeks away from the day. An like other uncharted chats,I ve got an idea of the stuff I want to chat about but something keeps me from peeling the layers and revealing my true thoughts. Big on tradition,I couldnt think of a better time than Thanksgiving to give thanks,to be thankful,to be grateful,and to count all blessings big and small.Somewhat odd,a bit unusual and out of the ordinary__,having not written one word,one thought,or comment kept me in a place of Gratitude."---January 4th,2013twice the Luv,I am estatic you found your way back to this web page. As you know_ then again_if you dont know,I love and value each of you as readers,especially_our members. Without a question,I really enjoy the chats with each of you_as you might of surveyed,I been holding these informal chats inside the Editor Note for about four years. From the first chat, I looked forward to each of your responses each month. Of course-,the month of November isnt any different from other months when it comes to taking time out to share the stuff that matters to you as well as consumers and shoppers. Eventhough,I hit an impasse in the month of November thus causing this Editor Note to be extremely off schedule, I didnt want the impasse to block the message which I felt to be most important. To briefly state two of the messages I wanted convey in this Editor Note focus on choices __the end conclusion that" not making a choice is making a choice" and giving thanks. At this point,Im going to slow it down a bit, right here_ I want you to know that much has happened since our last chat in October. Yes, it took some time__actually,weeks after the deadline for the csaccac eNewsletter for me to post this Editor Note. During the impasse and delay, I posted parts of the csaccac eNewsletter to csaccac highlights this included November Birthday,significant achievements of women in the month of November,safety tips for the holidays, a special note encouraging consumers and shoppers to exercise their vote, along with special notes recognizing American Diabetes month and Veterans Day. Part of the delay of posting November's Editor Note, I attribute to a slow internet connection, while the other half of the delay I attribute to my reluctancy to peel layers,to be vocal,opinionated and reveal my true thoughts. Here's to Kelli London's Charly Epic Fiasco ,a good read and great intro "there's nothing you can't overcome." Back to the month of November, the entire month,I viewed as quite an eventful journey even with all of the highs' and low points,I worked my way through the month. I began the month with making new connections on meetme,Twitter and Facebook,lots of returns,&exchanges,I gained new experience, as well as experienced financial difficulties. Before__ I get ahead of myself, I want to apologize for this late entry__you couldnt be as surprise as I am,well,you might be more surprise if you're a frequent reader or member but as the cliche states "the show must go on." Throuhgout the years, Ive come to learn there's no excuses,only two facts, as a matter of fact and in fact. Im sure you probably have heard a ton of excuses if you're forty plus. While the truth remains elusive for some,explanations and even a good explanation could be based on some other persons, as a matter of fact. In speaking of cliches, given the two choices, Ive often re stated " to make no choice is to make a choice," Thus without much hesistation ,even after the deadline I whispered to my innerself it's the message that's most important. Certainly,I could've of waited until I felt I had every thought ,and comment perfected. However,looking pass the impasse of perfection,I felt I shouldnt wasnt any more time holding myself to perfection.Moving pass the impasse,I became resolute. In the next few weeks I hope to be able to go through my impasse without feeling quilt , less than sub human,below par,and more like the writer and Editor Ive averred to each of you and readers. Right at this moment,Ive just sat down to put pen to paper and string together my words,my thoughts to describe a few of the surprises I encountered in the month of November along with my message for the Thanksgiving holiday. And to be truthful, I rehearsed __quite a few times in the month of November the message I wanted to convey readers and each of you during the Thanksgiving holiday. Unexpected,uplanned,and caught off guard, I finally choose to become resolute in getting out my personal message for the Thanksgiving holiday. As I write this Editor Note,I realize several messages throughout this Editor Note might standout,however,it's up to you to choose the message that best fits your situation. Moving forward with November events,while everyone meaning consumers and shoppers prepared for the holidays,and making Thanksgiving plans,I also began to prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday along with millions of consumers and shoppers within the United States. Specifically,at my place of residency, I began to prepare for a visit from my dad who planned to visit for a week.Straight forwardly speaking,honesty might not always be the best policy_dont quote me wrong ,as a former Girl Scout I encourage honesty and I really dont believe in small white lies. Dolefuly ,in some instance,honesty might not always be the best policy. For example ,in relationships,if being honest might hurt someones' self esteem,feelings,or cause them social embrassment, you might want re think your approach to avoid any wrong interpretationst. I mention honesty because I dont feel that Ive been upfront and completely truthful with readers and myself in a certain area of my life to be exact the frequent number of returns and exchanges I have each month. To be honest, when I discuss ,think,or analyze the number of returns and exchanges I make each it becomes a source of embrassment. So__I'll leave it at that, because I feel at forty-something I am a lot better shopper than I had been at twenty -something. Over the years,Ive made numerous observations,and the proceeding observation always leads me back to the same conclusion "when you're not truthful with yourself the only person you hurt is you", especially in dealing with toxic negative relationships,debt,and finances. Love the term "breaking bad", I havent viewed an episode of the television series but it never fails if I hear a term or slang that's catchy it sticks with me like "Girl Code", "Guy Code", "Man Flower"," Selfie",Twitterverse ,Yo crunch,what's up,whaddya ?, Get right and so forth. Oh really!, Im for real,,if I havent said anything that has touched home in previous Editor Notes then try this on for size " no two snow flakes are the same", each of us is born with a genetic blueprint that makes both you and I uniquely different. Reading,analyzing,and making sense of "Encoding" and "Decoding" the genetic codes is something that geneticist and scientist do for a living.And most Luv it otherwise they wouldnt make a pretty good living from it,lets face a lot of this stuff is dealing with the unknown and uncharted territory. Although, you and I might not be geneticist or scientist on the technical scientific platform "decoding" and "encoding" the path in life isnt always a straight line like the image of deoxyribonuclecic acid (DNA) but the ultimate responsbility ,and you could even think of it as your job to find your path in life that fits you.As a pre teen , I recall often being told to slow down and stop acting fast. Later in life, I would often re state an anynomous cliche not verbatim so please dont quote me. Basically the cliche stated, actually it made an observation of how two people could be traveling to be exact heading in the same direction ,on the same path except one is traveling at a higher rate of speed. Outrageously, bad,in this particular, bad meaning Bad . Ironically both end up in the same place execept one chose to travel at a higher speed. Somewhere between point A and B the message had been dont rush;stop to smell the roses and the coffee,in life you only get one dress rehearsal, be careful,be polite and be cautious because the person standing next to could be your next employer. Its been tested,tried,and proven , when you rush situations ,even day to day task you run the risk of eliminating you big break. As a rule of thumb,give each day your full attention, look both ways before crossing the street, and think before you speak. Hey, it sounds like Im giving a mini consultation. Alright,back to the month of November,you caught me an English major_speechless__please,dont call any of my professors, I have transcripts, I did graduate__off the topic again. So,I just had a brief moment of relief,it felt good. So,here I go again_what really happened in the month of November? Change of temperature,feelings of uncertainty about life in general along with feeling pressure to write a must read blog. Stepping back into the honesty realm,every

time,as the due date neared to have the Editor Note complete for the newsletter__each moment,I wanted to move forward something within my spirit wouldnt let me breakout of my shell. Eventually,I gave into the force of least resistance. Ultimately,I had to set aside the tasks,and,the work I wanted to complete the most;for instance,my blog . There's only writer,and Im both a Editor and Blogger. Being pulled in both directions,m y blog took a big hit because I chose not to post my writings as Id planned each month. A tough decision __,but it saved me from dealing with editing,revising,corrections ,and above of everthing else public scrutiny as well as embrassment. On the other side of the spectrum, by the delaying post,it causes me to feel inadequate and not well equipped to be a blogger. Most of the feelings I just described stems from the fact, I subcribe to other bloggers some who blog daily and others who blog weekly. Right at moment,I have a few bloggers that blow up my Inbox each week__,it's really exasperating,because they want you to read their blog on the spot. With the understanding that a lot of people have taken up blogging as a profession which usually entails 8 hours a day Monday thru Sunday. On the whole, the blogging profession is a time consuming, to be honest with you that kind of or level of commitment isnt always feasible or reasonable for people who have to make a living the old fashion way. Admittedly as an English major its a double whammie,a slap in the face,other than just being in your face every week__ , Im about talking the daily and weekly blogger,its an English major worst nightmare to feel that you have to write or read something everyday.And in all honesty, when I dont have my blogs complete,I am constantly thinking about my unfinish blogs in the same manner I think about completing my Editor Notes each month. For reason stated in previous Editor Notes,I am a monthly blogger,not to mention that it takes time to read and comment on blog post.As a result of the uncomfortable feeling attached to those frequent blogs posted in my Inbox, Ive found relief in postponing the reads_it works, __I got this Editor Note done,after the fact.Moving forward_, Ive said that a lot in this Editor Note and probably will say it a few more times before I reach the end of this Editor Note. Much has happened in the month of November,and as the New Year approaches, I feel that its important to keep moving forward,meaning learn from life's lessons and experiences while giving thanks. In speaking of Thanksgiving,__Thanksgiving,the word itself is self explanatory,to give thanks. Traditionally, the Thanksgiving holiday has been an excellent time to give thanks for all of the people who has touched our lives,as well as, has had a positive effect on our daily lives. In fact,Thanksgiving continues to a big family tradition in the United States. From a small age,the Thanksgiving tradition has been a part of my family lifestyle. From the clasroom to home,the Thanksgiving tradition,was taught, practiced, and included into the lives of nearly everyone that I knew. Moving forward to the some of the surprises and shock ,I received during the month of November,that included the closing of BlockBuster,finding a new Luv __FredFlare, then__losing my new Luv. First , on the list, the closing of BlockBuster video stores. Floored,shocked,and saddened to here and see the BlockBuster video stores had been set close in 2013,I took to Social Media___, specifically, Twitter,Facebook,and LinkedIn to vocalize my disbelief, in one post I stated "I didnt a unsecured credit card__I had my BlockBuster card" Weeks before the announce went public on National prime time news,I had visited the location where a BlockBuster had a store in the city I reside,it just so happened to be the same store where I registered and received my third or fourth BlockBuster card that's beside the point. Eventhough, I hadnt been inside BlockBuster for a while, I didnt make a big deal of the big yellow sign across the front of the store stating it was having a final store sale. At the minute I saw the big yellow sign,I thought the store was having sale getting ready for new inventory,a little bit surprised to see the sign. Then,I thought__oh,I just havent been to the plaza in awhile and made nothing of it. Until the a prime time new broadcast with announcing the closing of the remain BlockBuster video stores. Unequivocally,it's the end era,the closing of BlockBuster stores. As I listened to the newsport ,and even before the news report__I recalled all of the late nights I spent inside BlockBuster with my aunt and friends roaming the aisles,looking for a BlockBuster__a video to take home. I also recalled ,the new releases,three day rentals,late fees, follow by a major company media marketing pitch __no more late fees,and their final media marketin pitch before their exit_trade in videos. And_ sadly, you wont find sales associate at BlockBuster on my resume_ although, in my teens I strongly thought about putting in application,. Im really,who wouldnt have wanted to work for BlockBuster,it's a Dream Job. Instead,I chose to go a four year university.

Living in Gratitude,thoughfulness,gratfulness,kindness and giving thanks for others.:The csaccac Newsletter is a monthly publication, as Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc., I look forward to continuing the chat with you the (consumer& shopper) in the next csaccac Newsletter,and I thank you for your continued support and look forward to providing you the (consumer& shopper) with the latest in consumer product information. TwtyuL T2yuL ch@wuL IBCUN LoL Cu8L until next month don't forget Lips 2shop n 2save,Savour the Flavour & Get Twice the Luv--cac

It's big,it's right here,the Editor's Pick from music to music artist to movies to apps and good reads,checkout the Editor's Pick each month in the csaccac eNewsletter & Newsletter.

Yours truly,

Jamala M Johnson,


twice the Luv,cac

twice the Luv from the cac,Im tickled pink that you chose to check-in with the csaccac for another edition of our monthly eNewsletter. Perphaps,you hit or touched the wrong key,I really dont believe in mistakes,_well,at least not when it pertains to cosmic vibes or cosmic gravitation. In a lot of instances,it's often cosmic gravitation that draws each of us to the place, or things that's trapped in our psyche that each us want the most. And truthfully speaking,I do believe in the cosmic universe and divine intervention,with that belief intact,you're in the right place. Get a monthly dose each month of consumer new __ right here! At the csaccac,it's all about you__, the consumer,the shopper,and feeling those pink cosmic vibes. Share the page,bookmark the site,tell a friend and get much Luv each month from me (cacjohnson) the editor of the csaccac eNewsletter.

From Editor picks to Products of the Month to Career advice and shopping tips,the csaccac eNewsletter is intended for consumers and shoppers at different stages of consumerism and shopping levels . From beginners to experts, to the tech technically challenged, there's something new each month in csaccac eNewsletter to assist you the consumer and shopper to make informed choices daily. Is it really cosmic?

Stay on the page to find out and take a few minutes to get tickled pink.---much Luv,twice the Luv,cacjohnson

A Special Thank You

As Founder and President of csaccac Inc.,I would like to thank each member on csaccac Inc. Board of Directors. Even though,it's a volunteer position,I thank each of you for your commitment and support to csaccac Inc.goals and vision.


Jamala M. Johnson

Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc


National Magazine Exchange


Events,Seminars,Webinars, & Conferences 2013-2014

From the desk of the Editor,Founder and President of csaccac Inc;

A timed honoured tradition,Thanksgiving reminds us all of how far as a nation that we've come since the first Thanksgiving meal first served in 1621. For decades,family,friends,food and good conversation have been a part of the Thanksgiving tradition,I like a lot of consumers and shoppers have enjoy many Thanksgiving at home,in the presence of family and friends gathered around large dining tables layered with all the traditional holiday foods.Nowadays,the holidays remain a great time to get reacquainted with family and friends,share recipes,catch sales,and reflect upon previous Thanksgivings.Forthright and reverential,the Thanksgiving holiday throughout the years continues to be a great time for American consumer and shoppers to count their blessing big and small,and,to be thankful for what they have beyond material things.Clearly,there's more to Thanksgiving than discounts,sales,and store promotions.As I write this Thanksgiving holiday message,thousands of volunteers prepare to gather at local churches,and at local community organization to serve complete strangers as well as families a Thanksgiving meal. A day to set aside qualms ,Thanksgiving reminds us all of the true human spirit to help others,improve lives,and to make the world a better place for future generations.And above all,it is a day to give Thanks in words and action.This holiday live in gratitude. Well wishes,Be bless,much success,Continued Success into 2014 and Happy Thanksgiving.

Yours Truly,

Jamala M Johnson

Editor,Founder and President of csaccac Inc;

Every Vote Counts

A Special Thanksgiving Message,November 2013

Dream Big Small Business of the Year Award 2014Apply@www.uschambersummit.com/award

(January 6th Nominatons) (Applications Due Feb.3rd)

Macy's WorkshopApplication for the 2014 workshop (Due on Feb. 2nd)http://workshop.macysinc.com

Announcing NWHP.org 2014 Theme:Celebrating Women of Character,Courage,andCommitment

10th Annual America's Small Business Summit 2014 Conference (June 11th-13th)

National Notary Association (NNA) 2014 Conference(June 1st-4th)

NRWA 2014 Conference -September 17th - September 19th Denver Co.

MSPA-NA 2014 Conference-October15th-17th @ the Sheraton Lake Buena Vista Hotel in Orlando Florida.

VPA Community Journalism Workshop 2014(June 19th-20th)@VPA

For more information related to training and other opportunites visit VPA@www.vpa.net

Shopapolozza Yearly Fundraiser September 2014-TBA

A Day Of Rembrance : Honoring American Veterans

Section 1"[Right of certain citizens to vote established] The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race,color,or previous condition of servitude"---Amendment 15

From the desk of the Editor of the csaccac eNewsletter:

For decades,people from all walks of life aggregated to the United States to live the American dream.Today that dream has been plagued with economic uncertainty,political faction,and slow job growth. Despite the many obstacles and hurdles facing the American people,the Constitution of 1787 continues to stand and remains intact in each of the fifty states. One of the most important amendments to the Constitution,the 15th Amendment that allows citizens to vote. Decades after Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation of 1863,the voting process on local and National fronts remains one of the most highly recognized fundamental human rights in the Democratic process,especially,among Afro-Americans and minorities.Ratified February,1870,the right to vote is considered a basic human right. Veritably,a tantamount of Americans feel that voting isnt just a right it's a responsibility that shouldnt be taken lightly.During specific periods in American History, women as well as Afro -Americans both worked to gain equality and the right to vote. A long hard fight,it took years of protest and public outcry from women and Afro Americans to gain voting rights. Several decades after the Women's Suffrage Movement 1848-1998 and the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's, women and Afro Americans has secured their right to vote. As a matter of fact,women including people of all colors continue to exercise their right to vote. In 1989,I casted my first vote for a Presidential candidate at the age of eighteen. From the very rudimentary stages of my public education,I learned the importance of casting a vote. With all the obstacles and hurdles facing the American people, the voting process makes change not a dream but a reality. Voting brings within the grasp of communities,families,and schools ,the actualization of improved social conditions. As the 2014 Presidential race slowly encroaches,I'd like to remind each of you "One person can make a difference," Right at the moment ,the 2014 Presidential race remains weeks away on the calendar;however,you can begin to make a difference this November,on November 5th by casting your in local and state elections. Every Vote Counts,2013!

"We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect Union,establish justice,insure domestic tranquility,provide for the common defense,promote the general welfare,..."---PreambleRock the Vote!Jamala M JohnsonEditor,Founder and President of csaccac Inc;

Make A Pledge

From the desk of the Editor,Founder and President of csaccac Inc;

On behalf of csaccac Inc,Id like to take a moment to remember and give recoginition to the men and women who have served our Country both in the past and present. Unequivocally,the dedication and commitment of these men and women should not be forgotten. As an American citizen, I am deeply grateful and thankful for the men and women who have proudly served our Country throughout the years. Despite of the many dangers and threats, Americas' servicemen and women protect this Country with the utmost exigency. And,__ because of the steadfast commitment and dedication of Americas' servicemen and women,this Country remains a great Nation. Most assuredly, there's no other service greater than service to one's faith,to one's family ;and__of course, the service to one's country surpasses all. On this day,November 11,I applaud each and every American Veteran and Disabled Veteran who so proudly stands up for this Country day in and day out,Well wishes,God Bless & Happy Veteran's Day!


Jamala M. Johnson

Editor,Founder and President of csaccac Inc.

csaccac eCalendar November 2013

Make A Pledge: Pledge Card

Dear Members,Visitors,Patrons,Contributors&Sponsors,

I would like assistance in gathering the following items:toothpaste,toothbrushes,deodorant,body soap,body lotion,shavers,and other grooming products.The items are to be place in grooming kits to assist single moms,disable and disenfranchised consumers and shoppers looking for work and has been out of work for more than a year. As a part of safety first and consideration of those with allegeries,all items donated will be placed in to two categories (1) Hypo allergenic and (2) non-Hypo allergenic. To conclude,

acceptable donations include grooming kits,money orders and checks. All those interested make checks payable to csaccac Inc or contact me @

csaccac Inc.

Po Box 5617

Newport News,Va 23605


Jamala M Johnson

Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc;Virginia Notary Public

Email: csacjohnson@gmail.com

work# (757)3442862 mobile#(757)7687538

Make a pledge to help a job seeker(once a week,once a month or once a year) with a gift of an hygiene kit. * Instructions: Fill in the blank with the person or persons you're willing to help then circle the frequency you're willing to keep. Next,email your pledge to family and friends. And,the final step mail your pledge to csaccac Inc. to receive email reminders and a pledge card.

Life Just Got Better.

Highlights in U.S. Women History,November 2013

Life just got better and finding a job couldn't get any easier than this, one click to be hiring. With a professional resume tailored to your job search and catered to your specific skills,the endless job searches,long applications,and inapplicable jobs cramming your email inbox won't feel or look the same with the help from a resume professional. At csaccac Inc.,we do referrals and consultations. Thousands of jobs get listed daily,__literally,you could have a job at your fingertips,today,with a professional resume,or social profile.Contact csaccac Inc. or resume professional ,today. Become a member of csaccac Inc Life just got better and finding a job couldn't get any easier than this, one click to be hiring. With a professional resume tailored to your job search and catered to your specific skills,the endless job searches,long applications,and inapplicable jobs cramming your email inbox won't feel or look the same with the help from a resume professional. At csaccac Inc.,we do referrals and consultations. Thousands of jobs get listed daily,__literally,you could have a job at your fingertips,today,with a professional resume,or social profile.Contact csaccac Inc. or a resume professional ,today.

Career & Resume Advice:

Ace The Interview Before It Begins,By Marcy Johnson

November 1, 1848 - First medical school for women, the New England Female Medical School, opens, in 1874 it merges with Boston University to become one of the world's first co-ed medical schools November 8, 1910 - The state of Washington passes a constitutional amendment to guarantee woman suffrage November 8, 1984 - Dr. Anna L. Fisher, a physician on the shuttle Discovery, becomes the first American mother and third American woman to fly into space November 11, 1979 - Bethune Museum and Archives opens in Washington D.C. as a center for African-American women's history, honoring Mary McLeod Bethune November 11, 1993 - The Vietnam Women's Memorial is dedicated in Washington, D.C. after being conceived by former army combat nurse Diane Carlson Evans and sculpted by Glenna Goodacre to honor the 265,000 women who voluntarily served during the Vietnam era November 13, 1938 - Mother Francis Xavier Cabrini is beatified, the first American woman citizen to become a saint November 14, 1889 - Journalist Elizabeth Cochran, aka Nellie Bly, sails around the world in 72 days, 6 hours, 11 minutes, and 14 seconds, beating the fictional record set by Phineas Fogg in Jules Verne's Around the World in Eighty Days November 14, 1903 - The U.S. Women's Trade Union League is established November 14, 1946 - Emily Greene Balch, co-founder of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize November 28, 1881 - The first organizational meeting is held for the predecessor group to the American Association of University Women (AAUW)

National Women's History Project730 Second Street #469

Santa Rosa, CA 95402http://www.nwhp.org(707) 636-2888nwhp@nwhp.org

Women's History Birthdays November 2013

  • November 2, 1936 (1999) - Rose Elizabeth Bird, attorney, first woman in California to hold a cabinet position (Secretary of Agriculture), allowed workers to unionize, appointed Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court in 1977, defeated in 1987 by conservatives because she opposed the death penalty

  • November 3, 1905 (1998) - Lois Mailou Jones, entered the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston in 1933, won the coveted Susan Minot Lane Scholarship in Design, chaired the Palmer Memorial Institute in Sedalia, North Carolina, 1938-77

  • November 5, 1857 (1944) - Ida Tarbell, investigative reporter, wrote expose on Standard Oil that led to federal investigation and break-up of the company

  • November 7, 1909 (1980) - Ruby Hurley, served on the committee that arranged Marian Anderson's performance at the Lincoln Memorial after she was barred from singing at Constitution Hall, as youth secretary for NAACP increased youth membership to 25,000, investigated the murder of Emmitt Till despite personal danger

  • November 7, 1925 (1983) - Barbara Wertheimer, wrote We Were There: The Story of Working Women in America in 1977, founding member of Coalition of Labor Union Women

  • November 8, 1892 (1977) - Therese Benedek, fled Nazi Germany in 1936 and settled in Chicago, researched the relationship of aspects of psychosomatic medicine and female sexuality at the Institute for Psychoanalysis

  • November 8, 1897 (1980) - Dorothy Day, social reformer, suffragist and peace activist, co-founded the Catholic Worker movement and edited "The Catholic Worker" newspaper

  • November 8, 1908 (1998) - Martha Gellhorn, pacifist war correspondent, reported on eight wars, married to writer Ernest Hemingway 1936-45, wrote six novels and four books of short stories

  • November 8, 1920 (1998) - Esther Rolle, one of founding members of the renowned Negro Ensemble Company in 1968, created the role of Florida Evans in "Maude," starred in "Good Times" 1970-79

  • November 9, 1918 (1995) - Florence Chadwick, legendary female long distance swimmer, at age 10 swam the 2.5 mile channel at the mouth of San Diego Bay, swimming the English channel in 1950 she bested the existing record by 71 minutes, joined the Swimming Hall of Fame in 1970

  • November 11, 1744 (1818) - Abigail Adams, politically influential First Lady, early advocate for women's rights

  • November 11, 1896 (1977) - Shirley Graham Du Bois, composed libretto for "Tom Tom" in 1932 and wrote score for "Swing Mikado" for the Federal Theater Project before the House Committee on Un-American Activities shut it down, traveled in triumph with her husband W.E.B. Du Bois in China and Ghana in 1956

  • November 11, 1914 (1999) - Daisy Lee Bates, mentored and advised the "Little Rock Nine" who integrated the Little Rock, Arkansas, public high school between 1959 and 1961, suffered personal, physical, economic, and professional loss, wrote autobiography in 1963, The Long Shadow of Little Rock

  • November 12, 1815 (1902) - Elizabeth Cady Stanton, feminist, suffragist, organized first U.S. women's rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848, first president of the National Woman Suffrage Association

  • November 12, 1887 (1979) - Bertha McNeill, worked on civil rights starting in 1930 as vice-president and later president of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

  • November 12, 1905 (1979) - Louise Thaden, aviator who worked for Walter Beech's Travel Aircraft, soloed in 1927, set an altitude record of 20,260 feet and a speed record of 156 mph, won many cross-continent races, founded with other competitors the Ninety-Nines, which was open to all women with a pilot license

  • November 14, 1906 (1985) - Louise Brooks, danced with the Denishawn Dancers in 1922-23, made movies in America and Germany including "Pandora's Box," her frank memoir, Lulu in Hollywood, showed her sharp wit and intelligence

  • November 15, 1887 (1986) - Georgia O'Keefe, innovative painter, known for her oversized, close-up paintings of flowers and landscapes

  • November 16, 1899 (1976) - Mary Margaret McBride, appeared in radio show as fictional grandmother on "The Martha Deane Show" from 1934-40, and hosted a radio talk show for 15 years with guests as varied as explorers, literary types, ministers, and florists, remembered for her tag line, "It's one o'clock and here is Mary Margaret McBride"

  • November 16, 1903 (1996) - Barbara McLean, film editor, helped cut Mary Pickford's first talkies, went on to Twentieth Century Fox with credits for "Jesse Jones" (1939), "The Black Swan" (1942), and "12 O'Clock High" (1949), when arguments arose her comment was, "If you're going to ask me, then listen to me," and they did

  • November 17, 1903 (1977) - Spotted Elk (Molly Alice Nelson Archambaul), international and spellbinding native Penobscot dancer, resisted assimilation while building bridges between cultures, used her knowledge of anthropology in her lecture/dance recitals

  • November 17, 1923 (1988) - Ruth Bleier, trained in neuroanatomy in 1961, worked with Maryland Committee for Peace, lost hospital privileges when she refused to testify before the House Committee on Un-American Activities, studied differences in brain structure between males and females at University of Wisconsin, involved with Women's Studies from 1975

  • November 18, 1857 (1950) - Rose Knox, one of America's foremost businesswomen, co-founded Knox Gelatin Co., revolutionized the company following her husband's death initiating a five-day work week and two-week vacations

  • November 18, 1904 (1989) - Esther McCoy, an astute analyst of California architecture including both large and small homes and modern, Mexican, and Italian influences, joined preservation campaigns and organized museum exhibits

  • November 18, 1945 (2010) - Wilma Mankiller, first female Chief of the Cherokee Nation, 1985-95

  • November 18, 1948 (1985) - Ana Mendieta, artist, born in Cuba and influenced by minimalist earth and body art as well as by performance art which resulted in her 1976-77 "Tree of Life" series where her mud-covered nude body rested against trees, active with the Sotto Artists in New York

  • November 19, 1895 (1989) - Louise Dahl-Wolfe, photographer for interior decorators in New York and San Francisco, staff photographer for "Harper's Bazaar" 1936-58, launched the career of 17-year-old actress Lauren Bacall, also worked for "Sports Illustrated" and "Vogue"

  • November 19, 1910 (1993) - Gladys Hobby, microbiologist whose clinical research, pathological materials, and patients with serious infections heralded the introduction of penicillin, sulfa drugs, streptomycin, and other antibiotics

  • November 20, 1896 (1965) - Rose Pesotta, union organizer and first woman vice president of the International Ladies Garment Worker Union, 1934

  • November 20, 1910 (1985) - Pauli Murray, civil rights lawyer, Episcopal priest, first black person to earn a doctorate at Yale Law School, 1965

  • November 20, 1903 (1997) - Alexandra Danilova, Russian ballet soloist at the Imperial Ballet School in 1922, moved to United States in 1938 and became a leading dancer for 13 years, taught at the School of American Ballet from 1964

  • November 20, 1918 (1986) - Corita Kent (Sister Mary Corita), artist, entered Immaculate Heart of Mary congregation in 1936, her popular prints featured peace themes and silk-screening techniques with bright primary colors, left religious order in 1967, continued peace work with Physicians for Social Responsibility

  • November 20, 1976 - Dominique Dawes, first African-American to win an individual event medal with the Magnificent Seven in 1996, won Olympic gold medal as gymnast in 2012

  • November 21, 1906 (1983) - Mary Ellen Bute, foremost innovator of abstract animation beginning in early 1930's and a world pioneer in electronic imagery, her 1952 "Abstronic" was among the world's first films to use electronically generated imagery

  • November 22, 1943 - Billie Jean King, tennis champion, won 20 Wimbledon titles, first female athlete in any sport to earn $100,000 (1971)

  • November 23, 1898 (1980) - Rachel Brown, bacteriologist who found pathogenic fungus responsible for diseases and refined a safe and effective antibiotic for human fungal diseases at the Department of Health in Albany (NY) in 1950, worked with the American Association of University Women to widen opportunities for women in science

  • November 24, 1910 (1982) - Lucy Covington, with her heritage of many chiefs, was tribal leader who saved the Colville Indian Reservation in Washington State and made the federal government fulfill its treaty responsibilities to Indians, supported higher education and training for tribal members

  • November 24, 1921 (1992) - Yoshiko Uchida, author of more than 30 books dealing with the Japanese-American experience

  • November 25, 1900 (1980) - Helen Gahagen Douglas, actress and politician, starred in H. Rider Haggard's "She," served as California Congressional representative 1944-50, when she ran for the Senate her opponent Richard Nixon claimed she was "pink down to her underwear," which was later termed the worst "red-smear" campaign in American politics

  • November 26, 1792 (1873) - Sarah Grimké, outspoken abolitionist and influential women's rights pioneer, wrote "Epistle to the Clergy of the Southern States" in 1836 refuting Biblical scripture that justified slavery, wrote "Letters on the Equality of the Sexes, and the Condition of Woman" in 1838

  • November 26, 1832 (1919) - Mary Walker, women's rights advocate who adopted the "Bloomer" dress reform in 1850s, won the Congressional Medal of Honor for services in the Civil War including treating patients in the South, an active suffragist she probably left medicine after the war

  • November 28, 1903 (1998) - Alice Cook, labor educator, tried several systems to increase union representation of textile workers and the CIO, taught and researched at Cornell University 1952-72, established Cornell's Department of Women's Studies

  • November 29, 1832 (1888) - Louisa May Alcott, author of Little Women

  • November 29, 1876 (1977) - Nellie Tayloe Ross, became the first woman governor when her husband died in 1924, championed prohibition and worker's rights, defeated for a full term, Roosevelt appointed her director of the Mint, a position she held for 20 years

  • November 29, 1902 (1979) - Essie Parrish, spiritual and political leader of Kashaya Pomo Indians, famous for their baskets, possessed the gifts of prophesy and as medicine woman used hand power to counter illness

  • November 29, 1919 (1994) - Pearl Primus, choreographer and dancer who fused modern dance with African dance and created public demand for African American women when she debuted in 1943, her interest in anthropology helped preserve African dance tradition

  • November 29, 1926 (1999) - Michi Weglyn, wrote about the World War II internment of American citizens because they had Japanese ancestors, Years of Infamy: The Untold Story of American Concentration Camps, in 1976, Congress later apologized and paid $20,000 to each internee

  • November 30, 1900 (1994) - Mary Lasker, worked with the Birth Control Federation of America in 1939 (which was renamed Planned Parenthood in 1942), lobbied for federal funding for the National Cancer Institute and the National Heart Institute

  • November 30, 1924 (2005) - Shirley Chisholm, first African-American Congresswoman, (D-NY, 1969-83), first woman and first African-American Democratic presidential nominee, received 151 delegate votes at the Democratic Convention in 1972

National Women's History Project730 Second Street #469Santa Rosa, CA 95402http://www.nwhp.org(707) 636-2888nwhp@nwhp.org

First Impression Résumé & Job Readiness

Sweaty palms, a nervous twitch, parched lips, or words that just won’t come — does that sound familiar? No, you are not waiting to perform before an audience of 20,000 adoring fans! You are driving into the parking lot anticipating your upcoming interview for a new job. What is the key to minimizing your fear and feeling in control of the interview? Preparation and practice, practice, practice are key protocols to successful interviewing. Even the most seasoned professional develops a solid interview strategy and prepares adequately to avoid an interrogation by an untrained interviewer. Don’t make the mistake of comparing the “gift of gab” with well-honed interview skills. Remember… there is no such thing as an innocent question. You are being judged from the moment you walk in the door or speak on the telephone until the instant you are offered the job.

Focus research on each targeted company

Once you land an interview, research the targeted organization thoroughly.

Focus completely on the company’s needs, not your own. Study the corporate website and read the Annual Report, executive bios, company mission statement, and other important information. Use the local library to learn more, stop in personally and ask for company brochures and other available marketing materials, and contact inside sources to learn about critical issues, concerns, or projects your targeted department might be facing. It’s critical to know as much or more about the company than the person who interviews you. It is shocking to learn that many job seekers are not completely sure what the company does when they arrive for an interview! This simple, return on investment interview strategy sets you apart from the crowd from the beginning.

Know your résumé inside out

Develop a core message based on value and capability and adjust that message to fit each company’s need. Know your résumé inside out and prepare several stories or examples to support every point listed. With a strong arsenal of examples, you can adjust rapidly to almost any interview question and quantify, build, or compare your answers to highlight your best skills and accomplishments. In preparation, think of questions you will probably be asked and prepare solid answers based on the benefits you will bring to the organization. Identify questions you do NOT want to be asked, and prepare a strategy to address each question with a positive, confident response. Finally, define a response to “Tell me about yourself” based on your skills and achievements that match the needs of the company. This is your 90-second commercial that sets the tone for the interview. Practice with a family member or friend until you sound natural, positive, and comfortable.

“Good hours, excellent pay, fun place to work, paid training, mean boss. Oh well, four out of five isn't bad!” Help Wanted Ad, PA newspaper, 1994

You are interviewing the company for a good “fit” as much as they are interviewing you. Research five to six intelligent questions to ask the interviewer — never about vacation, wages, or benefits. You will only use a few good questions, but prepare adequately in case some are covered during the interview. For an in-person meeting, take a dry run simulating interview day traffic and plan on arriving approximately 10 minutes early. Have your interview clothes dry cleaned (sealed in a bag if you smoke) and your shoes polished. If you are unsure aboutappropriate attire for the interview, drive to the company parking lot and watch how employees are dressed as they arrive for work. Or make a simple phone call and ask the receptionist for advice. In closing, remember, there is always a market for “A” players, but people often hire for passion (attitude) and train for skills. Show enthusiasm, give concrete examples of your achievements, and present a positive attitude. Ace YOUR next interview before it begins.

Shopping Nibble-ts

  • Shop 2 Save

  • Clip coupons regularly

  • Check ads frequently

  • Prepare a list

  • Sign up for sale notices by email

  • View sales Ads online

  • Shop clearance racks regularly

  • Ask the salesperson about sale dates

  • Carry your csaccac newsletter in your purse as a reminder to jot down dates of sales and special events in the note section.

What's With All That Stuff,cacjohnson!@#!(A Shopper's Guide to Better Shopping

Savor the Flavor and Get Twice the Luv,Thanks for the add & Go grab a copy of my first published book,What's with all that stuff,cacjohnson!#@! (A shopper's guide to better shopping) @ Amazon.com and Barnes and Nobles. Wait,there's more___,Facebook,Twitter, MySpace and meetme friends looking for a LinkedIn connection then connect with sales@cacjohnson.com




much Luv ,Twice the Luv---cacjohnson

Become a member of csaccac Inc

Become a member of csaccac Inc. @ $35.00 a year to receive T-shirt ,Key chain + the csaccac Newsletter each month.http://www.cacjohnson.com/csaccac_online_products

Money Blogs





Free Credit Reports

Cest Combien? Dispelling the myth about those advertisments offering free credit reports and free credit scores. What consumers should know about too many frequent inquires on their credit report?

Equifax, Trans Union, and Experian are all credit reporting agencies, before extending a line of credit; many lenders will request credit reports from one of the following credit reporting agencies. Each year, consumers are allowed at least one free credit report from each of the three credit reporting agencies. In order for consumers to receive, a free credit report, the consumer must make a written request to the credit reporting agency of their choice. A photo copy of the consumer’s drivers’ license or state identification, social security number, and proof of residence must accompany their written request for their credit reports. Primarily the purpose of credit reporting agencies are to keep track of consumers borrowing habits. Credit reporting agencies were established to monitor a consumer credit history. In fact, the information found in a consumer’s credit report helps lenders and credit companies determine the credit worthiness of the consumer. As a result, consumers whose credit reports show adverse information, for example, too many inquiries, too many delinquencies, or too many opened accounts could cause the consumer to be denied additional credit and charged high interest rates on existing, accounts.Likewise,consumers could also be charged excessive interest rates on cars, appliance, electronics, and homes because of poor credting rating. Nevertheless, all consumers regardless of their score and rating should monitor their credit regularly for inaccuracies. Debt Consultation Companies highly recommend that consumers review their credit regularly, each year, to make sure the information written in consumers credit report are accurate. Recently, I made a written request to two of the credit reporting agencies for my credit report. Usually, I will request for my credit report at least once a year. This year it was very important that I requested a credit report because I have a vested interest in knowing what is on my credit report as an Entrepreneur/minority business owner. In many instances , consumers working to improve their credit history maybe only a few steps away including myself could be on the road to recovery and improving your credit score. Credit counselors advise consumers: ---to know what is in their (3) three credit reports ---to make an honest effort to resolve any past due accounts ---to check for inaccuracies in their reports ---to reduce their number of accounts….. Furthermore, credit reporting agencies also inform consumers that adverse information may remain on their credit report for up to (7) seven years. Whereas, bankruptcies are reported for (10) ten years (http:// www.creditwatch.equifax.com) To conclude, another credit reporting agency states consumers can expect to find the following on their credit reports: “---potentially negative items or items for further review” “---accounts in good standing” “---History of their account balances” “---Request for their credit history” --- C’est Combien en tout?

Editor's Pick (eReader& Tablet) November 2013

Tech Crunch,July 2013

Android,Digital,Resolution,megapixels,interface,desktop,Apps,GB,iOS,Jelly Bean,front facing,3G/4G,Wi-Fi,Hot Spot,Gingerbread,Ice Cream Sandwich,GHz processor,SWYPE,OS,expandable memory,SIM cardslot,microSD,quaf-core,dual-core,8GB,16GB,32GB,4G LTE,RAM/ROM,streaming,HD,Google Chrome,PDF,TXT,XLS,DOC,PPT,Zip JPEG,GIF,PNG,BMP,MP4,M4A,3GP,AAC,MP3,FLAC,WAV,OGG,AMR...

Tech Crunch the newest section to the csaccac eNewletter,in this section geared towards the technically tech challenge and the most literate tech technician. In short,from beginners to experts there's something for everyone in this section. Beginning this summer,tech crunch will appear in future csaccac eNewsletter. In all actuality,it could take a single consumer or shopper hours upon hours to gather all or at most to scratch the surface or to put a dent in all of the lastest tech terminology and reviews. For that reason,I chose to simplify the search along with saving you some time by adding a few links to the experts,groupies,followers,and fans who in each review gives you latest in tech news. Among a long list of job titles and job descriptions,I am a consumer and a shopper.Without question,it's easy to get distract while browsing the internet,especially for beginners.On a different day,I'd loved to be able to to peruse tech articles and links all day,but that's not a realistic task I could perform daily or even on the weekends. Aside from everything else I perform frequently incuding being a consumer and shopper,I ve got a blog plus admin duties that require I maintain two websites. Ultimately, the various job related task I perform makes it aboslutely impossible to perform any task longer than eight hours. Even on a good day,____without fail, I fall short of completing all the task. Make no mistake about it , Im not tech geek. Therefore,I had to figure out the quickest way to get you the most relevant tech news in the least amount of space. And in all honesty, just a point of fact,you might find everything you what to know and learn about tech gadgets, right in this section,in an article or with a click on an external link. Shortly after the cell phone went from being a text messenger's bestfriend,to a multitasking Smart Phone,I began the tech crunch. With tech gadgets constantly evolving along with tech terms and terminology,a technically tech challenged web surfer might have a hard time deciphering tech specs as well as choosing the right tech gadget for their lifestyle. As the tech craze began to explode,I began to seriously follow the tech craze after purchasing my first Smart Phone from Virgin Mobile. At the height of the tech craze,I gained a strong interest in popular tech gadgets that performed an array of functions,for instance,the most widely received tech gadgets that immediately caught my attention included Smart Phones,Digital Cameras,Netbooks,and portable laptops also called micro computers. As a matter of fact,I attribute part of my strong interest in tech gadgets to mass marketing and advertising. In addition to mass marketing and media blitz,the other reason for my strong interest in tech gadgets,I attribute to neccessity and job related responsibilities. Ostensibly,the launching of high tech gadgets appeared to touch everyone within its grasp. At alarming rate,tech gadgets began to pop up everywhere from local chain stores to brand named retailers,it appeared that consumers ,shoppers,buyers and retailers hadnt been immuned to the tech craze. Veritably,before the craze,I considered myself computer literate. As a matter of fact,I had taken a secondary ed computer course in college. Then__,a few years later,I enrolled in an administrative course at a vocational school that required I attended a basic computer class. Admittedly,between the computer course in college and the admin class,I felt pretty confident with working PC's (personal computers)As a result of both classes,I quickly enhanced my PC vocabulary in addition to computer skills. Straight forwardly speaking,within the past six to eight years,Ive observed that,computer literacy and tech terminology have a few words in common. On the other hand ,I've also ascertained that computer literacy and tech terminology both belong to separate worlds. Joint at the hip,it became increasingly apparent that two__,computer literacy and tech terms didnt have much in common other than the device used to obtain and input information.For the most part,an internet user that's able to recognize the difference between the two is probably more than likely to quickly grasp and understand tech talk. Today,much of what Ive learned about various tech gadgets has been through marketing ,advertising,YouTube videos and individual purchases. Typically,before purchasing a tech gadget,I like to gather as much information that's made readily accessible to the public before making a final choice. Normally,I base my final choice on several specifications and features,as well as locality. When checking out a product,I usually begin with price,the style,the model,the manufacturer then I proceed to what I consider must have features this frequently includes various functions,processing system,and apps. Quick guides,YouTube tours,tutorials,reviews and demonstrations make it easier for consumers and shoppers to get to know their tech gadgets. On a last note,get to know the specs before you buy. High time someone figured out all that tech talk,it's only forthright it should be one of those tech guys or girls, An awesome tech chat,and just the beginning,thanks for checking in,__I hate goodbyes,so then for now I'll keep it to a minimum,__sms, TyuL,twtyL,ch@wuL,Lol,IBCNUL,I really enjoyed chating with you this month. Imperceptibly,Ive reached the end of the Tech Crunch for this month,__but that doesnt mean you have to wait to get the latest and newest info on tech stuff take a few minutes to visit the external below for more tech info.



Popular Science


Presenters make presentations based on the content they want to convey and their audience. In most instances,it's the presenters job to persuade,convince and inform the audience on a specific subject or topic. Outrageously humorous,after of hours of research and practice,without fail,the first thing that grabs the audience attention is how the presenter is dress,the same is true for each job seeker who lands an interview with a potential employer. As a matter of fact,most employers frequently observe how a job candidate is dressed for the interview. Ultimately,the real truth behind the interview process is being able to make that initial contact with an employer. At the same time,the blaring reality of most typical interviews is the interview process usually begins before a job candidate walks into an interviewers hub or snare. Eventually,at some during the interview process,it is the visual contact,that face to face,in person meeting that wows the employer or interviewer. And like a presenter who wants to win audiences,and impress sponsors,it's the interviewee jobs to wow each prospective employer. From classroom presentations,to seminars,to webinars,to conferences,to local community activities,to interviews,first impressions make lasting impressions. Truthfully,"Dress for Success" isn't just a cliche it's a life mantra that all serious job seekers and job hunters should practice continuously. In June's eNewsletter,I discuss a few basic tips to creating a great cover letter. Veritably, a cover letter is for all purposes intended suppose to be an actual representation of you as well as the skills you possess. Most importantly,the cover letter is what each prospective employer will consider along with your resume before scheduling an interview. In all actuality,the cover letter is the first visual representation that an employer has of you insight of other candidates. If you've happen to of had the opportuntity to attend any kind of seminar,webinar or conference then Im sure you understand the importance of visual effects and appearances,cover letters opens lines of communication,resumes nabs interviews,and first impressions seize the job. To conclude,if at any point during the interviewing process you've asked yourself "where do I begin?" begin as a presenter,think like a presenter, do your homework,list your weakness and strength,create a cover letter that depicts the real you,and tweak your resume.

After you've completed your homework,and grabbed that first interview,___dont forget you're the presenter,so you should always,remember to dress to impress . For a fact dress to impress always make great beginnings. And wow the interviewer. Unequivocally,first and foremost ,think of your audience the message you want to convey from the moment you walk on stage/walk into the interviewers snare,to the minute you conclude your presentation/to the minute you answer the last question,you're the presenter and its your job to inform, persuade,and convince the interview you're the right candidate for the job.---cacjohnson

Get advice from the experts:For more info on How to Write A Resume or What to Include, www.monster.com

Easy,Simple,Resume Basics & Tips to getting the job.

(Where to Begin:First Impressions,the interviewer's guide to a potential candidate future success!)

From the desk of the Editor,President and Founder of csaccac Inc;

Typically,the holidays are a great time to get re acquainted with family and friends. In fact,for a tantamount of consumers and shoppers,preparation for the holidays begin at home. Among the numerous preparations consumers and shoppers make during the holiday season,holiday shopping often receives its fair share of attention.Throughout the years,many of the traditional holidays has become a big media marketing and advertising circus.Tradition,especially family tradition has been around in my family for many years including the celebration of Thanksgiving,Christmas,and New Years. As a matter fact,I recall the years as a pre teen and teen when I celebrated the holidays with my grandmother and cousins. Back then conversation,food and music often noted the holidays,the focus in those days seemed more about family than stuff. Today,without a question,the holidays are a great time to catch a sale. Sadly,with all of the media advertising and marketing,the reason as well as true meaning of the holiday season through translation has lost meaning over the years.And_,it goes without saying, when consumers and shoppers take a moment away from the commericials,ads,and promotions,they quickly learn that history and religion has contributed to many of the traditional holidays most Americans honor and recognize within the U.S. And yet_, it's not surprising,each year,a myriad consumers and shoppers forge ahead with holiday preparations,at the same time a vast number of retailers,chain stores,and department stores begin making preparations for the holiday season and holiday shoppers with decorations,discounts,and sales. Aside from the commericials,ads,and promotions, there's another side to holiday season that for some consumers and shoppers it requires them to take a closer look at those holiday meals.Of course,to some consumers and shoppers,the holidays wouldnt be quite right without a large holiday meal with all of the fixins. Egregiously,it's those large holiday meals that puts many consumers and shoppers health at risk. Straight forwardly speaking,in previous years,I often looked forward to the holiday meals prepared by family and friends. Be that as it may,at forty something,and since founding the csaccac Inc,Ive had to re think how I look at those holiday meals as I increase my awareness about diabetes. Condignly fitting,due to the large scale of consumers and shoppers affected by the disease,across the US,the month of November has been designated as American Diabetes Month. Diabetes, a disease that affects millions of American young and old has been identified as a life threatening illness if not detected or treated at the rudimentary stages. So,as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches,I pause to learn the signs and symptoms of diabetes,once again. Thankful for the moment,this holiday season,I seized a opportunity to sit down and talk with my dad who has been living with type II diabetes for more than ten years. Bogged down with distractions and deadlines,the month seem to be getting away from me,until I became resolute to sit down and put pen to paper,right in the moment I became resolute and ready to go to work_ ,I stop to turned my attention to my dad who's visiting for the holidays. As I watched my dad,a diabetic,begin to manage his diabetes,_I instantly recalledthat November has been designated as American Diabetes Month. Truly bless to spend a few days with my dad before the Thanksgiving holiday,I took the opportunity to ask him about how he manages his diabetes. Currently,within the US there's two major kinds of diabetes.Like cancer, there's help and treatment for the disease. Although,there's no known cure,diabetes can be treated.Managing Diabetes: While I watched my dad manage his diabetes,I asked him a few questions. First,I asked "what's the first thing you have to do? then,I asked him "how do you manage your diabetes?" As he completed his daily diabetes regimen,he began to answer my questions.In response to my first question,he stated,first he takes a reading. As part of managing his diabetes,he had to take reading of his blood sugar three times a day. Gracious and even tempered,he showed me the device he uses to monitor his blood sugar. He also showed me his daily diabetes diary that he takes with him on doctor visits. And,in response to my second question ,I concluded that he manages his diabetes with medicine and a balance diet. Because diet plays a vital role in managing diabetes,families who has family members with diabetes might prepare traditional holiday meals differently.With an increase in awareness,over the years,several well known actors,actress,singers,and entertainers have come forward with their diabetes diagnosis,some have even written diabetic cookbooks. Meanwhile,as the American Diabetes Association increase awareness about diabetes,so does the fight to stop diabetes grows.Signs&Symptons: A few common symptons of diabetes

Perphaps,the main reason I take time out to review diabetes facts each year stems from the fact that I have family members who have been living with diabetes.To conclude,in addition to getting the facts about diabetes,this holiday season make some time to get reacquainted with family and friends.


Jamala M Johnson

Editor,Founder and President of csaccac Inc;

Featured Section:Dan Hollings

(100 Twitter Tips,Twittin Secrets Tips

andTwitter Twenius#54,#55,#56,&#57)

Twittin' Secrets: The 100 World's Greatest Twitter Tips & Twitter Secrets / PART SIX: Tips #58 - 72


NOTE 1: Twittin' Secrets is a series of 100 Twitter tips posted for free access across multiple online locations. Here at XANGA, we have tips #58 through 72. Other tips are linked at bottom or from the Twittin' Secrets site.

Lists" out there; this is NOT one of them. These 100+ Twitter Tips go from insightful Twitter toddler level to explosive Twitter-bomb advanced. Even if you think you're a Twitter social or Twitter business pro, you might want to start from the beginning - this is one hefty shovel full of "Twitter How-to" ready for you to Digg.

NOTE 2: Feel free to use, expand upon, comment and share these Twitter tips, secrets & strategies as you wish (all 100 are free),...


Dan Hollings is an internet marketing, micro-blogging and mobile marketing strategist. Dan has consulted for celebrities, talk show hosts, NY Times best selling authors, world renowned entrepreneurs, and companies both large and small . Dan is well known as the internet strategist behind the smash hit movie "The Secret," considered by many as the most successful internet launch of its kind. Dan's greatest love next to family, the environment, and worthy animal causes, is teaching and helping others with internet and mobile marketing strategy.

Dan's "100 Twittin Secrets" are the result of exhaustive observation, implementation, research, testing and just having a little Twittin' fun. Never one to settle for the obvious, Dan's Twittin' Secrets exemplifies thinking out of the box and pushing the envelop, just enough, to get you thinking far more creatively about Twitter ....


Free Twitter Tips:

100+ Of The World's Greatest Twitter Tips & Twitter Secrets

Keep on TOP of External Twitter Links:


Become a Twitter Twenius

That's Twitter-talk for Genius.

Zero Cost Marketing Secrets

Lots of Twitter Stuff if found here.

Twitter creations by twitter dhollings


American Diabetes Month, November 2013

*Based on price,specs,features,user friendly,processing systems,3G/4G,wi-fi speed.

(6) Nook HD+ (5)Kindle Fire HD (4) Nexus 7 (3) Samsung Galaxy (2) iPad mini (1)MicroSoft Surface

Tell a friend,affordable plans with text messaging and 3G

Virgin Mobile


Assurance Wireless


Alternative Debt Solutions

In Charge Debt Solutions


Clear Point


Editor Top 5 Android Apps, November (2013)

5)NoteEveryThing/Pocket/Amazon Kindle



(2)Pic Art/InkPad


*Best Web Browser: Dolphin Browser HD

Membership (Update 2013)

First and foremost, I would like to thank all of our members,sponsors,contributors,friends,fans and followers who have been with us since the beginning stages and who have remained loyal to us during the development stages. A Special Thank you to those who have kept the faith in us as America continues to recover from the economic recession of 2008. As Founder and President of csaccac Inc, I fill many hats in our corporation,yes,I have spoke at lenght of the different jobs I perform monthly at csaccac Inc. From Editor-in-Chief of the csaccac Newsletter,to Fact Checker,to Web Tech,to Personal Assistant,Office Manager,Bargain Hunter,Social Connector ,Event Planner,and Fundraiser Coordinator ,no matter the hat,I do my best to fill in the position. At the same time, I also have to perform the tough jobs that includes going to the public asking for support __,specifically money,truthfully, this is a tough job for me because I have worked in retail and customer service for several years,I know from first hand experience I dont like hard sales, I prefer soft sales. Dolefully, in this instance I have to ask you faithful members ,sponsors,contributors,friends,fans and followers to assist us in our yearly Fundraiser and Membership Drive,I want to make a plea to you Help us help make a difference in the lives of ordinary people with a contribution of $10 or a yearly Membership Subscription of $35.00.Once again,it's that time of year here at csaccac Inc,our yearly Fundraiser and Membership drive is going on__right now__until the end of the year(2013). Most importantly,with your support and contribution csaccac Inc will be able to hire10 to 25 employees and reach thousands of disenfrachised and disable consumers. Follow the link below to make contributions or to become a member. http://cacjohnson.com/csaccac_online_products


Jamala M Johnson

Founder & President of csaccac Inc.

Movie Favorites,Editor Pick November 2013

Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc.

Weekly Tv Shows,Editor Pick 2013


The switch to HDTV was the first spark that re kindled my interest in television. For years,Ive been very selective in what I view frequently on TV. And to be truthful,if the show doesn't have a really good theme song,I seem to lose enthusiasm or excitement for the TV series very quickly. Seemingly, this was case with Gossip Girl. Eventhough,I loved the theme song for One Tree Hill the script moved very fast and began to border line well mesh adult topics with fantasy. Ultimately, the theme song that brought me back to the show every week by itself couldn't carry the entire show or me into following seasons__. Thank goodness for pre recordings, Dvd's and tv syndication because every now,I like to watch an episode or season of the shows I couldnt view right at the time the show begins recording. In 2013,I gained a new interest in TV shows mainly because I wanted to stay up to date on latest happening for my blog and websitte. The switch to HDTV help to capture my attention. Although, Im not a couch potatoe,I have my shows I like to watch when Ive got downtime.Of course, let me make one correction,Tyler Perry's writing,acting and stage directions has keep character acting a live and in good form. Back in the day, a daytime or night time sitcom really held my attention until bedtime. Nowadays, Im in bed before the show starts,part of the reason is because theTV formula,tv magic has changed along with Tv direction. For instance, Ive observed most of the Tv shows aired on local TV channel not cable stations the actors and actress don't wear enough costume clothing,___ and the characters well they're not characters they're real people acting like real people,enough said about character acting,listed below is my 2013 Weekly Tv show Editor Pick,that's my opening line.

Arrow Vampire Diaries Grimm New Girl Voice Beauty&the Beast Mindy Project Glee Fringe Nikita Super Natural Big Bang Theory Elementary Person of Interest CSI,NCSI,Bones,House,Blue Bloods,American Idol

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Images of people,places and things commonly ubiquitous____,sometimes larger than life,these images tell stories as well as capture once in a lifetime moments. Images,snapshots,and pics often capture a sentiment,a mood,a feeling,or even an idea of a person who's at the center of attention. Throughout the years,pictures has become one of the most popular ways to capture memorable moments. And certainly,for a tantamount of consumer and shoppers you cant put a price tag on family and holiday pics. Decades after the invention of the first camera, a large number of consumers and shoppers continue to take pics, in a hgh tech fashion. Instead of the antiquated bulky cameras with huge lenses,consumers and shoppers frequently use SmartPhones and digital cameras to capture images and to take holiday pics. From family gatherings,to family picnics to traditional weddings to the holidays,consumers and shoppers often seize the opportunity at planned events and during the holidays for instance Thanksgiving and Christmas to take pictures of loved ones,family,friends and co workers. As Editor of the csaccac eNewsletter,I not only write articles but I also take many of the pics posted online and inside the csaccac eNewsletter. Since founding csaccac Inc in 2010, as Founder and President,I fill many hats including Product Tester and photographer. At first,I began taking pictures with a disposable camera then with my SmartPhone,eventually,I invested in a digital camera. And truthfully speaking,in the beginning I experienced some difficulty;however,after I purchased my first digital camera I began to feel comfortable and enjoy the ease of taking pics with a digital camera. Months after I purchased my first digital camera,I set my sights on a tripod, a universal stand to hold my digital camera. The main reason I purchased a tripod__ at the time, I wanted to create high quality self pics and group pics. Eventhough, I've had my tripod for some months,I am still learning the ins and outs of both my digital camera and tripod. But,I know with the tripod I am able to create some really great self pics. Well,if you havent guessed or envisioned what the featured product for the month of November 2013 looks like or remotely even resembles __then as productor tester I guess I'll do the honors first__it's my tripod. As Editor,Product Tester,and photographer ,I chose the feature product of the month based on the number pics I ve actually taken with my tripod ,but ,most of all I chose my tripod as the product of the month because it's great to have on hand for group pics ,large family pics and of course it's great for holiday pics.---cacjohnson

Thanksgiving Quotes 2013

Products of the Month November 2013

A (Tripod for all your Family &Holiday Pics)

•Author •Educator •Motivator •Social Connector •Independent Consultant •Independent Contractor •Notary•A Consumer Reporter •Free Lance Writer & Editor of the csaccac Newsletter@


twicetheLuv on USTREAM

*"Get twice the Luv with cacjohnson" in production 2012/gathering new material new material has not resumed Broadcasting as of June 2013 Latest Update*"Get twice the Luv with cacjohnson" scheduled to aire each month on the 2nd & 4th Saturday @100pm on Ustream or Slide Share. At this time, the recording dates for "Get twice the Luv with cacjohnson" has not been scheduled.Currently, I am in the process of preparing the show;therefore,I have not set the actual recording dates for each month;however,listeners can expect at least two recordings of the show each month beginning in November 2010. The first live voice recording of "Get twice the luv with cacjohnson" @ Ustream is the voice of cacjohnson briefly touching on how the show got its name;Twitter plus the other social networking sites. An in formal introduction,the first voice recording had not been planned or rehearsed. An impromtu recording,the first live voice recording of "Get twice the Luv with cacjohnson" suprisingly to me the recording got cut short.

Shop Talk/ Cosmetic Tips /Food/ Social Networking/ Hate It,Loved It,Not the Best,Better Than the Rest/ Consumer Alert/ Pink Passion /Speak Up,Speak Out,Be heard.

Safety First

Survey@csaccac Inc

Thank you for checking out our eNewsletter;to better assist all members,contributors, patrons and sponsors,I've developed a survey to further assist us in helping you get the most out of our websites plus Products and Services. As Founder and President of csaccac Inc, I encourage all visitors to please take a moment to answer the questions on our survey---

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Research & Invest

Internet Safety: Privacy & Viruses

Researchers and scientist more than likely would probably agree that with the advancement of technology and the introduction of tech gadgets each year, a whole new set of problems make themselves apparent such as privacy and viruses.Heedlessly,consumer and shoppers who frequently utilize the internet as well as submit personal information by filling out various forms,registration requirements, and job applications risk unapproved groups or individuals obtaining personal information they submit through the internet . In some instances ,unknown persons,groups and individuals have hacked into internet users personal accounts,launched viruses, and sent out bogus email. For the most part,the internet is a safe place to conduct business;however,consumers and shoppers must take all of the saftey precautions to make sure that any information they submit doesn't get into the wrong hands.As a frequent internet user, I ve learned that there's several safety measures consumers and shoppers should take to prevent identity theft as well as protect other important personal information such as passwords,bank statements and credit card numbers from being stolen. Most importantly consumers and shoppers shouldn't leave all the responsiblity solely up to the internet providor of making sure that personal information they submit isn't stolen. Indeed,consumers and shoppers who frequently submit personal information through the internet,first should identify whether the site is a secure or verified site before submitting any personal information.Besides,what consumer or shopper wants to wake up one morning and learn that their identity has been stolen. While ,privacy is a concern for many consumers and shoppers that utilize the internet ,viruses, pose a different a kind of concern. In short, an internet virus infects and attacks programs often causing them to not work properly or as in some instance destroying progams and blacking out desktops. Clearly,the internet has its advantages and disadvantages. Ostensibly,the advantages seem to out weigh the disadvantages because million of American consumers and shoppers continue to utilize the internet in spite of the different risk. Lastly, listed below a few of the safety measures consumers and shoppers should practice when using the internet.

  • Identify a web site as a secure or a non-secure site(a trusted site)

  • Protect your passwords,and keep it in a safe place

  • Don't tell anyone your password

  • Confirm the identity all email senders.

  • Only open email you know is safe and have confirmed the sender.

  • Immediately contact banks and credit lenders if you think your identity has been stolen.

Do's & Dont's of Downloading

Restaurants,hotels,beaches,spas,outdoor markets,nightclubs,and more...Normally,the summer is a great time to take a traditional vacation,a mini vacation,or a nouveau chic stay-cation. As the warmer weather began to roll into Hampton Roads,I began to think seriously about how I could make the best of the summer months on a limited budget. With barely enough money saved to pay the US Department of Education every month as a part of a National Loan Rehabilitation Program,the prospect of a summer vacation or any kind of vacation,I would have to put on a bucket list until my finances or credit rating improved. In each minute,in each second that I thought about the summer months,I began to feel angry,upset,frustrated,and somewhat ashamed and embrass about my finances. Veritably,throughout the years especially in my pre teens and teens,I enjoyed numerous summer months with family and friends. Of course,back then,I didnt have to worry about who's paying or transportation. Today,at forty-something,Im singing a different tune. With no money for a vacation,I turned my thoughts to differently daily activites I could be a participant and be a part of without having to hustle up the big bucks. Inspite my extreme shopping and monthly budgeting ,the truth remains,at the end of the day,I fall short in my goals and finances. Aside from the various sporadic work I perform, most of my money has been put into joining professional organizations and building my non profit via the internet. Flash back to happier times ,a time when I held my own fate in my own hands, an independent young lady who pay her bills and her rent with a road trip every now and then. Winter,Spring,Summer or Fall,I lived to be an Independent young lady calling her own shots. Almost eleven years ago from this day,I went to Jamaica for a classmates wedding,one of the most frequently visited islands in the Virgin Islands.OMG!!!it's hard to believe that it has been that long ago,anyhoot,I enjoyed the trip without all of today's tech gadgets,quite amazingly,I re visit the once in a lifetime trip with pics that I keep in a mini photo album. After I stop dumping on myself,I realized one the many ways I could make the best of this summer is with my Kindle. Egregiously,for a English major,the Kindle on my Smart Phone had been out of sight for months. Apparently,I hadnt reactivated my Kindle since the last phone swap I completed with Virgin Mobile. To conclude,I listed below a few of books Im sampling this summer. So,without much adieu,here's my summer reading list.Have a great summer and dont forget Safety First.

Get Yours! How to Have Everything You Ever Dreamed of and More Amy Dubois Barnett All Things Kardashian Kris Jenner It's Hard to Fight Naked Niecy Nash Wendy's Got Heat Wendy Williams Ask Wendy Wendy Williams. Plan D How to Lose Weight and Beat Diabetes (Even If You Dont Have It) Sheri Shepherd The Four Agreements Don Miguel and Janet Mills Paradise Toni Morrison

more Good Summer Reads....*This summer,Im sampling these books on my Nook HD+.

Choosing Glee(Jenna Uskowitz)Grace,Gold & Glory(Gabrielle Douglas with Michelle Burford)Mom& Me & Mom(Maya Angelou) Recipe For Disaster(Tess Rafferty)

Gone Girl(Gillian Flynn)The Dove Keeper(Alice Hoffman)Philida(Andre Brinks) HouseGirl(Tara Conklin) Where'd You Go Bernadette (Maria Semple) Wild(Cheryl Stray)The Perfect Shoe (Kimberly T Matthews) It's No Secret(Carmen Bryan)

(We've added a few more books to the list check them out!

(Good Reads,Summer 2013 )

An advanced method of acquiring information quickly then the previously antiquated card catalogue system found in media centers and libraries throughout the United States, the world wide web also called by many of its user “the internet” allows American consumers to access an array of information,music,and music videos. From its rudimentary beginnings in1993,the world wide web “the internet” during its inception received harsh scrutiny by federal agencies and users. Specifically,consumers trepidations concerning privacy,and security of personal information stored on the web became the concentric and primary concern expressed by many of its users. Despite concerns of just how private and secure personal information entered and stored on the web remained from identity theft ,the number of internet users continued to grow. As the internet expanded and attracted more users, its developers created software to reduce, and decrease internet piracy,identity theft, and viruses. Nonetheless, the federal government and internet users consensus unanimously concurred the advantage of being able to quickly access large amounts information varying from books, film,music, and music videos out weighed the threat of a virus or a computer hacker. Today many of the initial concerns presented during the development and expansion of the internet still exist but not on a grand scale as when the internet first launched in 1993. Amazingly new innovations along with the development of the world wide web has evolved the way consumers purchase and listen to music over the years. As amatter of fact,today in 2009,most consumers listen to music that is digitally stored on compact disc often abbreviated and mainly called a cd by American consumers. Furthermore, the transition of music being stored on records often referred to as LP's, and tapes has all but been replaced by cd's. During the gestation period of producing , and storing sound, consumers purchased records,tapes,and cds at music stores located in malls and outlet malls. Remarkably, today the world wide web, “the internet” allows consumers to purchase cds online. Moreover, recent technologies in electronic devices used to play and view music video presents new concerns and questions especially among teens in referencing how to legally download music. At the same time,downloading music has taken center stage in the music industry even more so with recording artist whose music at the forefront of an illegal download dispute. Veritably, a hot topic among teen and music lovers,unequivocally, downloading music often incites mixed emotions amidst American consumers. Precisely,what is downloading? Basically,downloading is described as the transferring of files or in this particular example, the transferring of music files of a recording artist or various recording artist from the internet to an electronic device such as a computer to be used for personal listening. Subsequently,today's technology allows young adolescence and Americans consumers two ways to download music. An consumers has the choice of downloading music legally or illegally. What is the difference between legal and illegal downloading? A legal download requires the consumer to make a purchases. A cd that a consumer purchases then downloads the cd to the consumers personal computer as well as transfer the files to personal listen device other than computer constitutes a legal download. A consumer is able to download music on cell phones,Mp3 players and I pods. Although, many computers allow teens and consumers to burn cds it is not recommend for distribution or sale .As a result of illegal downloading,several American consumers including teens lawsuit by record labels,and recording artist because of copyright infringements. What is a copyright?A Copyright gives the artist or owner of the music the right to reproduce,and publish the music. The way consumers obtain a copy of an recording artist music is very important because illegal downloading causes loss of revenue to record companies and artist. What is swapping ? A form of illegal downloading and distribution of an music artist work.

Do's & Dont's of Dowwnloading

    • Dont burn or sell cds with illegal downloaded music •Do make a purchase if required. •Dont download from an unknown or untrusted site. •Do keep a list of trusted sites that allow legal downloads •Don't download music illegally. •Do only use downloaded music for personal use. •Dont swap music downloads.

LocaL Author's Day

Now Accepting,Submit Today! (shopping photos,articles,and scheduled events)

Have a shopping photo or a scheduled event or an article you'd like posted in the csaccac eNewsletter &Newsletter.

Submit all photos,events,and articles to csacjohnson@gmail.com

cc: Holiday Shopping Tips

8)Dont wait until the last minute.(7) Shop small,visit different stores.(6)Download a really good Note taking or Shopping app to your SmartPhone.(A few of the the apps I like to take and save notes on include:Note Everything,Sticky Notes, and InkPad)(5) Make a list of friends and family who you would like to purchase gifts for during the holidays before heading to the store.(4) Save the big purchases and major ticket items for the holidays when retailers,chain stores and department stores offer unbelievable discounts,sales,promotions,and prices.(3) Shop Smart,think of your budget,leave credit cards at home.(2)Designate a debit or credit card specifically for holiday purchases.(1) Clip coupons,check ads,and compare prices.


October 2013

September 2013

August 2013

July 2013


June 2013


May 2013


April 2013


March 2013


At the beginning of 2010,csaccac Inc introduced and offered to all visitors,members,donors and sponsors a yearly subscription to the csaccac Newsletter in addition to the Newsletters subscribers also get a T- shirt with the slogan "365 days of shopping on one of those days,I..." plus a key chain with the company's logo with their subscription.After placing eight issues in print and because of the growing demand for the csaccac Newsletter,I have uploaded the First Edition here at our corporate site. Both the csaccac Newsletter& csaccac eNewsletter is a monthly publication,as Editor,Founder and President of csaccac Inc.,I look forward to continuing the chat with you ( the consumer) in the following months.I thank you for your continued support and look forward to providing you (the consumer )with the latest in consumer product information,until next month don't forget Lips 2shop & 2save.---cacjohnson csaccac Newsletter Copyright © 2010

National Consumer Alerts

If you've ever had a favorite movie,song,TV show,car,book,or fast food item,you probably have had to sample a few of each item before making a final decision. In a lot instances,most American consumers and shoppers learn their preferences,likes, and dislikes by testing and sampling different products. Undisputably,consumerism fills a significant portion of the economic growth in the American economy. In fact,the consumer market remains today a vast market and it continues to be a vital part of the American economy. For decades,American consumers steered the economy. Until the 2008 recession,consumerism in the United Stated had been booming at phenomenal rates,the recession deeply impacted consumerism and it caused consumerism to become saturnine. Without warning,the 2008 effected all markets. Life before the recession shows a thriving economy and consumer spending out of control. Even though,consumerism hasnt returned to full swing American consumers and shoppers cautiously continue to purchase different products and big ticket items.Furthermore, an in depth look at consumer reports and research clearly shows in previous year both consumers and shoppers utilized different products at home,at work,in schools,colleges and businesses. Ostenisbly,the various products often utilized by consumers and shoppers throughout the years has assisted a myriad of consumers and shoppers to becoming more productive. Frequently,consumers and shoppers purchase certain products to assist making daily task a lot easier. Imperceptible at times,other times through habit,__to others unknowningly,a point of fact, all consumers and shoppers could be classified as a product tester simply based upon their daily and weekly routine. As Editor,Found and President of csaccac Inc,Ive stated in several post,articles as well as in my blog that I hold several positions at the csaccac Inc including product tester. To be truthful,testing different stuff,items and products is not a task I recently discovered. Straightforwardly speaking,__ in all actuality,Ive been testing and sampling different products for years as a small kid,pre teen,teen,college student,young adult,consumer and shopper. Unmindful at times,__like a lot of unskilled,inept,and inexperienced consumers and shoppers,in previous years,the sometimes arduous,tedious,pretentious,and methodical process a tantamount of consumers and shoppers perform each year before and after making a purchase, I didnt fully realize or understand the task I had being performing out of had habit. And in all honesy,I hadnt seriously given consideration to being a product tester until 2006 when I first begin to the csaccac Official Fundraising site as well as csaccac brand. A few years later,while unpacking a bag of groceries at my moms home,I inadvertently stumbled upon a postulate,it had been staring me in the face for soooo many years. Besides being a consumer,and a shopper,I through habit had also become a product tester. Even now,at forty something it strikes me as being kind of odd seeing,simply for the fact, I worked with array of stuff in retail in various departments. From groceries to clothing to electronics to house hold supplies,Ive tried soooo many different things and kinds of stuff. In effect,__I guess you could probably attribute my preferences,likes,and dislikes to the fact___,I first had to test ,sample, and purchase different stuff to learn what I like. Even today,I continue to test,sample,and purchase different stuff;however, this time around Im more heedful,more vocal,more engaged,and better trained.

Yours Truly, Jamala M Johnson Editor-in-Chief & Product Tester