csaccac eNewsletter September 2013

csaccac eNewsletter Vol 4 No. 12 September 2013 Back to School Edition (SHOPAPOLOZZA)

Mission Statement

Our mission is to educate ,to inform and to assist the disenfranchised as well as consumers with disabilities between the ages of 17-45 build credit,manage debt,shop smart,secure employment and make informed choices with the use of online educational materials in addition to providing low cost services and products.

    • Dedicated to providing low cost services and products

    • Committed to providing quality customer service

    • Brazened to go the distance for each customer

    • Engendered to produce the most accurate and relevant product information.

    • Imbued and aplomb that products and services displayed online by csaccac meets the demand of its patrons

*csaccac Inc is made possible by visitors like you. Both our corporate site and Official fundraising site is funded by individuals private organizations,and corporate donors. With your support csaccac Inc will be able to continue its efforts to reach 500 consumers and shoppers each month.

For more information on how you could be a donor or sponsor visit http://sites.google.com/site/csaccac or visit the links posted in this eNewsletter.

Thank you for support.


Jamala M Johnson


Editor Note

Mission Statement

Inside Every Issue,Editor's Pick

Yearly Fundraiser (Back to School Event), Shopapolozza

csaccac eCalendar, September 2013

csaccac eCalendar ,August 2013

Back to School: Best Over All Prices For School Stuff

Back to School:School Lunches,Junk Foods,Fun Foods,Healthy Snacks,& Food For Thought

twice the Luv,cac : eNews Vid.

Editor Picks,Top 5 Android Apps,August 2013


Events,Seminars,Webinars,Conferences & Job Fairs

A Special Thank You

Life Just Got Better.

Hours Of Operation

When Bad Interviews Happen to Good CandidatesBy Linda Matias, CareerStrides

Shopping Nibble-ts

What's With All That Stuff,cacjohnson!@#!(A Shopper's Guide to Better Shopping

Become a member of csaccac Inc

Money Blogs

Tech Crunch,July 2013

Editor's Pick(Smart Phones) August 2013/

Tell a friend,affordable plans with text messaging and 3G

Alternative Debt Solutions

Editor Picks: Movie Favorites September 2013

Movie Favorites,Editor Pick August 2013

Movie Favorites,Editor Pick July 2013

Movie Favorites, Editor's PickJune 2013

Weekly Tv Shows,Editor Pick 2013 (REVISED&EDITED)

Stay Connected w/the Editor@

YouTube, Vevo & Jango (Editor Picks,Fall Sounds)2013.

Editor Picks: Music Selection September 2013

Do's & Dont's of Downloading

(We've added a few more books to the list check them out! (Good Reads,Summer 2013 )

LocaL Author's Day

Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc.

Editor Note

Back to School ,Special Message

Make A Pledge

Make A Pledge: Pledge Card

August Highlights in U.S. Women History

Women's History Birthdays and Highlights August 2013

Featured Section:Dan Hollings(100 Twitter Tips,Twittin Secrets TipsandTwitter Twenius#54,#55,#56,9)

Editor Top 5 Android Apps July (2013)

Membership (Update 2013)

September 2013,Product of the Month:Guard Your Smart Phone, more than one way to protect your investment.

Products of the Month (August,July,June,May,April,March) 2013

Act Now!!! Affordable Ad Prices.

Youtube&Vevo, Editor's Pick May 2013

Back to School Quote, August 2013

4th of July Quote 2013

Research & Invest

@Xlibris request Book Id111954,@Amazon.com,& Barnes & Noble.com


YouTube,VeVo, & Pandora (Editor Picks, July 2013)

Now Accepting,Submit Today! (shopping photos,articles,and scheduled events)

Youtube & Vevo (music,videos,singles)

Editor Picks eReaders& Tablets July 2013

Good Reads,Fall 2013

Survey@csaccac Inc

Safety First: Renter's Insurance

National Consumer Alerts

Quote of the Month ,September 2013

csaccac eCalendar September 2013

From the desk of the Editor: A Labor Day Message

September 2013 Highlights in Us Women History

Safety First (September 2013): Back to School Safety

Safety First: Firearm SafetyEditor Note : Commentary . . .

In this issue:

"You learn something everyday if you pay attention."---Ray Leblond

September 2013

A message from the Editor,Founder and President of csaccac Inc;

oops!!! you caught me,___not goofing off,no___,Im not goofing off;honestly,Ive got a lot of stuff to do like Im sure you probably have a lot stuff to do this month. As redundant as it might sound,I brought up the infamous to-do-list because I really do have a lot of stuff to do,especially,this month as the Back-to-School tradition continues in the month of September. Instead,you caught me starting a new chat weeks before Im scheduled to chat with fans,followers,friends,visitors,readers,consumers,shoppers,subscribers,and,members. Once again,it's that time of year for students,parents,teachers and faculty all across the U.S.A to get in gear for the Back to School season.People,Places,and Things;putatively speaking,in this case,it's more like Students,Teachers,and Stuff,bringing together in American tradition,two of my favorites things together__, actually, a few of my favorites things(Fall and fashion,tech gadgets and apps,tweets and sms,homeroom and class schedules,seating charts and homework buddies,textbooks and class assignments,school lunches and cafeteria lines,quizzes and exams,BFF's and Besties,GPA's and yearbook pics )Back to School has arrived. If you happened to observe,it is August with more than a couple days until September hits,Ive taken that into consideration. All ready to continue August's chat,Yes! I am unusually ahead of the scheduled date for September's chat. The main reason,actually,my excuse and I dont like giving excuses___. Anyway,this September I turn forty-two. Aside from my forty second Birthday,the month of September is also the month csaccac Inc holds its yearly fundraiser S-H-O-P-A-P-O-L-O-Z-Z-A, a Back to School event. Woops! before I get ahead of myself,I'd like to Welcome all the new visitors W-E-L-C-O-M-E. And in keeping with tradition,one I began as Editor,I'd like to Thank all of the returning visitors,as well as,all of the fans,followers,friends,readers,consumers,shoppers,subscribers and members for checking-in each month,Thank You,much Luv,twice the Luv. Now that Ive paid some dues as they say in show biz,Im going to continue the chat where I left off before the brief interlude. Straight to the point,I knew that I probably would be a bit distracted,__well,a lot distracted in the month of September without having to call a pyschic or look into a crystal ball,I chose to start the chat early in preparation for my 42nd Birthday and csaccac Inc yearly fundraiser,specifically,a Back to School event intended for parents,students and teachers active participation. With both dates highlighted on my calendar,I began to put together September's eNewsletter in mid-August. And in all honesty,it kinda worked out great because both months kick off the Back to School season. Admittedly,sometimes the hardest part is getting started,from attending a new school,to making new friends,to starting a new sport or club,to signing up with a Social Networking site,I learned this firsthand as a public school student and recently when I chose to publish my first book. While I search deep within each month to pen an Editor Note,as a matter of fact,each month,I set aside time to write an Editor Note. To be truthful,my thoughts dont always flow as smoothly as I would like them to flow. However;for the months of August and September,I felt pretty comfortable with writing the Editor's Note because the topic is one I know all too well. Not surprisingly,Im quite familiar with the Back to School tradition,and that should be__considering the fact,for the first eighteen years of my life,I participated in the Back to School tradition. Even so,afraid I might experience writer's block or become sooo...overwhelmed with everything,I began September's chat in August__as the cliche proclaims "there's no time like the present"

Truth or Dare? Fact or Fiction? Myth or Folklore? Fake or Real ? Nearly everyone who has ever attended a public school has a Back to School story waiting to be exposed. Typically,a big month for parents,students,teachers,and faculty,the Back to School tradition calls upon everyone to get involved,to do something and show their support for students and kids all across the United States. Seriously,Im hyped about the Back to School season,I know it is an important event,and an important time in students lives.Breaking away from the Back to School tradition,for a few minutes,to reflect on Summer 2013,__this summer ,I shared a lot of stuff in the csaccac eNewsletter,on Facebook,on Twitter,in my first book and in my personal blog "A Day and Life Of Consumer Affairs Consultant Sales an Service Manager." How much is too much ? And what to share and what not to share is always a concern placed at the top of my subconscious.Exposed to readers, some of my personal likes and dislikes,for instance,I dont like brags especially the mean and hurtful ones,or the fact I am the product of a public school education,or the fact I taught two years in the Florida public school system,or the fact that eventhough Im forty- something I prefer reading Seventeen mag,or even the fact I am a former Girl Scout along with a whole bunch of other stuff,I am now adding secrets,gossip,and rumors at least the mean and hurtful ones. Although,normally, the Back to School tradition is a great new beginning for a tantamount of students,for some students it is the beginning of dreadfulness,uncertainty,rebellion,social and culture identity crises and the Awkward years. Parents stumble upon it,teachers see it coming,and students really dont like to discuss it,labels,name calling,peer pressure, social status,in crowds and bullies. Certainly,I loved to think the world is perfect__but you and I know the truth, and neither are students perfect. In August, I briefly chat about the various parts of the Back to School tradition,while in one sentence I aver that the Back to School tradition encompasses many things,at this time,I liked to include,another component of the Back to School tradition ___helping students to cope in all types of social situations. Forty something years later,whether if it is heedlessly, improvidently,or advertently,every now and then ,I see or read something that inspires,motivates,and uplifts me to reach beyond my circumstances. Throughout 2013,Ive been inspired and motivated by other Editors and their notes and messages to readers. Seemingly,in August,I felt compelled,inspired,and motivated by something else other an Editor Note,it just so happen to of been a young adult book written by author Kelli London. Right in the middle of thinking about the Back to School season and tradition,I felt compelled to be uniquely me as I read the intro to Kelli London's book Charly's Epic Fiasco. A book, I selected for the first half of the Fall,Back to School season. If youre thinking ,arent you already uniquely you,__it's true,yes,I am,__it's just after reading the intro to Charly's Epic Fiasco,I got a reminder of how important it is for students and moi included to be true to yourself and uniquely you.wow! I had no idea how Id get this Editor Note completed with so much to do,to complete,and to prepare before my forty second Birthday and csaccac Inc. yearly fundraiser SHOPAPOLOZZA,TBA. And__, somehow,I got some of the stuff scrunched up in my brain __out of my head, and on to paper,wow! Summer has ended,Fall is just getting into full swing,with a to-do-list that seemed almost impossible to complete__within these few short minutes,I feel compelled,and,motivated to look beyond my circumstances for the answers and help to fulfilling my personal goals. In the same manner students sometimes require a sounding board,a voice of reason,a lending ear,and a word of caution,I think all grownups could learn a thing or two from a former public school student,as the cliche states"all the world is a stage and you only get one dress rehearsal" __so, get dressed! Inside this month's eNewsletter youll find all of your favorites and the latest in Consumer Stuff. For now,Im signing off to tackle that to do list ,this concludes September's chat,and as always in keeping with tradition, Thanks for checking-in,until next month T2yuL.---cacjohnson

Inside Every Issue,Editor's Pick

It's big,it's right here,the Editor's Pick from music to music artist to movies to apps and good reads,checkout the Editor's Pick each month in the csaccac eNewsletter & Newsletter.

Yours truly,

Jamala M Johnson,


Back to School ,Special Message

Yearly Fundraiser (Back to School Event), Shopapolozza

IT's that time of year,again! Each year a few days before Labor Day,csaccac Inc holds it yearly Fundraiser,I look forward to everyones support in making this Back to School event a success!!

What's Shopapolozza about? As result of the economic crisis of 2008,American consumers shopping habits changed and for many consumers it meant giving up extravagant shopping sprees and luxury items.Certainly,for the event founder of Shopapolozza,her shopping habits changed before the economic crisis of 2008,after leaving her teaching job in 2000 the event founder could no longer afford to buy a pair of sixty-five dollar GAP jeans that was in her income bracket.Instead, today,the event founder of Shopapolozza wears ten dollar jeans,t-shirts,and shoes purchased from a local thrift store and clip coupons regularly. Not surprisingly,you won't find this frugal Shopanista in the malls. In fact,once a mall worker who loved to work and shop in stores like 579,Wet Seal,GAP,Burdines,and JcPenny,today the former mall worker shopping habits does not resemble her previous shopping habits. A little more wiser and less improvident, the founder of Shopapolozza frequents stores such as Wal mart,Kmart,Target,Ross,TJ Maxx,Marshalls,Stein Mart, and local chain stores.Condingly named, Shopapolozza is named after Lollapalooza, a music festival. From 1997 to 2008,Lollapalooza has been held in Chicago and other states.Although, Shopapolozza is not affiliated with Lollapalooza;however, it seeks to draw the large crowds like Lollapalooza. Undeniably,Shopapolozza is a shopping event that'll have some consumers saying "I'll never pay full price again" Admittedly,it's an event that'll have some consumers taking a double look at price tags and clearance racks on their next shopping trip. Shopapolozza is an event that pays attention to price keeping in mind the consumer wallet.Unlike its name,Shopapolozza which means shopping extravaganza,its just the opposite of its name. Egregiously, Shopapolozza participants won't find designer name brands at vendor stands unless they're on sale or reduced at an outrageously low price. Most assuringly,Shopapolozza is totally against paying full price for electronics,clothing,shoes,and cosmetics when all those items can be bought on sale at low or reduce cost.Other fun facts about Shopapolozza,it's not a formal event,therefore, participants can wear their favorite jeans,t-shirts, and flip flops.Undeniably,Shopapolozza is an educational and fun event for the entire family. The first of its kind,Shopapolozza is to be held in the United States.At this time, the event is scheduled to be held in the month of September.Currently,the event founder is working to gather several sponsors and donors to participate in the event.---Editor,Founder & President of csaccac inc

Dear Members,Visitors,Patrons,Contributors&Sponsors,

I would like assistance in gathering the following items:toothpaste,toothbrushes,deodorant,body soap,body lotion,shavers,and other grooming products.The items are to be place in grooming kits to assist single moms,the,disable and disenfranchised consumers and shoppers looking for work and has been out of work for more than a year. As a part of safety first and consideration of those with allegeries,all items donated will be placed in to two categories (1) Hypo allergenic and (2) non-Hypo allergenic. To conclude,

acceptable donations include grooming kits,money orders and checks. All those interested make checks payable to csaccac Inc or contact me @

csaccac Inc.

Po Box 5617

Newport News,Va 23605


Jamala M Johnson

Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc;Virginia Notary Public

Email: csacjohnson@gmail.com

work# (757)3442862 mobile#(757)7687538

A special message from the Editor,Founder and President of csaccac Inc;new teachers,returning teachers,code of conduct,dress code,class schedules,GPA's,quizzes,test,exams,final,science projects,spelling bees,math competitions,class president,class vice president,Spanish club,French club,Debate club,student government association,planned lunches,home made lunches,new friends,old friends,field trips,fall fashion,gossip,new TV shows,and extra curricula events.

Each year,back-to-school is a major event for thousands of parents,students, and teachers living in the United States as well as communities within the United States. A product of a public school education,I know the importance of being prepared for an exciting new start and a crucial,decisive period in a students life. Aside from those two very importannt points, it's also a determining moment in a student's life. In fact,for many years,the back-to-school tradition has called upon the support of parents,students,teachers,and communities throughout the United States. Veritably,the transition from summer often referred to as "school is out" to the fall commonly called "back-to-school" could be a bit overwhelming for some students. Therefore,it's not surprising the calling upon support from parents,students,teachers and communities throughout the years is a part of the back-to school tradition. Officially declared,as summer begins to wrap up and cease,the signs of Fall has begun to make way for back-to-school stuff. Wistfully,as parents,students,and teachers say goodbye to summer events,summer concerts,summer vacations,and summer fashion,the Fall season has begun to fill up the shelves of retail stores with back-to-school stuff.From department stores to local chain stores,the signs of Fall and back-to-school is popping up everywhere. And while it is my greatest hope that each of you had a safe and fun summer,I look forward to all the best the Fall has to offer. Without further adieu,this Fall get involved in the back-to-school tradition,__there's soooo many ways that each of you could assist a student,a family,or even a teacher. For instance,you could volunteer a service,visit a local school , drop off school supplies,or make a donation. Whatever,you choose remember one person can make a difference in a student's life.

Yours Truly,

Jamala M Johnson

Editor-in-Chief of the csaccac eNewsletter

Make A Pledge

csaccac eCalendar, September 2013

September Birthdays

September 1, 1896 (1987) - Mary Jones, a pioneer in the field of behavior therapy and a celebrated developmental psychologist, her famous patient was a small boy who was terrified of his stuffed white rabbit and gradually overcame his fear with rewards of food

September 1, 1909 (1999) - Hildegard Peplau, a nurse educator, created the foundation for modern nursing in her 1952 book, Interpersonal Relations in Nursing, enlisted in the Army Nurse Corps in World War II, served in England and New York and then in the New York Women's Disturbed Service, president of American Nurses Association, 1970-72

September 1, 1933 (2006) - Ann Richards, second woman elected governor of Texas (1990)

September 1, 1939 - Lily Tomlin, beginning in the 1960s, a major force in American comedy on television ("Laugh-In,") Broadway, and in the movies

September 2, 1948 (1986) - Christa McAuliffe, New Hampshire teacher, selected in 1985 to be the first teacher in space, died aboard space shuttle Challenger September 3, 1910 (1996) - Dorothy Maynor, operatic soprano of mixed ethnic heritage, sang German lieder as well as spirituals, sang at the inaugurations of Presidents Truman and Eisenhower

September 3, 1914 (1984) - Dixy Lee Ray, marine biologist whose scientific papers and research on marine invertebrates led to public television programs, appointment to the Atomic Energy Commission (1973-75), and election as Governor of Washington on conservative issues in 1976

September 3, 1920 (1966) - Marguerite Higgins, first woman to win Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting (1951) for coverage of the Korean War

September 3, 1921 (1985) - Ruth Orkin, denied admission to the Cinematographer's Union because she was a woman, went to New York where she filmed a street-scene series and then to Florence where she shot "American Girl in Italy" in 1956

September 4, 1906 (1988) - Elaine Yoneda, Communist labor organizer with the International Longshoreman's Union, argued for free day care for women and equal pay for equal work in 1930s, interned in 1942 with her Japanese-American husband because she felt family should stay together

September 5, 1914 (1994) - Hannah Wormington, studied and compared American Paleo-Indian artifacts with European anthropological findings, also studied minerals from those areas and eastern Colorado, resistance to women scientists prevented her talents from being utilized but she remained a model for women in interdisciplinary archaeology

September 6, 1860 (1935) - Jane Addams, founder of Hull House in Chicago, first major settlement house, first American woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize (1931), suffragist, helped establish American Civil Liberties Union (1920)

September 6, 1898 (1998) - Emily Mudd, pioneering marriage counselor and family planning advocate, advised the Kinsey Reports of 1948 and 1953 and reviewed the Masters and Johnson therapy training methods

September 6, 1962 - Alice Sebold, found courage to investigate, find and prosecute the man who raped her in 1981, wrote The Lovely Bones in 1981 and edited The Best American Short Stories in 2009

September 7, 1892 (1987) - Elizabeth Coit, architect who tackled affordable housing for people of limited means, collected and analyzed information for the Federal Public Housing Authority, developed more than 150 projects

September 8, 1859 (1918) - Mary M. Kimball Kehew, union organizer, co-founder of the Union for Industrial Progress (1892), first president of the National Women's Trade Union League (1903)

September 8, 1914 (1985) - Tish Sommers, co-founded the Older Women's League (OWL - whose motto is, "Don't Agonize, Organize") with Laurie Shields in 1982, worked on housing, health, and job training

September 8, 1945 (1995) - Esther Rome, with 13 other women, created the Boston Women's Health Book Collective, the basis for the groundbreaking health manual Our Bodies, Ourselves, which provided accurate information on women's health

September 10, 1890 (1980) - Rose Norwood, powerful speaker and labor organizer from Kiev, Russia, organized the Boston Women's Trade Union (WTUL), led strikes, organized laundry workers, and served on the advisory board of the NAACP

September 11, 1917 (1996) - Jessica (Decca) Mitford, British-born political activist, author of The American Way of Death (1963), lived with Virginia and Clifford Durr and participated in trade-union marches

September 14, 1830 (1910) - Emily Edson Briggs, became first woman White House correspondent during Lincoln's administration, first president of Women's National Press Association (1882)

September 14, 1879 (1966) - Margaret Sanger, pioneer in birth control and sex education, founded predecessor to Planned Parenthood

September 14, 1917 (1994) - Joyce Chen, cookbook author, emigrated to Massachusetts from China in 1944, opened authentic North Chinese restaurant in 1958 with immediate success, taught, published the Joyce Chen Cook Book, and hosted the television program "Joyce Chen Cooks"

September 15, 1915 (1981) -Fawn Brodie, wrote biographies of Joseph Smith, Sir Richard Burton, and Thomas Jefferson, and a psychobiography of Richard Nixon

September 16, 1913 (1995) - Florence Greenberg, founded Sceptor Records, produced successful rock and roll and soul records in 1950s to early 1970s, her Wand Records label promoted Dianne Warwick in the mid-1960s

September 17, 1892 (1977) - Katherine White, joined the "New Yorker" in 1925 and worked there until 1957, married E.B. White in 1929, edited Elizabeth Bishop, Peter Taylor, John Updike, Mary McCarthy and others

September 18, 1905 (1990) - Greta Garbo, actress, got her start in advertising in 1922, moved to Hollywood in 1925, had her greatest performance in "Camille" in 1936, retired in 1942

September 18, 1905 (1993) - Agnes De Mille, dancer, choreographer, pioneer of the American Ballet Theater

September 19, 1911 (1996) - Jane Oppenheimer, studied embryos of common minnow or killifish and similarities and differences between fish and avian and amphibian species, sent embryos into space on the 1975 Apollo-Soyuz mission to study the effects of zero gravity on embryonic development, great patron of Philadelphia Orchestra

September 20, 1899 (1979) - Anna Strauss, League of Women Voters national president from 1944 to 1950, believed in simplicity, brevity, and consensus building, Truman named her to the Commission on Internal Security and Individual Rights in 1951

September 20, 1946 - Judith Baca, Latina visual artist and muralist, community activist

September 21, 1898 (1987) - Frances Albrier, disciple of Marcus Garvey, expanded his vision to include black women, organized waiters in Pullman Company, declared "Don't Buy Where You Can't Work," one of first black women welders in 1942

September 21, 1923 (1986) - Kim Williams, naturalist, reporter for National Public Radio on organic gardening and "All Things Considered," 1976-1986, wrote Book of Uncommon Sense in 1986

September 22, 1899 (1990) - Elsie Allen, preserved and revitalized the culture of the northern California Pomo Indians who made exquisite baskets from native plants

September 23, 1838 (1927) - Victoria Woodhull, feminist, first woman candidate for U.S. President (1872) for the Equal Rights Party, first woman, with her sister Tennessee, to become members of the NY Stock Exchange (1870's)

September 23, 1863 (1954) - Mary Church Terrell, outstanding speaker, first president of National Association of Colored Women (1896), picketed in Washington D.C. for woman suffrage and desegregation

September 23, 1899 (1988) - Louise Nevelson, sculptor, migrated from near Kiev to Maine, taught in the Works Progress Administration in 1943, in the 1970s created massive steel works combining cubism and expressionism

September 23,1906 (1993) - Harriet Hardy, physician, investigated industrial diseases like beryllium poisoning, worked with Alice Hamilton on lead poising and other diseases, charged academic medicine with greed in not preparing students for careers in occupational medicine September 24, 1902 (1986) - Cheryl Crawford, independenttheater producer, starting with "Johnny Johnson" in 1936, her successes included "Porgy and Bess" and "Brigadoon" in 1947

September 25, 1903 (1993) - Olive Beech, headed Beech Aircraft Company with husband Walter, trained 90% of all bombardiers in World War II, as widow she diversified products until 1968

September 26, 1893 (1976) - Freda Kirchway, prolific political journalist, editor of the "Nation" (and owner 1937-55), espoused women's concerns for birth control in the 1920s, also worked for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

September 27, 1895 (1988) - Jennie Matyas, labor organizer and educator who emigrated from Hungarian Transylvania to Manhattan in 1906, supported equal suffrage, worked to enroll black women in the ILGWU, and organized women in San Francisco

September 27, 1914 (1983) - Catherine Marshall, inspirational writer who, grieving over the death of her husband, Peter, in 1949, edited his sermons and wrote the elegy, A Man Called Peter, in 1958 married Leonard LeSourd, the inspirational editor of "Guideposts," who posthumously published many of Catherine's volumes, including those chronicling her doubts and depressions

September 30, 1875 (1951) - Anne Martin, helped win equal suffrage in Nevada, western suffrage leader, became first woman to run for the U.S. Senate in 1918

For more information and resources visit: Hispanic Heritage Resources

To celebrate Constitution Day visit:Women's Rights and Women's Equality Day ResourcesCelebrating Women & Democracy Kit Celebrating Women & Democracy Speech/Powerpoint

National Women's History Project730 Second Street #469Santa Rosa, CA 95402http://www.nwhp.org(707) 636-2888nwhp@nwhp.org

csaccac eCalendar ,August 2013

Make A Pledge: Pledge Card

Make a pledge to help a job seeker(once a week,once a month or once a year) with a gift of an hygiene kit. * Instructions: Fill in the blank with the person or persons you're willing to help then circle the frequency you're willing to keep. Next,email your pledge to family and friends. And,the final step mail your pledge to csaccac Inc. to receive email reminders and a pledge card.

September Highlights in U.S. Women History

National Women's History Project

730 Second Street #469

Santa Rosa, CA 95402


Reproduce freely. Compiled by the National Women’s History Project.

Visit us on Facebook or at www.nwhp.or

September Women's History Birthdays and Highlights

Women's Rights and Women's Equality Day Resources

National Women's History Project 730 Second Street #469

Santa Rosa, CA 95402 http://www.nwhp.org (707) 636-2888 nwhp@nwhp.org

Please share this information with your networks, students, and colleagues.

National Women's History Project

730 Second Street #469 Santa Rosa, CA 95402


(707) 636-2888


Featured Section:Dan Hollings

(100 Twitter Tips,Twittin Secrets Tips

andTwitter Twenius#54,#55,#56,&#57)

Twittin' Secrets: The 100 World's Greatest Twitter Tips & Twitter Secrets / PART SIX: Tips #58 - 72


NOTE 1: Twittin' Secrets is a series of 100 Twitter tips posted for free access across multiple online locations. Here at XANGA, we have tips #58 through 72. Other tips are linked at bottom or from the Twittin' Secrets


Lists" out there; this is NOT one of them. These 100+ Twitter Tips go from insightful Twitter toddler level to explosive Twitter-bomb advanced. Even if you think you're a Twitter social or Twitter business pro, you might want to start from the beginning - this is one hefty shovel full of "Twitter How-to" ready for you to Digg.

NOTE 2: Feel free to use, expand upon, comment and share these Twitter tips, secrets & strategies as you wish (all 100 are free),...


Dan Hollings is an internet marketing, micro-blogging and mobile marketing strategist. Dan has consulted for celebrities, talk show hosts, NY Times best selling authors, world renowned entrepreneurs, and companies both large and small . Dan is well known as the internet strategist behind the smash hit movie "The Secret," considered by many as the most successful internet launch of its kind. Dan's greatest love next to family, the environment, and worthy animal causes, is teaching and helping others with internet and mobile marketing strategy.

Dan's "100 Twittin Secrets" are the result of exhaustive observation, implementation, research, testing and just having a little Twittin' fun. Never one to settle for the obvious, Dan's Twittin' Secrets exemplifies thinking out of the box and pushing the envelop, just enough, to get you thinking far more creatively about Twitter ....


Before we continue: If you are a Twitter newbie and do not really understand what Twitter or micro-blogging is about, the articles and links below are recommended:

"Attack of The Twitter Zombies and Microblogging Superhumans"


"Twitter be Nimble, Twitter be Quick, if you don't know Jack, try these Twitter Tricks."

How to light a candle under your Twitterings for both Newbies and those that think they are Pros.







Free Twitter Tips:

100+ Of The World's Greatest Twitter Tips & Twitter Secrets

Keep on TOP of External Twitter Links:


Become a Twitter Twenius

That's Twitter-talk for Genius.

Zero Cost Marketing Secrets

Lots of Twitter Stuff if found here.

Twitter creations by twitter dhollings


Stand Out!! Get The Attention of The Interviewer:(Covering the Basics,Surviving the Interview,and Landing the Job)

•Effective Job Search (How to Perform An Effective Job Search)

•Cover Letters (What to Include In A Cover Letter)

•Resume & References Fit for the Job: What's In A Job Description? Edit,Review,Critique,and Refer to the Position •

Dress Code & Conduct (Formal or Informal)

•Tough Questions Put to the test:(How to Get Past Those Awkward Moments)

•The Interview (First Impression)

Where to Begin:First Impressions,the interviewer's guide to a potential candidate future success!)

Presenters make presentations based on the content they want to convey and their audience. In most instances,it's the presenters job to persuade,convince and inform the audience on a specific subject or topic. Outrageously humorous,after of hours of research and practice,without fail,the first thing that grabs the audience attention is how the presenter is dress,the same is true for each job seeker who lands an interview with a potential employer. As a matter of fact,most employers frequently observe how a job candidate is dressed for the interview. Ultimately,the real truth behind the interview process is being able to make that initial contact with an employer. At the same time,the blaring reality of most typical interviews is the interview process usually begins before a job candidate walks into an interviewers hub or snare. Eventually,at some during the interview process,it is the visual contact,that face to face,in person meeting that wows the employer or interviewer. And like a presenter who wants to win audiences,and impress sponsors,it's the interviewee jobs to wow each prospective employer. From classroom presentations,to seminars,to webinars,to conferences,to local community activities,to interviews,first impressions make lasting impressions. Truthfully,"Dress for Success" isn't just a cliche it's a life mantra that all serious job seekers and job hunters should practice continuously. In June's eNewsletter,I discuss a few basic tips to creating a great cover letter. Veritably, a cover letter is for all purposes intended suppose to be an actual representation of you as well as the skills you possess. Most importantly,the cover letter is what each prospective employer will consider along with your resume before scheduling an interview. In all actuality,the cover letter is the first visual representation that an employer has of you insight of other candidates. If you've happen to of had the opportuntity to attend any kind of seminar,webinar or conference then Im sure you understand the importance of visual effects and appearances,cover letters opens lines of communication,resumes nabs interviews,and first impressions seize the job. To conclude,if at any point during the interviewing process you've asked yourself "where do I begin?" begin as a presenter,think like a presenter, do your homework,list your weakness and strength,create a cover letter that depicts the real you,and tweak your resume.

After you've completed your homework,and grabbed that first interview,___dont forget you're the presenter,so you should always,remember to dress to impress . For a fact dress to impress always make great beginnings. And wow the interviewer. Unequivocally,first and foremost ,think of your audience the message you want to convey from the moment you walk on stage/walk into the interviewers snare,to the minute you conclude your presentation/to the minute you answer the last question,you're the presenter and its your job to inform, persuade,and convince the interview you're the right candidate for the job.

Get advice from the experts:For more info on How to Write A Resume or What to Include, www.monster.com

Editor Top 5 Android Apps July (2013)

5.LinkedIn 4. Note Everything 3.Friendcaster 2. meeetme/wordpress 1. NetFlix/IMBd/YouTube/Pandora

Membership (Update 2013)

First and foremost, I would like to thank all of our members,sponsors,contributors,friends,fans and followers who have been with us since the beginning stages and who have remained loyal to us during the development stages. A Special Thank you to those who have kept the faith in us as America continues to recover from the economic recession of 2008. As Founder and President of csaccac Inc, I fill many hats in our corporation,yes,I have spoke at lenght of the different jobs I perform monthly at csaccac Inc. From Editor-in-Chief of the csaccac Newsletter,to Fact Checker,to Web Tech,to Personal Assistant,Office Manager,Bargain Hunter,Social Connector ,Event Planner,and Fundraiser Coordinator ,no matter the hat,I do my best to fill in the position. At the same time, I also have to perform the tough jobs that includes going to the public asking for support __,specifically money,truthfully, this is a tough job for me because I have worked in retail and customer service for several years,I know from first hand experience I dont like hard sales, I prefer soft sales. Dolefully, in this instance I have to ask you faithful members,sponsors,contributors,friends,fans and followers to assist us in our yearly Fundraiser and Membership Drive,I want to make a plea to you Help us help make a difference in the lives of ordinary people with a contribution of $10 or a yearly Membership Subscription of $35.00.Once again,it's that time of year here at csaccac Inc,our yearly Fundraiser and Membership drive is going on__right now__until the end of the year(2013). Most importantly,with your support and contribution csaccac Inc will be able to hire10 to 25 employees and reach thousands of disenfrachised and disable consumers. Follow the link below to make contributions or to become a member.



Jamala M Johnson

Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc.

Back to School: Best Over All Prices For School Stuff

September 2013,Product of the Month:Guard Your Smart Phone, more than one way to protect your investment.

This month,a few days right before the Fall school semester began to kick off into full swing,for the first time in several months,I shopped at the local Wal mart recently built in the community where I reside. Eventhough, I hadnt shopped at Walmart in some months,I still like to keep up with sale ads. As a part of shopping smart and frugal,each week, I review the sale ads of local chain stores to get the best prices on house hold supplies and groceries. For the month of August,I went in search of the best prices on school supplies. The main reason,I embarked on this task simply for the fact it's Back to School time for thousands of parents,students,teachers and faculty. After reviewing sale ads and visiting several local chain stores,here's what I found: with in store coupons and manufacturer coupons,parents,students,teachers and faculty could save between $50.00 and $100.00 on school supplies that's just as much as an extreme couponer and expert shopper saves at the grocery store. As a matter of fact, I found the best deals on three prong folders,poster boards,rulers ruled paper,glue sticks,pencils and pens,

pencil boxes,binders and really good deals on back packs. At the end of my search I complied the list below,Best Overall Prices for School Supplies & School Stuff.

(5) Walgreens (4) Wal mart (3) Rite Aid (2) Dollar Tree (1) Family Dollar

Back to School:School Lunches,Junk Foods,Fun Foods,Healthy Snacks,& Food For Thought

President's Day, Labor Day, Black Friday,Cyber Monday,...Throughout the year, consumers and shoppers, some knowingly and others unknowingly, make some kind of investment each year. To invest or Not to invest? A frequent question a tantamount of consumers and shoppers find themselves entertaining especially during the holidays when manufacturers and retailers offer what they consider to be great deals and bargains. Speaking of investments, in August ,I featured the Nook HD+ as the product of the month. After giving the device a run for its money as well as a brief critique of the various apps and functions,I stated in my review of the Nook HD+ how pleased I was with the tech gadget. Further into the critique, I also commented that I was soooo pleased with the tech gadget that I wanted to protect my investment. Based on my income and budget,I considered the purchase of the Nook HD+ to be a major purchase of the year. Shortly after I purchased the Nook HD+,I began to look at the recommended accessories for the tech gadget. Eventually, after I and my Nook HD+ survived the return and exchange 14day trial period,I chose to protect my investment with a Nook HD+ cover. As I began to search and think of different items that could be the product of the month for September,I began to heavily weigh in on August's product of the month,the Nook HD+cover. Hours later,I arrived to the assertion that there's more than one way to protect your investment. With the assertion___, there's more than one way to protect your investment, I made the final choice to make Smart Phone covers as the product of the month for September. Furthermore, within the past five years,Ive purchased several Smart Phones from Virgin Mobile. To be truthful, I've even purchased Smart Phone insurance,a good choice because a few months later my Smart Phone had an accident. Despite all of the stuff I tried, sampled, tasted and tested during the recent months, as a result of a long review and critique, besides from featuring the Smart Phone as a product of the month,I began to think of the different ways I’ve used to protect my Smart Phone as an alternative product of the month. For instance,Smart Phone insurance has been one the ways Ive protected my investment from unexpected accidents. In short, I realized I could protect my Smart Phone in other ways. Ostensibly, there's more than one way to protect your Smart Phone from accidents such as, for example, you accidentally drop and break your Smart Phone or in some weird, odd, freak accident as you rush out the door you accidentally step on your Smart Phone or heaven forbids the same thing happens to you that happen to me, a few months ago, I dropped my Smart Phone in the toilet. Without a question, eschewing further debate, Smart Phone insurance is a great investment for consumers and shoppers who use their Smart Phone daily and for work. Best of all, Smart Phone insurance usually saves the consumer from digging deep into their pockets. So, what about before those mishaps and accidents, if you haven’t figured it out__ there's more than one way to protect your investment. To be honest, I have to admit, I consider purchasing a Smart Phone a major purchase. Even though, at first, I might of skipped over protecting my investments, I am more open to the idea of investing and protecting my major purchases. Here's an example of what I am talking about, I currently have several Smart Phone covers to protect my Smart Phone from breakage, moisture, and malfunctioning. Typically varying in price, Smart Phone covers they've been known to be a bit expensive. A nice stylish way to protect your investment, your Smart Phone, with Smart Phone covers. Varying in price,color,size and shape, most of today's Smart Phone manufacturers and retailers offer to consumers and shoppers Smart Phone covers as an accessory. From passwords, to anti-theft apps, to screen locks and codes, there's more than one way to protect your investment. Regardless of the price, and hopefully it is within your budget, a true frugal savvy shopper knows the importance of protecting their investment. Even if__, you've never invested in the stock market or traded online, __start small, __think big, you could have an investment right at your fingertips.---cacjohnson

Back to School has arrived,one of my favorite traditions. And to be truthful,I love this tradition because it brings parents,students,teachers,faculty and the community together in the back to school tradition and spirit.

Along with having the job of getting students ready to get back into the learning and instructional mode,parents,teachers as well as faculty all have the job of keeping students attention and keeping them motivated inside the classroom. Normally,inside the classroom,it's up to the teacher to present students with engaging activities,in addition to fun and interesting lessons. On the other end of the spectrum,part of the back to school tradition also includes making adequate provisions for each student during the day,specifically,Im refering to breakfast and lunch. Most public school systems often make provisions to include that students receives or at least have access to nutritional meals throughout the day while in attendance at a public school. A product of a public school education,I feel pretty well versed on the Back to School tradition and its requirements. Veritably,at a young age,at home and inside a public school classroom I had been taught the importance of having the three most important meals of the day,breakfast,lunch and dinner.In elementary school,from the first grade to the fifth grade,I received free and reduce breakfast and lunches.

As a matter of fact, the mornings that my grandmother didnt have the time to prepare breakfast for my aunts and I,I would have breakfast at school.On numerous school days,I would have to leave my grandmother's home a few minutes early to stand in the breakfast line. In fact,I stood in line with alot of kids waiting for breakfast before the school bell would ring. Of course,there was a catch I had to be in the breakfast line at a certain time to receive breakfast. By the end of fifth grade,I had been indoctrinated,breakfast,lunch and dinner. Between the ages of eight and ten ,I had memorized the food pyramid in the same manner I had memorized the multiplication chart. Surprisingly,not much has changed since my elementary and middle school days,I still love breakfast in the morning __,although,these days I rarely have the breakfast mornings I had in the beginning stages of my education. Even today,at forty something,I agree with teachers,staff,and counselors,it's hard for students to concentrate on learning when their stomachs are growling and they're hungry. Unequivocally,food does help students to think just as milk does the body good,I learned that from Mr. Peabody a PBS kid show. Certainly,the kinds of food kids eat at home and at school is also an equally important part of the learning process.Imperceptibly,as a freshman in college and when I hit my twenties,it seemed as if(I wanted everything that was bad for me like a really bad porno flick.)Alright! so,Im not sitting behind a teacher's desk or sitting at pupil's desk,the point Im trying to make is that as an Editor,consultant,product testor,and blogger,I have to be able to focus and think clearly for more than thirty minutes a day .

In previous years,Ive maintained focus with a balanced diet,a good nights sleep,and a really good multi vitamin.Straight forwardly speaking,today__,my lunches,_I have to be honest, they're a far cry from those elementary and middle school lunches.

These days, Im living on a starving writer's staple: milkshakes packed with protein( french vanilla,double vanilla,strawberry,chocolate and dark chocolate) bagels,chips,wraps,chicken

nuggets,curly fries with lots of ketchup,loaded bake potatoes with tons of sour cream guacamole and ricotta cheese,chicken and rice or at least chicken flavored beans and rice,black beans and rice,quesadillas,grill cheese,flat bread hand made pizza,chicken and cheese.

quesadillas,taco salad with yellow corn,fish tacos,mac& cheese w/sweet peas,... Over the years,Ive come to the conclusion too much of anything is bad for you. Without fail,normally each year around this time,I automatically associate balanced meals and nutrition as a part of the Back to School tradition. Typically,parents and students will often quickly discover that school lunches usually consist of food a tantamount of students like to eat at home on the weekends. And in some instances,school lunches consist of foods students like to eat as appetizers.In recent years,there has been trend in public schools to offer more healthy foods than the traditional hamburgers and fries,or pizza as a lunch menu option. With the food pyramid put into retirement,the food diagram called the"Plate" is now being used to help students learn the different food groups. Luckily for parents of public school students,in most schools,the school lunch menu is made easily accessible and planned weeks in advance. Personally,I love and have loved the idea of parents being able to easily access the menu. When I attended public school,I frequently took some time to go over the lunch menu for each week. Wow,it's amazing how some things stay the same. Egregiously,the food selection has changed. Let's face it,frequently planned in advance, the easy accessibility to the school lunch menu gives parents the option of preparing bag or box lunches in addition to adding items if they feel deemed to do so,in case the school lunch menu is not affable to their standards. Once again,just to re hash some old school facts, as Ive stated in blogs and articles,I am a product of a public school education. And it's no secret that I am big on tradition and choices.Conversely,I am not against public schools offering students a variety of food choices this includes Fun Foods,Snack Foods,Junk Foods,and Healthy Foods. LoL,certain foods could fall into more than one category,a school lunch is often a good place for students to learn their likes and dislikes. Furthermore,I believe a part of the maturation process is allowing students to make choices apart from adult supervision. Moreover,students at a young age should learn to distinguish between the different kinds of food.To conclude,the Back to School tradition encompasses many things;however,it's up to parents,teachers,staff and administrators to facilitate as well as exert all efforts to make certain the Back to School tradition is properly implemented and adhered to within public schools . On a final note, to all parents,,students,teachers,staff,and faculty__Well wishes,Be Bless, much success and Continued success this Fall semester ---Editor-in-Chief

Products of the Month (August,July,June,May,April,March) 2013

twice the Luv,cac : eNews Vid.

Nook HD+ Review:The summer months for a lot of consumers and shoppers has for many years been a great time to try

new stuff and new things. So,this summer I joined the ranks of thousands of consumers and shoppers who love to test,try,and sample new things. With a limited budget,creditors and the US Department of Ed breathing down my back,I had to think of my future and the stuff that would put me one step closer to the me of the future. With the thought of my future looming over my head,I based this month test product on my job and future jobs. First,let me say,Ive tested several tech gadgets before making this month purchase. In fact, a few years back I bought a Acer Aspire 1 netbook that lasted about two or three years. And in all honesty,__today,I confess that I barely every touched the thing. Egregiously,I still have it along with some other stuff waiting for repairs and alterations, including shoes. Aside from the specific jobs I perform as an Editor ,Founder and President of csaccac Inc,I am also a consultant that requires being well versed on many subjects as well as being informed of various consumer products and laws. Therefore,I also have to make time to try new things and stuff. As a matter of fact, as displayed on csaccac official Fundraising site,product testor is one of the many hats I fill at csaccac Inc. Instead of restricting myself to one locations because of limited funds this summer I had to think outside the box. First things first,I wanted to be well equip for the summer,clients,job prospects,and promotions,again thinking of my future I began with a new handbag that could go for work or play,then I redesign my biz cards,next I took a long look at my feet and put pedicure on the list,and lastly,I had to have a tech gadget other than my Smart Phone that could go anywhere;of course ,it had to have Wi fi. Quite astonishing,a trip to the Peninsula Towne Center prove to be just the pick me up I was looking for__. The visit to the PTC made my summer,as I found my way to Barnes and Nobles to purchase the Nook HD + after months of consideration and review I had finally purchased a Nook HD+. Here's my review:I love the new Nook HD+,it has great visual,images,and sounds.The only downside of the Nook HD+ it doesnt have a Front facing VGA camera or side slots to connect keyboards or Smart Phones as harsh as that might sound for the price it is still a good buy. What makes the Nook HD+ a good buy? a few things, ONCE AGAIN THE PRICE,OF COURSE. IN ADDITION TO BEING AFFORDABLE,THE VARIOUS APPS AVAILABLE,BUILT WI-FI,THE GREAT IMAGES,VISUALS,AND SOUND,THE GOOGLE CHROME BROWSER,BATTERY LIFE, PLUS IT IS STURDY ENOUGH FOR MORE THAN ONE USER PROFILE. BEST OF ALL,IT IS LIGHT ENOUGH TO FIT IN ANY AVERAGE SIZE HANDBAG AND IT IS NOT TOO COMPLEX FOR BEGINNERS OR THE TECHNICALLY TECH CHALLEGNE WEB SURFER TO START IT UP. OVERALL,IT'S WORTH EVERY PENNY TO INVEST IN A REALLY GOOD EBOOK/TABLET. AND I HAVE TO ADMIT ,IM NOT A FAN OF TOUCH ONLY,SINCE THE TECH CRAZE,I HAVE BEEN VERY STERN ABOUT HAVING A QWERTY KEYBOARD. HOWEVER, AFTER A FEW HOURS WITH MY NOOK HD+,IM IMPRESS WITH ITS PERFORMANCE.---CACJOHNSON.

Have a deadline to meet?______and you dont want to take a chance that the next place you stop or plan to visit doesn't have wifi access then Broadband to Go could be the answer for making a wifi connection. It doesnt matter if you're on lunch break,on a mini vacation,at a webinar or conference,filling out an online report or having to send emails can be a hassle if you don't have a wifi connection,a Broadband device is just one of the many tech gadgets that consumers and shoppers frequently use to get a internet connection. Constantly,on the go,I wanted to have access to wifi while away from my place of residency. Because,I perform an arrary task that frequently requires wifi access ,I purchased a Broadband to Go device from Virgin Mobile. Although,a myriad of stores and restaurants offer free wifi to its customers,for instance,places such as McDonalds,Starbucks,Office Depot,Barnes and Nobles as well as most local hotels,I felt by purchasing a Broadband to Go device that it would spare me from future disappointments and delays. A Virgin Mobile customer,Ive tried several of Virgin Mobile Smart Phones . Egregiously,a Virgin Mobile customer and fan,I live by Virgin Mobile products except in the case of Virgin Mobile wifi devices. Smart Phones and wifi devices,Im talking two very different products. Without a question ,Virgin Mobile has made itself one the top Smart Phone providers. Recently,I purchased Virgin Mobile's MiFi 2200 to conciliate my worries about not being able to access wifi away from home. To be truthful,before purchasing the MiFi 2200,at first I tried Virgin Mobile's 3G plug n play USB stick on my Acer Aspire laptop. After purchasing three of four 3G plug n play USB sticks, I became upset with the product for several reasons including the fact I received very slow internet speed. Aside from very slow internet speed,the device could only connect to one tech gadget and,the 3G USB plug n play stick broke too easily. On top of everything else,I recall one of the 3G USB plug n play sticks went entirely black,at that point,I could no longer acess the internet. Exactly,how each plug n play device broke,I really dont know ;however,I recall the longest time that the plug n play device lasted had to of been at least a month with internet connection.Depsite the difficulties and problems that occurred with the plug n play device,months later,I chose to give Virgin Mobile another a chance with its wifi device__this time I purchase the MiFi 2200. Amazingly ,I struck gold with this device. A mobile hotspot,the MiFi 2200 redeem Virgin Mobile making it a reliable carrier of mobile wifi products. Some of MiFi 2200 best features inculde one touch,3G&Wifi capable,connects up to 5 devices,I would definitely recommend this product to consumers and shoppers constantly on the go with deadlines to meet. --- cacjohnson

twice the Luv from the cac,

Im tickled pink that you chose to check-in with the csaccac for another edition of our monthly eNewsletter. Perhaps,you hit or touched the wrong key,I really dont believe in mistakes,_well,at least not when it pertains to cosmic vibes or cosmic gravitation. In a lot of instances,it's often cosmic gravitation that draws each of us to the place, or things that's trapped in our psyche that each us want the most. And truthfully speaking,I do believe in the cosmic universe and divine intervention,with that belief intact,you're in the right place. Get a monthly dose each month of consumer new __ right here! At the csaccac,it's all about you__, the consumer,the shopper,and feeling those pink cosmic vibes. Share the page,bookmark the site,tell a friend and get much Luv each month from me (cacjohnson) the editor of the csaccac eNewsletter. From Editor picks to Products of the Month to Career advice and shopping tips,the csaccac eNewsletter is intended for consumers and shoppers at different stages of consumerism and shopping levels . From beginners to experts, to the tech technically challenged, there's something new each month in csaccac eNewsletter to assist you the consumer and shopper to make informed choices daily. Is it really cosmic? Stay on the page to find out and take a few minutes to get tickled pink.---much Luv,twicetheLuv cacjohnson

Recyclable totes,more than one use: While out shopping at various stores,I took a moment to checkout the price range of recyclable totes in each store I patron. From .75¢ to $3.00,a recyclable tote doesnt have to break the bank. Affordable,great to have on hand for shopping emergencies,the latest in recycling,a recyclable tote makes shopping less of a hassle. Ditching the old biodegradeable plastic bags for a recyclable tote,it's a smart move and a great investment for frugal,savvy,and environmentally conscious consumers and shoppers.Available in most local chain stores and at grocery stores,recyclable totes are becoming the better choice than leaving stores with the traditional biodegradeable plastic bag. Part of a movement to get consumers and shoppers involved in recycling and to think about going green,consumers and shoppers now have the option of trading in those plastic bags for a recyclable tote. A frequent shopper,I usually purchase a couple of recyclable totes to hold store purchases and other stuff. Eventhough,I like having the choice to purchase a recyclable tote,I havent completely stop using biodegradeable plastic bags. However,I have to point out the fact that when a consumer and shoppers purchase a recyclable tote they're not limited to using the tote only in that store,that's why they're called recyclable totes because they can be used more than once. In fact, most recycable totes last for more than a week,I should know because I still have a few leftover from the previous month.

What took you so long? Savings and Rewards. A great deal,a really good find,a price you wont find anywhere else,and the best price among competitors,I love a great sale and I love rewards for shopping. Savings and Rewards,for most consumers and shoppers,it's all about getting the best price for items purchase daily. From household supplies to groceries,anyone who shops frequently knows consumers and shoppers love a really good sale_,the economic recession of 2008 could be the culprit. In fact,since the 2008 economic recession savings and rewards has become extremely important to American families on a budget. For many American consumers and shoppers,the unexpected downturn of the American economy caused a disruption in their daily activies thus forcing consumer and shoppers to rethink the way they shop and how they shop. As a frequent shopper and consumer,I am constantly looking for a great deal and sales on items I purchase regularly,mainly because I do live on a strict budget. Admittedly,after the 2008 economic recession,I rediscovered coupons,and began clipping coupons frequently. In addition to clipping coupons,I also began to check sale ads at home and at the door of stores before shopping. Along with making a shopping list,clipping coupons at home,checking sale ads at the door and comparing prices,these days one of the best ways to save and get the best deals,I feel without a question has to be with a savings and reward card. And speaking honestly, a savings and rewards card from your local chain store should be a consumer or shoppers BF(bestie). A must have for consumers and shoppers who seriously want to save,a savings and rewards card. Today,most local chain stores ask customers if they have a savings and reward card or if they'd like a savings and reward cards,make no qualms about it ,if you want the best deals and prices get a savings and reward card.---cacjohnson

Editor Picks,Top 5 Android Apps,August 2013

All The Right Ingredients(Dont Wait Until The Last Minute ):When you're not sure what buy,get a gift card,Im sure you've heard it before gift cards make great gifts,well it's a statement that's becoming a cliche and it's not to far from the truth. "In several of the articles,I have written for cacjohnson website I briefly discuss my shopping habit as a young adult also including details of my shopping habits as a college student,I also mentioned during those days I did not use credit cards to make many of my purchases.Egregiously,I still found a way to buy the necessities as well as a gift or a card to give to family,friends, and classmates. Throughout the years, my experience with last minute shopping in most instances was not too pleasant. Admittedly,I empathize as well as concur with consumers who express sentiments that last minute shopping makes the shopper(consumer) feel uncomfortable and forlorn with the just thought of buying a gift at the last minute. Often tight on funds to purchase a gift ahead of time,last minute shopping for an overwhelmed consumer with a limited budget could cause the consumer to be late and in some instance not to attend the event or special function. Subsequently, over the years, I have come to realize that last minute shopping it's not the best of fun. As a result, I definitely would not recommend last minute shopping to a consumer as a shopping tip. Unequivocally, shopping for special events and functions such as finding an appropriate could take several visits different stores. Finding the appropriate could mean spending an entire day in a Hallmark store reading cards, it could also mean spending all day on the phone with friend or relatives discussing gift registry,preferences,stores,likes and dislike of the recipient. Ostensibly,the older you get the adults in your life expect two things from you one not to embarrass them in public and two if you don't have a gift to bring at least show up at special functions on time. What's more important,being punctilious or bringing a gift?..so you weren't able to find the gift you thought was so fitting and deserving of the recipient __don't get discouraged as I have often become in past,instead purchase a special card then add a gift certificate or re-loadable gift card on the inside. Indeed, an earnest shopper as well as a meticulous shopper knows finding the right gift or card for a special function could require hours of shopping and visiting different stores. Shopping done precipitously could result in purchasing the wrong size,color, or something way out in left field. Without a question, the economic recession of 2007 caused many consumer to re-evaluate their shopping habits...so, if you're not sure what to get or you didn't have the time to do the research or it just wasn't in your budget to get a gift for the event, to preclude embarrassment and inappropriate gifts, a gift card one of the surest ways available to consumers . Don't wait until the last minute to shop for a party,baby showers,bachelorette bash,birthdays,holidays ,and anniversaries avoid uncomfortableness and the feeling of being inadequate,plan the week before. On certain days, I have even shopped the day of the event that often leaves me feeling embarrassed ashamed, and guilty about my finances even worse depress. What should a consumer practice regularly to avoid those feeling? one write down the date of important events and functions keep them on hand ____therefore, when out shopping in grocery store or chain store you can pullout the list see if the items on sale the store circular that's simple an easy way to avoid embarrassment.Again here's the word no one likes “ sacrifice” as teenager the adults in my life called it “delayed gratification” review your budget look to find areas you could cut back for instance “entertainment,restaurants,personal hygiene”then apply the money towards a gift or a gift card. Incontrovertibly,last minute shopping in many instances could causes the consumer to become distraught,exasperated, and disconcerted not surprisingly all the emotions take away from the planned day. What's more important being punctilious for the planned event or arriving with a hand picked gift for the recipient or recipients? Ultimately,the answer remains with the shopper (consumer) The answer should be non bias and based on the event as well as the recipient and not the shoppers wallet . For many consumers its important to arrive on time and with a gift. The meticulous consumer that normally keeps track of birthdays, holidays,and anniversaries with calendars,through emails,P DA's ,Smart phones and other tech savvy gadgets of courses would not necessarily share the same feelings of a last minute shopper . However, the consumer on budget, limited access to credit little inner voice might something like “I'll wait until I get paid” it's okay to wait until you get paid just as along as the payday isn't the day before the event.How many times as a shopper have you thought to buy an item before the event but then thought about your finances or job while in the store,yes,it happens to many consumers,I know Im one of them often including my negative thought that's actually a cliche “ the road to hell is paved with good intentions."Excerpt from What's With All That Stuff,cacjohnson!#@! (A Shopper's Guide to Better Shopping) pg 70-71

(5) Nook Hd+

(4) Broaband to Go

(3) Recycable Totes

(2) Savings & Rewards

(1)McDonald's Gift Card

After purchasing my Nook HD+ this summer ,one of the first things I completed on my Nook HD+,based on the instructions and in accordance with Nook procedures,the Nook set up that required I select my preferences. I then followed the set up completion with reading the Nook HD+ quick quide.Ostensibly,every tech gadget has its signature app. Aside from the signature app,there's sooo many things that makes a tech gadet,netbook,PC andSmart Phone uniquely you_I just happened to be a Wallpaper&Ringtones(notification sounds) feign. Of course,an android device wouldnt be totally you and complete without your favorite app,__you guessed I downloaded my favorite Wallpaper to set the screen.The first two weeks with my Nook HD+,I couldnt put the device down. Months of comparing features,functions and prices,I chose to set my sight on the Nook HD+. Stimulated by the summer atmosphere,I became resolute on making what would be a major purchase for the summer of 2013. All votes in,I felt confident and pleased with my choice in one of the hottest items on the tech market. Amazing,awesome,and terrific just a few adjectives to describe my Nook HD+ experience. Within the first few hours,the Nook HD+ performed many of the functions that my current Smart Phone has performed during the past several months. Estatic about my purchase one of the first task I performed,after making my purchase at Barnes and Noble,while standing in line at Five Guys, __the hamburger joint, first time ever visiting the place__,I posted a status update on meet me and then later on Facebook and Twitter to announce my purchase. So,here's the final take,on this month's Editor Pick __Top Five Android Apps based on the apps I downloaded to my Nook HD+ from a selection of apps from my Smart Phone and the Nook HD+ that also comes with preloaded apps as well as specific NookHD+ apps.









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Youtube&Vevo, Editor's Pick May 2013

Videos (10) JLo__ Goin In (9) Nicki Minaj Featuring Chris Brown__Right by my side. (8) Drake Feature Rihanna___ Take Care (7) Rihanna____Where Have You Been (6) Justin Bieber Featuring Nicki Minaj___Beauty & the Beat (5) Justin Bieber__Boyfriend (4) Pitbull Featuring Christina __Feel This Moment (3) Justin Timberlake___Suit & Tie (2) Beyonce__Love On Top (1) Music (10) Tamara Braxton__Love and War (9) Jon Hart___Who Booty (Remix) (8) Lil Wayne Featuring Bruno Mars__Mirror (7) Lil Wayne Featuring Eminen Drop the World (6) Pitbull Featuring Christina Aguilera__Feel This Moment (5) R Kelley duet with Usher__ Same Girl (4) Emeli Sande__My Kind of Love (3) Justin Timberlake__That Girl (2) (1)

Back to School Quote, August 2013

Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don’t. - Lydia M. Child

The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson.-Tom Bodett

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” ― Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

“It is not that I'm so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.” ― Albert Einstein

Events,Seminars,Webinars,Conferences & Job Fairs

Live Announcement of The Next Face of Fox 43!

On the Hampton Roads ShowAugust 5th

The National Resume Writer Association Conference September18th-20th

MSPA Conference 2013 September 24th-26th

Round 1 of the Next Face of Fox Auditions

ends June 16th at midnight

The Next Face of fox 43 Auditions

April 29th-May 22nd

Virginia Press: Association

Community JournalismWorkshop

June 2013 20th-21st

National Notary Association Conference

June 2013 2nd-5th

NAPW (National Association of Professional Women)

Sparks Ignite Your Network Conference

April 26th

Virginia Press Association: Associated Press Advertising and News Conference& Annual Meeting April 2013 18th-20th

America's Small Business Summit April 29th-May 1st 2013

Stratford University Job Fair, Newport NewsWednesday, May 8, 2013 - 2:00pm to 5:00pm

Putting People Back to Work Job Fair, FredericksburSaturday, May 18, 2013 - 10:00am to 2:00pm

Northern Virginia Community College Job Fair, AlexandriaTuesday, April 23, 2013 - 10:00am to 12:30pm

Marine Corps Community Services Job Fair, QuanticoThursday, April 25, 2013 - 8:00am to 12:00pm

Lucy Corr Village Job Fair, ChesterfieldMonday, April 29, 2013 - 9:00am to 3:00pm

Five Guys Burgers and Fries Job Fair, GainsvilleThursday, April 25, 2013 - 8:00am to 12:00pm

ClearedJobs.net Job Fair, ArlingtonWednesday, May 8, 2013 - 11:00am to 3:00pm

Army & Air Force Exchange Service Job Fair, Fort BelvoirSaturday, May 4, 2013 - 10:00am to 3:00pm

Alban CAT Job Fair, ManassasThursday, April 25, 2013 - 9:00am to 3:00pm

4th of July Quote 2013

And I'm proud to be an American,

where at least I know I'm free.

And I won't forget the men who died,

who gave that right to me.

~Lee Greenwood

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A Special Thank You

As Founder and President of csaccac Inc.,I would like to thank each member on csaccac Inc. Board of Directors.

Even though,it's a volunteer position,I thank each of you for your commitment and support to csaccac Inc.goals and vision.


Jamala M. Johnson

Editor-in-Chief,Founder & President of csaccac Inc

Life Just Got Better.

Life just got better and finding a job couldn't get any easier than this, one click to be hiring. With a professional resume tailored to your job search and catered to your specific skills,the endless job searches,long applications,and inapplicable jobs cramming your email inbox won't feel or look the same with the help from a resume professional. At csaccac Inc.,we do referrals and consultations. Thousands of jobs get listed daily,__literally,you could have a job at your fingertips,today,with a professional resume,or social profile.Contact csaccac Inc. or a resume professional ,today!


An One Stop Shop,We Do More Than Consultanting

Summer grooves,Summer jams,and Summer biggest hits,it's a tradition I havent out grown from back in the day. Even today,I still remember some of the summer jams I loved to listen to as a teen during the summer months. As a matter of fact,I fondly remember as a teen and a college student during each summer there would always be at least one song in the summer that received a lot of air play. Right after radio stations began to blast summer jams for a few sessions,it seemed to never fail that during some point in time during the summer months I would aver "that's my jam." Summer grooves,summer jams,and summer biggest hits often make some of summer best moments unforgettable. And to be honest,nearly all of the summer jams,I ve listened to during the summer often leave a lasting impression on its audience. Good or bad,any talk or buzz about a summer jam could put it at the top of a music chart . An incredible feat for music artist and producers to continue to churn out summer jams,in fact, a breakout artist might quickly discover that summer often has a strong influence on listeners music selection. Almost twelve decades after the invention of the radio,radio stations continue to blast summer jams. Although,the way music listeners receive and listen to music has change significantly;seemingly, for many consumers and shoppers summer wouldnt quite be summer without a summer jam. Summer 2013 is just getting started,so without much ado here's the a list of summer jams I compiled from YouTube,Vevo,& Pandora.

15. Lil Wayne/Mirror ft. Bruno Mars

14. Kanye / JayZ/No Church In The Wild

Kanye/All of the Lights ft. Rihanni ,Kid Cud

13. Jessie J /Wild

12. Miguel /How Many Drinks ft. Kendrick Lamar

11.Austin Malone /What About Love

10. Sean Kingston / Beat It

9.Justin Timberlake / Suit & Tie

8.Rihanna Featuring Mikky Ekko/Stay

7.Bruno Mars /When I was your man

6. Ll Cool J / Take It

5.Robin Thicke /Blurred Lines

4.Ciara / Got Me Good

3.Chrisette Michelle/Charades

2.Alicia Keyes/Tears Always Win

1. Luke James/I Want You



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When Bad Interviews Happen to Good Candidates

By Linda Matias, CareerStrides

Going through the motions of a bad interview is like peeling back the layers of an onion. Sally learned this lesson the hard way, hands-on during an interview that should have been a piece of cake. Sally applied for a position that fit her qualifications perfectly. When she received an invitation to interview, Sally believed she was a shoo-in for the job. Feeling confident, she approached the interview in a lax manner. She didn’t prepare and prematurely celebrated an offer she was convinced would be extended.

The day of the interview, Sally was surprised by the level of anxiety she felt. Her apprehension began to build and she began to prepare for the interview at the last minute. By the time she arrived at the interview, she was visibly shaken.

Lesson learned: The time to collect your thoughts is prior to an interview, not on your way to one. If you arrive to an interview bewildered, the recruiter will take notice and you runa high risk that you will not get the offer.

The interviewer entered the waiting area and introduced himself. To ease the tension, he asked a common icebreaker question, “Did you have trouble finding us?” Sally has never been a smooth small talker and she answered the question candidly. She confided that she doesn’t have a good sense of direction and coupled with the fact that she was anxious, she passed the building entrance quite a few times. The interviewer smiled politely and proceeded to walk towards the interview room. Realizing she goofed, Sally hesitantly followed the interviewer.

Lesson learned: Everything you say and do during an interview is scrutinized; from the instant you walk in, to the moment you walk out. An innocent question doesn’t exist during an interview and a careless misstep is seldom forgotten. Choose your responses carefully.

When Sally was escorted to the interview room, she was surprised to see a panel of interviewers. She was only familiar with the “it’s just you and me,kid” type of the interview – the one-on-one. At the start of the interview, she quickly realized that it was going to be a challenge to manage that interview.

Lesson learned: Interviews are unpredictable. One never knows the broad range of topics that will be covered and the type of formats that may be presented. Familiarize yourself with all interview settings.

Because she was not ready for the series of questions, Sally tripped over her answers. She focused on issues that weren’t relevant and provided little information on what was pertinent. She began to ramble and appeared under-qualified for the position.

Sensing that she was interviewing poorly, Sally began to lose patience with the process. She failed to maintain eye contact and began to fidget. The enthusiasm she felt for the position and the company slowly diminished as she witnessed the blank looks on the faces of the panelists. She withdrew mentally from the interview, and as a result, appeared disinterested.

Lesson learned: Most interviewers expect candidates to be nervous during an interview, andthey rarely will forgive you if youfail to demonstrate a sincere interest in working for them. Mosthiring decisions are based on whether the interviewer feels a connection to you. The failure to establish a bond immediately is usually beyond repair.

After the interviewSally realized that the questions she had been askedwere not difficult. She had beenoverwhelmed by nervousness and that had clouded her ability to communicate clearly and to the point effectively.

Lesson learned: Even if you have the “right stuff,” nothing is guaranteed. Don’t get caught off guard; prepare for interviews; do your homework.

Career & Resume Advice:Now, Do You Have Any Questions?By Linda Matias, CareerStrides

“Who is that hot babe in the picture?” isn’t the type of reply an interviewer expects to hear when he or she invites you to ask questions near the end of an interview. In fact, the way you approach the Q&A session will have a direct impact on the interviewer’s perception of you. Based on the questions you ask, a judgment will be made in regard to how interested you seem to be in working for the company.

For this reason, when you are forming questions ask yourself, What do I need to know about the company in order to determine if this is the workplace for me? How you answer this question depends on the career values that are important to you, and therefore, there isn’t a right or wrong answer. That said, make sure that you do not ask the “What’s-in-it-for me?” type question. Though questions regarding salary, benefits, and vacation time are valid, the place to broach those topics is when an offer is on the table, not before.


Are there any plans for a corporate merger or outsourcing initiatives?

When a merger or outsourcing happens, layoffs follow. Before you accept a position, you should inquire about the direction the company is taking. Many candidates are under the misconception that only failing companies downsize. In truth, no matter how stable they are, companies are always looking to cut costs.

How closely do my qualifications match the requirements for the open position?

Two things can happen when you ask this question. (1) The interviewer can affirm that your experience, skills and abilities are a perfect fit. Needless to say, if that is the interviewer’s response, you have a good shot at landing a job offer. (2) The interviewer may divulge that the company is looking to hire someone with more experience in XYZ. Believe it or not, if this occurs it can work out to your advantage because you have another opportunity to sell yourself.

How long has this position been open?

If the interviewer reveals that the position has been open for three months, you can ask a follow-up question such as, “It is obvious that the company is taking its time in finding the right candidate, and there must have been qualified candidates that have interviewed. What would you say they were lacking that an offer wasn’t extended?” In asking this follow-up question, you will find out exactly what the interviewer is looking for and you can adapt your responses to meet the company’s specific needs.

Are promotions based on seniority or accomplishments?

Some companies still hold on to the old-school mentality where old-timers, no matter their accomplishments or lack thereof, are offered an opportunity to move up the ladder before a new hire gets the same opportunity. You deserve to know that if you put 110% in your work, you will be rewarded accordingly.

If you could change one thing about how this company functions, what would it be?

Just as you are not perfect, neither is a company. Interviewers are aware of this fact and therefore, during the interview process they do their best to sell the organization as a great place to go to every day. It is part of your job to uncover everything about the hiring organization – the good, the bad, and everything in between.


Well-thought-out, clear, and intelligent questions are the ones that leave a positive impression with the listener.

Take the time to evaluate what is important to you and form questions around those issues.

Shopping Nibble-ts

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  • Carry your csaccac newsletter in your purse as a reminder to jot down dates of sales and special events in the note section.

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Now Accepting articles on Tips to Writing Resumes, Career advice,Job Development,and Job Search, as well as related announcements and scheduled events). Submit all event photos, scheduled events,and articles to csacjohnson@ gmail.com

Have a shopping photo or a scheduled event or an article you'd like posted in the csaccac eNewsletter &Newsletter.

Submit all photos,events,and articles to csacjohnson@gmail.com


Jamala M Johnson

Editor-in-Chief,Founder and President of csaccac Inc.

Youtube & Vevo (music,videos,singles)

Towards the end of May,I took some time to listen to music and watch a few videos on Youtube and Vevo. From the days of BET,VH1,and MTV,I've loved watching singers,entertainers,and music artist on stage,in concert,and in music videos. After a long break from listening to music,I finally found some down time to review and listen to several music artist and entertainers. Once again,Im setting the channel to sights and sounds. For the month of June,Ive selected songs and videos from Youtube & Vevo. And to be truthful,I went back as far as 2007,eventhough,some of the songs and videos have been out for a while they still rock a beat.

(15) JayZ,Kanye,Frank Ocean No Church In the Wild

(14) Frank Ocean Thinkin bout you Swim Good

(13) Jessie J ft. Big Sean,Dizzee Rascal Wild

(12) The Dream Rockin That Thang

(11) The-Dream Love King

(10) Amel Larrieux Make Me Whole

(9) Miguel How Many Drinks

(8) K Michelle VSOP

(7) QuestLove Represent

(6) QuestLove Goodbye Issac

(5) The Roots The Next Movement

(4) The Roots What They Do

(3) The Roots ft. Erykah Badu You Got Me

(2) Rihanna Diamonds

(1) Rihanna Where Have You Been

Editor Picks eReaders& Tablets July 2013

*Base on price,specs,features,user friendly,processing systems,3G/4G,wi-fi speed.

(6) Nook HD+ (5)Kindle Fire HD (4) Nexus 7 (3) Samsung Galaxy (2) iPad mini (1)MicroSoft Surface

Good Reads,Fall 2013

Young Adult,Mystery & Suspense,Sci Fi & Fantasy,Teen Topics ,Romance, Friendships,Unforgettable characters,and memories,__hint: Im not describing this Fall season's TV show lineup or new movie releases. Instead,Im reciting the various genres that students,parents, teachers,as well as school staff read each year.With the Fall season justing starting to take off ,parents,students teachers as well as school staff all the across the USA has begun to prepare for the back to school tradition. Normally,the back to school tradition requires parents ,teachers and staff to assist students in getting back into the instructional and learning mode. Along with dress codes and conduct codes, there's also list of projects,presentations,classroom assignments,homework assignments even reading requirements. For many students,reading is a blast, it's something they do effortlessly while others struggle to find their genre or niche. Each generation has their series of books that gets everyone pysches up to read,during my elementary years,I loved Beverly Clearly"Ramona" series ;during middle school I loved Ann M Martin series the Baby Sitters Club in addition to the Nancy Drew mysterious;however,during high school I focused more on the classics and scholarly books. Today,I love all types of genres non fiction and fiction. I especially love books with a good plot__,you know the page turners. But to be truthful, I continue to bend towards certain genres more than others. As a matter of fact ,I remember having reading requirements throught out the school year and having to write book reports. Whether if it's for school or for fun,reading is a great way to build vocabulary, and to learn about people,places and things. Because of those two simple facts and the fact I graduated from college with a degree in English and a minor in Secondary Ed,I like to stay on top my reading skills_, as part of the back-to-school tradition;and of course,with the help of my Nook HD+,this Fall Im kicking off the back to school tradition with these book samples:

Charly's Epic Fiascos (Kelli London) Charly's Epic Fiascos:Reality Check(Kelli London)

Breakfast of Champions(Kurt VonneGut)Mama Ruby(Mary Munroe)Confessions of a Call Gal(Lisa Lim)Next Year I'll Be Perfect(Laura Kilmartin)In Need Of Therapy(Tracie Banister)These Girls(Sarah Pekkanen)The Thursday Friend(Catherine Cookson)No One Ever Has Sex On A Tuesday(Tracy Bloom)Back to School Mom(Pat Backora)Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja(Marcus Emerson)

Survey@csaccac Inc

Thank you for checking out our eNewsletter;to better assist all members,contributors, patrons and sponsors,I've developed a survey to further assist us in helping you get the most out of our websites plus Products and Services. As Founder and President of csaccac Inc, I encourage all visitors to please take a moment to answer the questions on our survey---

Safety First: Renter's Insurance

car insurance,dental insurance,health insurance,Smart Phone insurance,warranties,limited warranties,extended warranties,home owner insurance,renter's insurance,consumer protection,and consumer rights.

Every year thousands of American consumers and shoppers make a major purchase. From vehicles to home appliances to family computers to personal PC's,consumer and shoppers spend thousands of dollars on products that they hope and expect to last for some years. Most big tickted items as the ones I mentioned usually come with a warranty or insurance. For decades,consumer spending has fueled the American economy. From perishiables to non perishiables,American consumers buy a lot of stuff to meet demands of work and their home life. Warranties and Insurance,___for example,each of the services when offered to a consumer at the end of a major purchase is a form of consumer protection. Without a question,such services allow consumers and shoppers to purchase as well as test a product to see if in fact the product does hold up to all the advertising and marketing gimmick. Above everything else,warranties and insurance help conciliate consumer and shoppers worries if a product is defective or damaged at the time of purchase. In most instances,as consumers and shoppers we dont second quess or lull over purchasing or inquiring about warranties and insurances for big ticket items,__so then why do a tantamount of consumers and shoppers skip over renter's insurance? Yes,there's a large population of home owners in the United States who,__of course,have home owner insurance but there is also a large percentage of American consumers and shoppers who have been renting for years. Morosely,the tenant and landlord relationship leaves little room for renters to protect themselves other than the lease agreement and small claims court. Normally,for a lot of tenants choosing to exercise the use of small claims court ,it is an exigent situation. Sadly,by the time a tenant reaches small claims court it is too late,the tenant has at this point the burden of proof . In numerous instances,a tenant entering into small claims court has already lost their possessions or their possesions has been damaged or sold. So,__again,I ask as hardworking American citizens and consumers who spend thousands of dollars on products each year from perishiables to non perishiables often to be placed inside rental property __what reasons and excuses would a consumer or shopper aver or affirm to skip over rental insurance? Improvidently,I went for years without renter's insurance. Irresolute and indecisive,I first began to think about renter's insurance,shortly after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. And in all honesty,speaking from first hand experience and knowing the conditions I lived under during that time,in my twenties and the earlier part of my thirties,I probably could of thought of a thousand excuses to eschewing inquiring about renter's insurance. Remorsefully, after years of renting,losing stuff, nd moving from place to place,I finally chose to inquire about renter's insurance. Admittedly, at the age of forty something, I feel that renter's insurance is something that all consumers and shoppers who rent or plan to rent for an extended period of time should definitely consider having some kind of renter's insurance.---cacjohnson

National Consumer Alerts

What's With All That Stuff,cacjohnson!@#!(A Shopper's Guide to Better Shopping

Savor the Flavor and Get Twice the Luv,Thanks for the add & Go grab a copy of my first published book,What's with all that stuff,cacjohnson!#@! (A shopper's guide to better shopping) @ Amazon.com and Barnes and Nobles. Wait,there's more___,Facebook,Twitter, MySpace and meetme friends looking for a LinkedIn connection then connect with sales@cacjohnson.com




much Luv ,Twice the Luv---cacjohnson

Become a member of csaccac Inc

If you've ever had a favorite movie,song,TV show,car,book,or fast food item,you probably have had to sample a few of each item before making a final decision. In a lot instances,most American consumers and shoppers learn their preferences,likes, and dislikes by testing and sampling different products. Undisputably,consumerism fills a significant portion of the economic growth in the American economy. In fact,the consumer market remains today a vast market and it continues to be a vital part of the American economy. For decades,American consumers steered the economy. Until the 2008 recession,consumerism in the United Stated had been booming at phenomenal rates,the recession deeply impacted consumerism and it caused consumerism to become saturnine. Without warning,the 2008 effected all markets. Life before the recession shows a thriving economy and consumer spending out of control. Even though,consumerism hasnt returned to full swing American consumers and shoppers cautiously continue to purchase different products and big ticket items.Furthermore, an in depth look at consumer reports and research clearly shows in previous year both consumers and shoppers utilized different products at home,at work,in schools,colleges and businesses. Ostenisbly,the various products often utilized by consumers and shoppers throughout the years has assisted a myriad of consumers and shoppers to becoming more productive. Frequently,consumers and shoppers purchase certain products to assist making daily task a lot easier. Imperceptible at times,other times through habit,__to others unknowningly,a point of fact, all consumers and shoppers could be classified as a product tester simply based upon their daily and weekly routine. As Editor,Found and President of csaccac Inc,Ive stated in several post,articles as well as in my blog that I hold several positions at the csaccac Inc including product tester. To be truthful,testing different stuff,items and products is not a task I recently discovered. Straightforwardly speaking,__ in all actuality,Ive been testing and sampling different products for years as a small kid,pre teen,teen,college student,young adult,consumer and shopper. Unmindful at times,__like a lot of unskilled,inept,and inexperienced consumers and shoppers,in previous years,the sometimes arduous,tedious,pretentious,and methodical process a tantamount of consumers and shoppers perform each year before and after making a purchase, I didnt fully realize or understand the task I had being performing out of had habit. And in all honesy,I hadnt seriously given consideration to being a product tester until 2006 when I first begin to the csaccac Official Fundraising site as well as csaccac brand. A few years later,while unpacking a bag of groceries at my moms home,I inadvertently stumbled upon a postulate,it had been staring me in the face for soooo many years. Besides being a consumer,and a shopper,I through habit had also become a product tester. Even now,at forty something it strikes me as being kind of odd seeing,simply for the fact, I worked with array of stuff in retail in various departments. From groceries to clothing to electronics to house hold supplies,Ive tried soooo many different things and kinds of stuff. In effect,__I guess you could probably attribute my preferences,likes,and dislikes to the fact___,I first had to test ,sample, and purchase different stuff to learn what I like. Even today,I continue to test,sample,and purchase different stuff;however,this time around Im more heedful,more vocal,more engaged,and better trained.

Yours Truly,

Jamala M Johnson

Editor-in-Chief & Product Tester

Quote of the Month ,September 2013

"A teacher affects eternity;he can never tell when his influence stop."---Henry Brooks Adams

"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains.

The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."--- William Arthur Ward

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Po Box 5617, Newport News,Va 23605

Money Blogs





Free Credit Reports

Cest Combien? Dispelling the myth about those advertisments offering free credit reports and free credit scores. What consumers should know about too many frequent inquires on their credit report?

Equifax, Trans Union, and Experian are all credit reporting agencies, before extending a line of credit; many lenders will request credit reports from one of the following credit reporting agencies. Each year, consumers are allowed at least one free credit report from each of the three credit reporting agencies. In order for consumers to receive, a free credit report, the consumer must make a written request to the credit reporting agency of their choice. A photo copy of the consumer’s drivers’ license or state identification, social security number, and proof of residence must accompany their written request for their credit reports. Primarily the purpose of credit reporting agencies are to keep track of consumers borrowing habits. Credit reporting agencies were established to monitor a consumer credit history. In fact, the information found in a consumer’s credit report helps lenders and credit companies determine the credit worthiness of the consumer. As a result, consumers whose credit reports show adverse information, for example, too many inquiries, too many delinquencies, or too many opened accounts could cause the consumer to be denied additional credit and charged high interest rates on existing, accounts.Likewise,consumers could also be charged excessive interest rates on cars, appliance, electronics, and homes because of poor credting rating. Nevertheless, all consumers regardless of their score and rating should monitor their credit regularly for inaccuracies. Debt Consultation Companies highly recommend that consumers review their credit regularly, each year, to make sure the information written in consumers credit report are accurate. Recently, I made a written request to two of the credit reporting agencies for my credit report. Usually, I will request for my credit report at least once a year. This year it was very important that I requested a credit report because I have a vested interest in knowing what is on my credit report as an Entrepreneur/minority business owner. In many instances , consumers working to improve their credit history maybe only a few steps away including myself could be on the road to recovery and improving your credit score. Credit counselors advise consumers: ---to know what is in their (3) three credit reports ---to make an honest effort to resolve any past due accounts ---to check for inaccuracies in their reports ---to reduce their number of accounts….. Furthermore, credit reporting agencies also inform consumers that adverse information may remain on their credit report for up to (7) seven years. Whereas, bankruptcies are reported for (10) ten years (http:// www.creditwatch.equifax.com) To conclude, another credit reporting agency states consumers can expect to find the following on their credit reports: “---potentially negative items or items for further review” “---accounts in good standing” “---History of their account balances” “---Request for their credit history” --- C’est Combien en tout?

Tech Crunch,July 2013

Celebrate Anniversary of the Signing of the Constitution -Constitution Day September 17thCelebrate - September 15 to October 15Hispanic Heritage Month

September Highlights in US Women's History

September 12, 1910 - Alice Stebbins Wells, a former social worker, becomes the first woman police officer with arrest powers in the U.S. (Los Angeles, CA) September 14, 1964 - Helen Keller receives the Presidential Medal of Freedom along with 4 other women: Dr. Lena Edwards, Lynn Fontainne, Dr. Helen Taussig, and Leontyne Price September 14, 1975 - Elizabeth Ann Seton is canonized and becomes the first American-born saint, founded the first U.S. Order of the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph September 20, 1973 - Billie Jean King defeats Bobby "No-Broad-Can-Beat-Me" Riggs in the battle of the sexes tennis matchSeptember 25, 1981 - Sandra Day O'Connor is sworn in as the first woman U.S. Supreme Court Justice September 26, 1971 - Rep. Shirley Chisholm (D-New York) announces she will enter the Democratic presidential primaries September 26, 1973 - Capt. Lorraine Potter, an American Baptist minister, becomes the first woman U.S. Air Force chaplain September 29, 1988 - Stacy Allison becomes first American woman to reach the summit of Mt. Everest

For more information and resources visit: Hispanic Heritage Resources

To celebrate Constitution Day visit:Women's Rights and Women's Equality Day ResourcesCelebrating Women & Democracy KitCelebrating Women & Democracy Speech/Powerpoint

National Women's History Project730 Second Street #469Santa Rosa, CA 95402http://www.nwhp.org(707) 636-2888nwhp@nwhp.org

September 2013 Highlights in Us Women History

From the desk of the Editor: A Labor Day Message

On numerous days,I have stated at csaccac Inc.,I fill many hats and perform an array of task. Today,that statement remains true, what I consider at times to be a momentous task,it is a labor,Ive found to be a teaching tool,a valuable learning experience,an instrumental career move with measurable goals and rewards. However,the labor does require skill and a whole lot of patience. For this reason,in recent years honoring and recognizing Labor Day has a greater meaning then in previous years,and in all honesty,I feel paticular obligated to this day because of all the work Ive performed,initiated,tackled and completed to get here___,to be a part of this day. In speaking of labor, as Founder and President of csaccac Inc,one of the social elements I have implemented in the planning and development of csaccac Inc is the celebrating and honoring tradition. All visitors who have access to the csaccac corporate site with a glance will quickly find that,on the csaccac highlights web page a list of prominent and significant holidays.Further inquiry of the site,visitor will find my bio. At first sight,it is apparent that I took the conventional path to pursue my career goals. For example;after graduating from highschool,I went directly to a four year University to continue my education. In fact,way before founding csaccac Inc. then eventually becoming Editor of the csaccac eNewsletter and Newsletter I worked as a cashier and a sales associate. Throughout the years, I continued to work seasonal jobs until I received my four year degree. From the beginning,I had been place on the conventional career path. Imperceptibly, years later, I strayed from the conventional career path most college graduates choose. Since graduating from a four year University I have change my profession and career at least three times if not more in my lifetime. Add to the facts stated in my bio,then restated in articles and in blogs, I have averred that I am a product of a public school education. From kindergarten to senior year,I have celebrated many holidays at school in a public classroom. As a student,in my pre adolescent and adolescent,I often looked forward to the holidays and celebrations at school. Along with the excitement and anticipation of the holidays each school year,I also looked forward to the breaks for instance Spring Break and Winter Break which often offered relief from demanding classes during the school year. As a matter of fact, I specifically recall celebrating and honoring some of the most well noted holidays each year including Valentine's Day,Halloween,Thanksgiving and Christmas.In most instances,the holiday celebrations at school when I attended a public school often included a brief lesson on how the day got its name and came into existence. Afterwards teachers would share novelty items as well as allow students to exchange novelty items and try specialty foods. Typically,during a regular school year teachers,students and staff give recoginition to some of the great achievements in American History. At the same time teachers and students also celebrate and honor American traditions such as Valentine's Day,Halloween,Thanksgiving,and Christmas. Veritably,America is deeply rooted in traditional morals and family values.Wistfully ,over the years the fundamental morals and values rooted in American life has slowly eroded away especially among the pop subculture of young men and women across the United States. I,on the other hand,for the most part,I liked to believe that I've remained vigilant by sticking with traditional morals and family values . And that I ve kept the honoring and celebration American tradition sacred. To be forthright,unlike the traditional American holidays Ive celebrated at school,Labor Day is one of a few holidays I really take the to time to make the distinction;mainly for the fact,Labor Day often is reminder that the Back to School tradition has resumed. But most of all,it is reminder of the various odd jobs,seasonal jobs and career paths that Ive hel and chosen throughout the years to get to this career pathway. To conclude,I am not stranger to hard work,and unyielding labor. At forty something,I view the day as more than just a day off,truthfully,I like to do a little work on Labor Day, it's ingrained innate behavior.

Well wishes,much success,Continued Success in 2013 and Happy Labor Day


Jamala M Johnson,


csaccac eCalendar September 2013

Safety First (September 2013): Back to School Safety

Android,Digital,Resolution,megapixels,interface,desktop,Apps,GB,iOS,Jelly Bean,front facing,3G/4G,Wi-Fi,Hot Spot,Gingerbread,Ice Cream Sandwich,GHz processor,SWYPE,OS,expandable memory,SIM cardslot,microSD,quaf-core,dual-core,8GB,16GB,32GB,4G LTE,RAM/ROM,streaming,HD,Google Chrome,PDF,TXT,XLS,DOC,PPT,Zip JPEG,GIF,PNG,BMP,MP4,M4A,3GP,AAC,MP3,FLAC,WAV,OGG,AMR...

Tech Crunch the newest section to the csaccac eNewletter,in this section geared towards the technically tech challenge and the most literate tech technician. In short,from beginners to experts there's something for everyone in this section. Beginning this summer,tech crunch will appear in future csaccac eNewsletter. In all actuality,it could take a single consumer or shopper hours upon hours to gather all or at most to scratch the surface or to put a dent in all of the lastest tech terminology and reviews. For that reason,I chose to simplify the search along with saving you some time by adding a few links to the experts,groupies,followers,and fans who in each review gives you latest in tech news. Among a long list of job titles and job descriptions,I am a consumer and a shopper.Without question,it's easy to get distract while browsing the internet,especially for beginners.On a different day,I'd loved to be able to to peruse tech articles and links all day,but that's not a realistic task I could perform daily or even on the weekends. Aside from everything else I perform frequently incuding being a consumer and shopper,I ve got a blog plus admin duties that require I maintain two websites. Ultimately, the various job related task I perform makes it aboslutely impossible to perform any task longer than eight hours. Even on a good day,____without fail, I fall short of completing all the task. Make no mistake about it , Im not tech geek. Therefore,I had to figure out the quickest way to get you the most relevant tech news in the least amount of space. And in all honesty, just a point of fact,you might find everything you what to know and learn about tech gadgets, right in this section,in an article or with a click on an external link. Shortly after the cell phone went from being a text messenger's bestfriend,to a multitasking Smart Phone,I began the tech crunch. With tech gadgets constantly evolving along with tech terms and terminology,a technically tech challenged web surfer might have a hard time deciphering tech specs as well as choosing the right tech gadget for their lifestyle. As the tech craze began to explode,I began to seriously follow the tech craze after purchasing my first Smart Phone from Virgin Mobile. At the height of the tech craze,I gained a strong interest in popular tech gadgets that performed an array of functions,for instance,the most widely received tech gadgets that immediately caught my attention included Smart Phones,Digital Cameras,Netbooks,and portable laptops also called micro computers. As a matter of fact,I attribute part of my strong interest in tech gadgets to mass marketing and advertising. In addition to mass marketing and media blitz,the other reason for my strong interest in tech gadgets,I attribute to neccessity and job related responsibilities. Ostensibly,the launching of high tech gadgets appeared to touch everyone within its grasp. At alarming rate,tech gadgets began to pop up everywhere from local chain stores to brand named retailers,it appeared that consumers ,shoppers,buyers and retailers hadnt been immuned to the tech craze. Veritably,before the craze,I considered myself computer literate. As a matter of fact,I had taken a secondary ed computer course in college. Then__,a few years later,I enrolled in an administrative course at a vocational school that required I attended a basic computer class. Admittedly,between the computer course in college and the admin class,I felt pretty confident with working PC's (personal computers)As a result of both classes,I quickly enhanced my PC vocabulary in addition to computer skills. Straight forwardly speaking,within the past six to eight years,Ive observed that,computer literacy and tech terminology have a few words in common. On the other hand ,I've also ascertained that computer literacy and tech terminology both belong to separate worlds. Joint at the hip,it became increasingly apparent that two__,computer literacy and tech terms didnt have much in common other than the device used to obtain and input information.For the most part,an internet user that's able to recognize the difference between the two is probably more than likely to quickly grasp and understand tech talk. Today,much of what Ive learned about various tech gadgets has been through marketing ,advertising,YouTube videos and individual purchases. Typically,before purchasing a tech gadget,I like to gather as much information that's made readily accessible to the public before making a final choice. Normally,I base my final choice on several specifications and features,as well as locality. When checking out a product,I usually begin with price,the style,the model,the manufacturer then I proceed to what I consider must have features this frequently includes various functions,processing system,and apps. Quick guides,YouTube tours,tutorials,reviews and demonstrations make it easier for consumers and shoppers to get to know their tech gadgets. On a last note,get to know the specs before you buy. High time someone figured out all that tech talk,it's only forthright it should be one of those tech guys or girls, An awesome tech chat,and just the beginning,thanks for checking in,__I hate goodbyes,so then for now I'll keep it to a minimum,__sms, TyuL,twtyL,ch@wuL,Lol,IBCNUL,I really enjoyed chating with you this month. Imperceptibly,Ive reached the end of the Tech Crunch for this month,__but that doesnt mean you have to wait to get the latest and newest info on tech stuff take a few minutes to visit the external below for more tech info.



Popular Science


Along with all of the great fun things that have become a part of the Back to School Tradition,student safety continues to be a concern for all those involved. Unequivocally,educators,administrators,and staff each have the responsibility throughout the school year to make sure that students have a safe environment to learn,I specifically recall being taught the importance of Safety First all through elementary school, at the same time ,I also recall administrator patroling halls,students having to ask for permission to use restrooms,and teachers walking students to the cafeteria for lunch. As I ve seen,within the past five years,it has become a parents greatest nightmare to drop off a kid at a public school or to watch a kid get on a school bus then hours or minutes later receive a call that an accident has occurred at their child's school. At some point during a school year, it is bound to happen, the occasional call from the school nurse that a kid has become ill or an unexpected call from a school administrator to discuss a child's unruly behavior,those type of calls I think everyone_, well,some parents is able to live with__, It is,morosely,the call from the adminstrator or principal at a kid's school informing a parent or parents of preventable accidents that gets under the skin of most parents.

Safety First: Firearm Safety

Editor Note : Commentary . . .

Editor's Pick: Top 5 Android Apps September 2013

(5) Dictionary.com

(4)My Docs (Google App)

My Notebooks (I really love this app because it is lined liked

notebook paper;plus,it allows the user to label each notebook

the same way a student does regular composition books. Also,it is

a great (app) for first drafts,essays,and a whole lot of other writing

inspired topics.)

(3)Skitch (This app is great for creating fun images with pics you

taken from a Smart Phone or Digital Camera. Skitch, a cool app

that allows the user to include text,crop images,and layer


(2)Pocket (I love this app because it allows the user to bookmark

articles to read later online and offline. It really is a great

app when you dont have the time to read something

right at that exact moment.)

(1)Nook eReader/Amazon Kindle

Editor's Pick(Smart Phones) August 2013

For the month of August tech gadget Editor Picks ,Ive choosen to re visit a very famailiar topic in the consumer market Smart Phones. Despite the many mobile carriers available to consumers who claim to have the best Smart Phone plans,I remain a Virgin Mobile customer. Recently,a few carriers have caught my attention for example Tmobile,and Boost Mobile,both I considered to be strong competitors in offering consumers affordable plans. At any rate,I remain a loyal Virgin Mobile customer. Sooo much in fact ,I have reviewed and even displayed a few of Virgin Mobile Smart Phones as a product of the month. As a matter of fact,in one day, I packed in eight hours of listening time to get the latest reviews on some of the most popular Smart Phones.While viewing Smart Phone reviews on YouTube,I learned of some the universal and must have features of a really good Smart Phone.Eventhough,Ive tested and purchased a few of Virgin Mobile Smart Phones,Im always looking for the ultimate all -in-one Smart Phone. And to be truthful ,each time I upgrade my Smart Phone,I feel like lottery winner. As Editor of the csaccac eNewsletter ,it is important that I have a multifunctional and reliable phone. Straight forwardly speaking, I have observed as a consumer,shopper and product testor that good and reliable doesnt necessarily mean outrageously expensive or the top line. With hand on experience and a lot of help from the experts , consumers,and other product testors,I compiled a list of Smart Phones based on affordability,features,functions,capabilities,design,speed and amount of effort required of consumers to operate the Smart Phones.To conclude,the selected varities of each SmartPhone listed is available at VirginMobile except for the Nokia brand.

(6)Nokia Lumina (5) iPhone (4) Samsung(3)HTC One(2) Lg Optimus Elite(1) Kyocera

Tell a friend,affordable plans with

text messaging and 3G

Virgin Mobile


Assurance Wireless


Alternative Debt Solutions

In Charge Debt Solutions


Clear Point


Editor Picks: Movie Favorites September 2013

Movie Favorites,Editor Pick August 2013

Movie Favorites,Editor Pick July 2013

•Happy Gilmore•FootLose•BodyGuard•PrettyInPink•The Sweetest Thing•First Wive Club•MaidInManhattan•Something's Gotta Give•Mama Mia•The Great Gatsby•Charlie's Angel Full Throttle•Miss Congeniality•Independence Day•MenInBlack•The Borne Ultimatum•The Sixth Sense•Fifth Element•Beauty Shop•Meet The Fockers

Movie Favorites, Editor's PickJune 2013

Fantastic 4 (Rise of the Silver Surfer), Memento, Star Trek Nemesis, Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Mulan, Cars, Xmen Last Stand,Xmen Origins Wolverine

Weekly Tv Shows,Editor Pick 2013


The switch to HDTV was the first spark that re kindled my interest in television. For years,Ive been very selective in what I view frequently on TV. And to be truthful,if the show doesn't have a really good theme song,I seem to lose enthusiasm or excitement for the TV series very quickly. Seemingly, this was case with Gossip Girl. Eventhough,I loved the theme song for One Tree Hill the script moved very fast and began to border line well mesh adult topics with fantasy. Ultimately, the theme song that brought me back to the show every week by itself couldn't carry the entire show or me into following seasons__. Thank goodness for pre recordings, Dvd's and tv syndication because every now,I like to watch an episode or season of the shows I couldnt view right at the time the show begins recording. In 2013,I gained a new interest in TV shows mainly because I wanted to stay up to date on latest happening for my blog and websitte. The switch to HDTV help to capture my attention. Although, Im not a couch potatoe,I have my shows I like to watch when Ive got downtime.Of course, let me make one correction,Tyler Perry's writing,acting and stage directions has keep character acting a live and in good form. Back in the day, a daytime or night time sitcom really held my attention until bedtime. Nowadays, Im in bed before the show starts,part of the reason is because theTV formula,tv magic has changed along with Tv direction. For instance, Ive observed most of the Tv shows aired on local TV channel not cable stations the actors and actress don't wear enough costume clothing,___ and the characters well they're not characters they're real people acting like real people,enough said about character acting,listed below is my 2013 Weekly Tv show Editor Pick,that's my opening line.

Arrow Vampire Diaries Grimm New Girl Voice Beauty&the Beast Mindy Project Glee Fringe Nikita Super Natural Big Bang Theory Elementary Person of Interest CSI,NCSI,Bones,House,Blue Bloods,American Idol

Stay Connected w/the Editor@

Facebook LinkedIn Twitter MySpace Owning Pink meet me Wordpress





































YouTube, Vevo & Jango (Editor Picks,Fall Sounds)2013.

Get inspired and motivated ,this Fall with your favorite sounds. Here's my Editor Picks of sounds to kickoff the Fall season,something new__,something old__What's your favorite sound of the Fall?

(15)Wale ft Tiara Thomas/Bad

(14)The Game My Life ft Lil Wayne

(13)Young Jeezy/Get Right

(12)Young Jeezy Ft Akon/Soul Survivor

(11)YelaWolf ft. Kid Rock/Let's Roll

(10)Kid Rock/Bawitdaba

(9)Big Boi ft Kelli Rowland/Mama Told Me

(8)Big Boi ft. Janelle Monae/Be Still

(7)Nyzzy Nyce/Right Now (Explicit)

(6)Lil Wayne,Eminem/Drop the World

(5)Eminen/Not Afraid

(4)Ludacris ft. Usher,David Guetta/Rest of My Life

(3)Jay Z ft. Pharell/Excuse Me Miss

(2)Rick Ross (Ashton Martin ,Drake,Chrisette Michele)

(1) Dj Laz & Flo rida / *Remix Move Shake Drop

Editor Picks: Music Selection September 2013

(45) T-Pain feat Chris Brown (Best Love Song) (44) Pitbull ft. Christina Aguilera (Feel This Moment) (43) Justin Bieber (Boyfriend) (42) 4Count (She Aint You) (41) One Direction (Best Song Ever) (40)David Guetta ft. Sia (Titanium) (39) Justin Timberlake (Take Back The Night) (38) Mary J Blige (Be Without You)

(37)Wale ft Tiara Thomas/Bad

(36)The Game My Life ft Lil Wayne

(35)Young Jeezy/Get Right

(34)Young Jeezy Ft Akon/Soul Survivor

(33)YelaWolf ft. Kid Rock/Let's Roll

(32)Kid Rock/Bawitdaba

(31)Big Boi ft Kelli Rowland/Mama Told Me

(30)Nyzzy Nyce/Right Now (Explicit)

(29)Lil Wayne,Eminem/Drop the World

(28)Eminen/Not Afraid

(27)Ludacris ft. Usher,David Guetta/Rest of My Life

(26) Dj Laz & Flo rida / *Remix Move Shake Drop

(25) JayZ,Kanye,Frank Ocean No Church In the Wild

(24) Frank Ocean Thinkin bout you Swim Good

(23) Jessie J ft. Big Sean,Dizzee Rascal Wild

(22) The Dream Rockin That Thang

(21) Miguel How Many Drinks

(20) K Michelle VSOP

(19) The Roots The Next Movement

(18) The Roots What They Do

(17) Rihanna Diamonds

(16) Rihanna Where Have You Been

(15. )Lil Wayne/Mirror ft. Bruno Mars

14.) Kanye / JayZ/No Church In The Wild

Kanye/All of the Lights ft. Rihanni ,Kid Cud

12.) Miguel /How Many Drinks ft. Kendrick Lamar

10.) Austin Malone /What About Love

9.)Justin Timberlake / Suit & Tie

8.)Rihanna Featuring Mikky Ekko/Stay

7.)Bruno Mars /When I was your man

6.) Ll Cool J / Take It

5.)Robin Thicke /Blurred Lines

4.)Ciara / Got Me Good

3._Chrisette Michelle/Charades

2.)Alicia Keyes/Tears Always Win

1.) Luke James/I Want You

Do's & Dont's of Downloading

An advanced method of acquiring information quickly then the previously antiquated card catalogue system found in media centers and libraries throughout the United States, the world wide web also called by many of its user “the internet” allows American consumers to access an array of information,music,and music videos. From its rudimentary beginnings in1993,the world wide web “the internet” during its inception received harsh scrutiny by federal agencies and users. Specifically,consumers trepidations concerning privacy,and security of personal information stored on the web became the concentric and primary concern expressed by many of its users. Despite concerns of just how private and secure personal information entered and stored on the web remained from identity theft ,the number of internet users continued to grow. As the internet expanded and attracted more users, its developers created software to reduce, and decrease internet piracy,identity theft, and viruses. Nonetheless, the federal government and internet users consensus unanimously concurred the advantage of being able to quickly access large amounts information varying from books, film,music, and music videos out weighed the threat of a virus or a computer hacker. Today many of the initial concerns presented during the development and expansion of the internet still exist but not on a grand scale as when the internet first launched in 1993. Amazingly new innovations along with the development of the world wide web has evolved the way consumers purchase and listen to music over the years. As amatter of fact,today in 2009,most consumers listen to music that is digitally stored on compact disc often abbreviated and mainly called a cd by American consumers. Furthermore, the transition of music being stored on records often referred to as LP's, and tapes has all but been replaced by cd's. During the gestation period of producing , and storing sound, consumers purchased records,tapes,and cds at music stores located in malls and outlet malls. Remarkably, today the world wide web, “the internet” allows consumers to purchase cds online. Moreover, recent technologies in electronic devices used to play and view music video presents new concerns and questions especially among teens in referencing how to legally download music. At the same time,downloading music has taken center stage in the music industry even more so with recording artist whose music at the forefront of an illegal download dispute. Veritably, a hot topic among teen and music lovers,unequivocally, downloading music often incites mixed emotions amidst American consumers. Precisely,what is downloading? Basically,downloading is described as the transferring of files or in this particular example, the transferring of music files of a recording artist or various recording artist from the internet to an electronic device such as a computer to be used for personal listening. Subsequently,today's technology allows young adolescence and Americans consumers two ways to download music. An consumers has the choice of downloading music legally or illegally. What is the difference between legal and illegal downloading? A legal download requires the consumer to make a purchases. A cd that a consumer purchases then downloads the cd to the consumers personal computer as well as transfer the files to personal listen device other than computer constitutes a legal download. A consumer is able to download music on cell phones,Mp3 players and I pods. Although, many computers allow teens and consumers to burn cds it is not recommend for distribution or sale .As a result of illegal downloading,several American consumers including teens lawsuit by record labels,and recording artist because of copyright infringements. What is a copyright?A Copyright gives the artist or owner of the music the right to reproduce,and publish the music. The way consumers obtain a copy of an recording artist music is very important because illegal downloading causes loss of revenue to record companies and artist. What is swapping ? A form of illegal downloading and distribution of an music artist work.

Do's & Dont's of Dowwnloading

    • Dont burn or sell cds with illegal downloaded music •Do make a purchase if required. •Dont download from an unknown or untrusted site. •Do keep a list of trusted sites that allow legal downloads •Don't download music illegally. •Do only use downloaded music for personal use. •Dont swap music downloads.

(We've added a few more books to the list check them out!

(Good Reads,Summer 2013 )

Restaurants,hotels,beaches,spas,outdoor markets,nightclubs,and more...Normally,the summer is a great time to take a traditional vacation,a mini vacation,or a nouveau chic stay-cation. As the warmer weather began to roll into Hampton Roads,I began to think seriously about how I could make the best of the summer months on a limited budget. With barely enough money saved to pay the US Department of Education every month as a part of a National Loan Rehabilitation Program,the prospect of a summer vacation or any kind of vacation,I would have to put on a bucket list until my finances or credit rating improved. In each minute,in each second that I thought about the summer months,I began to feel angry,upset,frustrated,and somewhat ashamed and embrass about my finances. Veritably,throughout the years especially in my pre teens and teens,I enjoyed numerous summer months with family and friends. Of course,back then,I didnt have to worry about who's paying or transportation. Today,at forty-something,Im singing a different tune. With no money for a vacation,I turned my thoughts to differently daily activites I could be a participant and be a part of without having to hustle up the big bucks. Inspite my extreme shopping and monthly budgeting ,the truth remains,at the end of the day,I fall short in my goals and finances. Aside from the various sporadic work I perform, most of my money has been put into joining professional organizations and building my non profit via the internet. Flash back to happier times ,a time when I held my own fate in my own hands, an independent young lady who pay her bills and her rent with a road trip every now and then. Winter,Spring,Summer or Fall,I lived to be an Independent young lady calling her own shots. Almost eleven years ago from this day,I went to Jamaica for a classmates wedding,one of the most frequently visited islands in the Virgin Islands.OMG!!!it's hard to believe that it has been that long ago,anyhoot,I enjoyed the trip without all of today's tech gadgets,quite amazingly,I re visit the once in a lifetime trip with pics that I keep in a mini photo album. After I stop dumping on myself,I realized one the many ways I could make the best of this summer is with my Kindle app. Egregiously,for a English major,the Kindle app on my Smart Phone had been out of sight for months. Apparently,I hadnt reactivated my Kindle app since the last phone swap I completed with Virgin Mobile. To conclude,I listed below a few of books Im sampling this summer. So,without much adieu,here's my summer reading list.Have a great summer and dont forget Safety First.

Get Yours! How to Have Everything You Ever Dreamed of and More Amy Dubois Barnett All Things Kardashian Kris Jenner It's Hard to Fight Naked Niecy Nash Wendy's Got Heat Wendy Williams Ask Wendy Wendy Williams. Plan D How to Lose Weight and Beat Diabetes (Even If You Dont Have It) Sheri Shepherd The Four Agreements Don Miguel and Janet Mills Paradise Toni Morrison

more Good Summer Reads....*This summer,Im sampling these books on my Nook HD+.

Choosing Glee(Jenna Uskowitz)Grace,Gold & Glory(Gabrielle Douglas with Michelle Burford)Mom& Me & Mom(Maya Angelou) Recipe For Disaster(Tess Rafferty)

Gone Girl(Gillian Flynn)The Dove Keeper(Alice Hoffman)Philida(Andre Brinks) HouseGirl(Tara Conklin) Where'd You Go Bernadette (Maria Semple) Wild(Cheryl Stray)The Perfect Shoe (Kimberly T Matthews) It's No Secret(Carmen Bryan)

LocaL Author's Day

Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc.

•Author •Educator •Motivator •Social Connector •Independent Consultant •Independent Contractor •Notary•eNotary A Consumer Reporter •Free Lance Writer & Editor of the csaccac Newsletter@http://www.cacjohnson.com

twicetheLuv on USTREAM

*"Get twice the Luv with cacjohnson" in production 2012/gathering new material new material has not resumed Broadcasting as of June 2013 Latest Update*"Get twice the Luv with cacjohnson" scheduled to aire each month on the 2nd & 4th Saturday @100pm on Ustream or Slide Share. At this time, the recording dates for "Get twice the Luv with cacjohnson" has not been scheduled.Currently, I am in the process of preparing the show;therefore,I have not set the actual recording dates for each month;however,listeners can expect at least two recordings of the show each month beginning in November 2010. The first live voice recording of "Get twice the luv with cacjohnson" @ Ustream is the voice of cacjohnson briefly touching on how the show got its name;Twitter plus the other social networking sites. An in formal introduction,the first voice recording had not been planned or rehearsed. An impromtu recording,the first live voice recording of "Get twice the Luv with cacjohnson" suprisingly to me the recording got cut short.

Shop Talk/ Cosmetic Tips /Food/ Social Networking/ Hate It,Loved It,Not the Best,Better Than the Rest/ Consumer Alert/ Pink Passion /Speak Up,Speak Out,Be heard.

At the beginning of 2010,csaccac Inc introduced and offered to all visitors,members,donors and sponsors a yearly subscription to the csaccac Newsletter in addition to the Newsletters subscribers also get a T- shirt with the slogan "365 days of shopping on one of those days,I..." plus a key chain with the company's logo with their subscription.After placing eight issues in print and because of the growing demand for the csaccac Newsletter,I have uploaded the First Edition here at our corporate site. Both the csaccac Newsletter& csaccac eNewsletter is a monthly publication,as Editor,Founder and President of csaccac Inc.,I look forward to continuing the chat with you ( the consumer) in the following months.I thank you for your continued support and look forward to providing you (the consumer )with the latest in consumer product information,until next month don't forget Lips 2shop & 2save.---cacjohnson csaccac Newsletter Copyright © 2010