Breaking News - 11.10.2023:Current tours ended...BIG thanks and congratulations to all book authors!DON book is leading as before... but via this update other ranks changedYes.. we have a strong entry... managed to be in Top 3...really impressive!!And after checking closely...Mr. Roger's book series are doing very good..!Mr. Hurnavich's Red Dragon is performed so good as well (currently 2nd.)Everest is Everest (by Mr. Ivan Alekseev) fully deserves this name for sure!Mr. Hamdullah's Zaytsev (even as old-dated) is still among the best books!Same words are going for many books too... e.g by Mr. Angel Morano etc..For anyone missed, interested...Ultimate League is organized too: ResultsOk... that's all for now.. and here are all the recent played: League GamesMeanwhile, for my previous postings regarding current competitions News 
     Private Book Champion: DON Hercules  - Congrats to Vasid Chouhan!     Public Book Champion: OPTIMUS -Congrats to Roger Constantinesco! 
 Rank Name             Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws   1 DON Hercules 2   3669   11   11   560   55%  3634   77%    2 Red Dragon       3653   12   12   560   53%  3634   75%    3 ORIONPAX3        3650   12   12   540   52%  3635   82%    4 SENTINEL 2       3648   11   12   560   52%  3635   85%    5 OPTIMUS 4        3648   11   12   560   52%  3635   86%    6 Everest 300923   3647   12   12   560   52%  3635   78%    7 OlisFish 260923  3645   12   12   560   52%  3635   81%    8 Zaytsev          3645   11   12   560   52%  3635   87%    9 CachoSCCT opt    3644   12   12   560   51%  3635   80%   10 ShadRach         3641   12   12   560   51%  3635   81%   11 Pimienta         3640   12   12   560   51%  3635   82%   12 Breaker 1.0      3640   12   12   560   51%  3635   79%   13 LesChats 071023  3640   12   12   560   51%  3635   84%   14 C.B Conqueror    3639   12   12   560   51%  3635   86%   15 HCan Upd         3636   12   12   560   50%  3635   83%   16 SARI 300923      3633   12   12   560   50%  3635   80%   17 Chucaro 4 Upd2   3633   12   12   560   50%  3635   84%   18 ORIONPAX2        3631   12   12   540   50%  3635   79%   19 Guzelkiz 220522  3631   12   12   560   49%  3635   81%   20 HCanFree Upd     3629   12   12   560   49%  3635   77%   21 DON-B            3628   12   12   560   49%  3635   82%   22 CallmeX          3626   12   12   560   49%  3635   85%   23 V by Kerveros    3623   12   11   560   48%  3636   84%   24 GutLess Git 1.0  3622   12   12   560   48%  3636   76%   25 Goi forum        3621   12   12   560   48%  3636   79%   26 FireOnBIN        3616   12   12   560   47%  3636   74%   27 SkynetSCCT 10.1  3615   12   12   560   47%  3636   75%   28 1337chess X      3615   12   11   560   47%  3636   79%   29 Lion 110423      3610   12   11   560   46%  3636   78% 
     • Calculated by Bayeselo / 1337ches fixed to 3615  / Blue Name = Last Update
More Details (09.10.2023).• All books are played by 8-times Champion eng Cfish 030820 C40• Note that all current Top books are qualified from Second League• Overall draw percentage (based on 7560 games) not so high 81%  You know, with other Top engine, we may see close to 90% draws• Any Book Leader (after 500 games...) will be titled as Champion  And plus there will be Champion tittles for Public opening books• As usual, all the played games available after the end of tourney• For anyone missed, previous postings about current tours NewsBN17  BN16  BN15  BN14  BN13  BN12  BN11  LXV  BN10  BN9  BN8  BN7 BN6