Latest Update: 14.10.2022

Hello Chess Friends,

As usually, I am very pleased to announce that,

I managed to organize another new championship...

1st of all,

A new idea is born: testing Online players opening books!

To be more clear,

I've created derivative books, which are based on FICS,

Infinitychess, Playchess games (played mainly in 2022)

In short, my created books are tuned to prefer theirs played

Openings e.g as main move the wins and as alternative the

Draws are enabled (for playing) too and I have to admit that

Almost all are based mainly on 3700+ NNUE drawn games..

Sure I am referring about Infinitychess + Playchess servers

About FICS server, the played engines games are unknown..

Note also that

As far as possible, I picked minimum 1500 games (per player),

All are in CTG and all of them are small size (minus plus 1 MB)

Online Champion: Ganryu - My Congratulations to Ganryu (Playchess User)!

Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Ganryu 3747 9 10 300 53% 3726 90% 2 Trasno 3740 10 11 300 52% 3727 90% 3 Detlef Uter 3739 10 10 300 52% 3727 92% 4 DRAHA 3737 10 11 300 52% 3727 93% 5 Seliga 3736 10 11 300 51% 3727 93% 6 GrandDroid 3735 10 11 300 51% 3727 91% 7 Mafioso 3735 10 11 300 51% 3727 90% 8 Klasman 3734 10 11 300 51% 3727 88% 9 Notarious 3733 10 11 300 51% 3727 89% 10 Abysses 3733 10 11 300 51% 3727 93% 11 Hisoka798 3731 10 11 300 51% 3727 89% 12 TicTacto 3731 10 11 300 51% 3727 92% 13 Ocirema 3731 10 11 300 51% 3727 93% 14 Hutnik 3731 10 11 300 51% 3727 93% 15 ALE_KCS 3730 10 11 300 51% 3727 94% 16 JML26 3729 11 11 300 50% 3727 91% 17 Hippo100 3728 11 11 300 50% 3727 92% 18 Ivers 3728 11 11 300 50% 3727 94% 19 WolfgangBaller 3726 11 11 300 50% 3727 93% 20 ArasanX 3725 11 11 300 50% 3727 91% 21 Crikoch 3725 11 10 300 50% 3727 93% 22 SugarAI 3724 11 10 300 50% 3727 92% 23 Sirius II 3722 11 10 300 49% 3727 89% 24 Megielszmergiel 3718 11 10 300 49% 3727 90% 25 Desvelemosafrica 3717 11 10 300 48% 3727 87% 26 Horsian 3716 11 10 300 48% 3727 88% 27 GoldBarMM 3715 11 10 300 48% 3728 87% 28 Kuhne 3714 11 10 300 48% 3728 88% 29 Pooper Scooper 3712 10 10 300 48% 3728 89% 30 Hafaba 3709 10 10 300 47% 3728 85% 31 exeComp 3708 10 9 300 47% 3728 87%
• Calculated by Bayeselo / Blue Name = FICS / Rest: Playchess, Infinityhess...

More Details

All books are played by same NNUE engine: Raubfish X48c3 SC

The current overall draw percentage (based on 4650 games): 90%

Chessbase (ctg) main book settings: Learning ON, Optimized, 0/40

About 2550 games are played at 2min+1sec, the rest at 3 Minutes

Download all the played tournament games (in PGN format) BN VI

What I can say more,Now for all same cond.. no speed or engine advantages etc.Btw, via Online (Playchess server):Top players draw ratio 99%Here, the overall draw - ratio is less...the main reason I use Less Drawish NNUE engine, no any other explanation for that..
On other hand..We have stronger NN engines, about 25 Elo (in Blitz): ResultsAnyhow I think that for 25 Elo improvement to see 99% draws,Simply will be just waste of time and too boring games for sureAnd due to others high-draw ratio...I prefer Raubfish, becauseThe FUN should be as most important part in our hobby, right?
As Final Note,Very soon I hope to run another tour, which will be based onPublic books (via Cfish 030820 C40) and please stay tuned!
