Last Update: 06.04.2023

Hello  Chess Friends,

As usually, I am pleased to announce that,

Another new Championship, based on GMs books!

Well, some quick notes about the current interesting competition,

I've managed to create many new books, which are in BIN format..

And this time, all are played by 3700+ NNUE engine (Raubfish SC)

For a better performance, all books are optimized / tuned to prefer:

GMs players openings mainly since the period between 2010 -.2022

Target (for each book): to be based on min 1500+ games (per player)

As games used the high-rated GMs players...e.g av. 2600-2800+ Elo 

Btw, for creation: Blitz games are removed, Rapid+Slow TC are used

What I can say more, as usual:

I've done my best about any book to be close to GMs opening styles!

Note also that,

As far as possible I picked as books, mainly FIDE high-rated players

Plus former Champs: Gelfand, Goryachkina, Kasimzdahanonov, Kasparov

 B/N CS XI's Champion: Hao-Wang - My Congratulations to Hao Wang!

 Congrats to Kramnik (performed as 2nd rank) plus to Ding (as 3rd rank)

 Note: Kramnik and Ding are managed as Champions before (in older tourneys)

Rank Name              Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws 

   1 Hao-Wang         3747    8    8   600   53%  3728   90% 

   2 Kramnik          3742    8    9   600   52%  3728   88% 

   3 Ding             3741    8    9   600   52%  3728   89% 

   4 Dominguez        3740    8    9   600   52%  3728   89% 

   5 Gelfand          3739    8    9   600   52%  3728   90% 

   6 Karjakin         3738    8    9   600   52%  3728   88% 

   7 Topalov          3738    8    9   600   52%  3728   88% 

   8 Ponomariov       3736    8    9   600   51%  3728   89% 

   9 Anand            3736    8    9   600   51%  3728   88% 

  10 Grischuk         3735    9    9   600   51%  3728   88% 

  11 YangyiYu         3734    8    9   600   51%  3728   90% 

  12 WesleySo         3733    8    9   600   51%  3728   92% 

  13 Nepomniachi      3732    9    9   600   51%  3728   89% 

  14 Vidit            3731    9    9   600   50%  3728   88% 

  15 Giri             3730    9    9   600   50%  3728   90% 

  16 Caruana          3730    9    9   600   50%  3728   90% 

  17 Carlsen          3726    9    9   600   50%  3728   90% 

  18 Vachier-Lagrave  3725    9    9   600   50%  3728   87% 

  19 Aronian          3725    9    9   600   49%  3728   89% 

  20 Duda             3724    9    9   520   49%  3730   86% 

  21 Kasimdzhanov     3723    9    9   600   49%  3728   88% 

  22 Firouzja         3722    9    9   520   49%  3730   88% 

  23 Radjabov         3721    9    9   520   49%  3730   88% 

  24 Vitiugov         3721    9    9   520   49%  3730   88% 

  25 LeQuangLiem      3721    9    9   520   49%  3730   88% 

  26 Mamedyarov       3717    9    9   520   48%  3730   90% 

  27 Nakamura         3717    9    9   520   48%  3730   84% 

  28 Andreikin        3716    9    9   520   48%  3730   86% 

  29 Kasparov         3715    9    9   520   48%  3730   88% 

  30 Goryachkina      3710    9    9   520   47%  3731   85% 

  31 Rapport          3709    9    9   520   47%  3730   87% 

     • Calculated by Bayeselo program / Kasparov is fixed to 3715 Elo points
More Details• All GMs books are played by same NNUE chess engine: Raubfish X48c3 SC

    • Main target: Testing GMs played openings (min 1500-2000 games per player)

    • Each book is BIN format, tested with settings: Best Move: Disabled,  Depth 35

    • The current overall draw percentage (based on 8860 games) is little high: 88%

      But e.g with other Top NNUE engine is expecting close to 97% - 98% (draws) 

    • Download the played tournament games (in PGN format): Book/NNUE CS XI

LXV  BN10  BN9  BN8  BN7  BN6  64  BN5  BN4  BN3  63  62  BN2  BN1  61  60  59