Breaking News - 24.03.2023:

     The current book competition is ended, played under classic conditions!

      I mean as NON-NNUE (no gaining from previous played data-Evalfies)

      I said before everything can happen and Everest is again Number One!

      Sure, HCan Upd is very dangerous one but sometimes luck is required

      Where as we see OPTIMUS book managed to be as Public Champion!

      And as usual,FireOnBin is impressive as NON-NN..what does it mean?

      In other words, I suggest more beta testings as NON-NNUE, otherwise

      Such old-dated lines as FireOnBin books will stay one of Top forever..!)

      Anyhow.. this is just a fun book competition..and enjoy.)  Btw,I realized

      To run new Duel, between one of most used engines: Results / Games

     LXV's Private Book Champion Everest -Congratulations to Ivan Alekseev!       Public Book Champion: OPTIMUS 2 - Congrats to Roger Constantinesco!
Rank Name               Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 Everest 090223    3701   13   13   406   54%  3677   82%    2 HCan Upd          3699   13   13   406   53%  3677   83%    3 FireOnBIN         3693   13   13   406   52%  3677   77%    4 OPTIMUS 2         3693   13   13   406   52%  3677   89%    5 Goi_Light         3689   13   13   406   52%  3677   87%    6 Hubble 3.3        3689   13   13   406   52%  3677   85%    7 Pimienta          3685   13   13   406   51%  3677   83%    8 Guzelkiz 220522   3685   13   13   406   51%  3677   79%    9 1337chess         3685   13   13   406   51%  3677   84%   10 Barnabas 2.1      3684   13   13   406   51%  3677   79%   11 Legends           3683   13   13   406   51%  3677   82%   12 OlisFish          3681   13   13   406   51%  3677   83%   13 DON-B             3681   13   13   406   50%  3677   84%   14 Eman 240722       3679   13   13   406   50%  3677   79%   15 Donmez            3678   13   13   406   50%  3677   83%   16 LesChats 040323   3678   13   13   406   50%  3677   80%   17 StudentChess      3676   13   13   406   50%  3677   84%   18 Oliprog           3675   13   13   406   50%  3677   85%   19 DarkGalactus      3674   13   13   406   50%  3678   83%   20 Ikal 3            3673   13   13   406   49%  3678   85%   21 MZ                3673   13   13   406   49%  3678   79%   22 CallmeX           3671   13   13   406   49%  3678   86%   23 Lion 8            3670   13   13   406   49%  3678   79%   24 ChazChess         3667   13   13   406   48%  3678   80%   25 Mustafacanseven   3665   13   13   406   48%  3678   80%   26 Predator 2.3      3665   13   13   406   48%  3678   84%   27 SCCT              3664   13   13   406   48%  3678   80%   28 Echidna           3657   13   13   406   47%  3678   80%   29 Ukraine 53 Light  3655   13   13   406   47%  3678   78%   30 GutLess_Git       3653   13   13   406   46%  3678   79% 
   Calculated by Bayeselo  / DrawRatio (based on 6090 games) not high 82%
More Details• All BIN books are played by same engine: CF EXT 291120 C40• As players, I picked 3744+ Elo of recent competition: BN X Tour  And sorry that I did not include all rest..due to no free time for allSCCT book is not tuned..and suffers, due to prefer various lines  But if comparing with ones which prefer various... no comments!• Each book participant will be played min.400 games (per player)• Any Book Leader (after 400 games..) will be titled as Champion  Note also that there will be Champion tittles for Public books too• All the played games will be available after the end of BN CS X   Exception, Authors can get theirs played games (in active tour)• For anyone missed, more details about current tourneys News
BN10  BN9  BN8  BN7  BN6  64  BN5  BN4  BN3  63  62  BN2  BN1  61  60  59