Hello Chess Friends,

      On this news page,      You can read my postings regarding for Book / NNUE X /  Book LXV

    10.04.2023:The registrations are closed and probably today (after 10-12 hours)I hope to publish the Final standings...and please stay tuned....Btw, I started to wonder a lot what will be new ranks e.g for the moment, Hamish 3, Pimienta...are serious candidates as next Number One!


    Finely, current B/N X competition is resumed!

    And here are the next planning book players,

    Which are new and created by other Authors:

    DarkGalactus Upd

    Goi 210323


    MANTIS Upd

    OlisFish 0.1.0


    In case of interest / new book updates: 

    Please be in hurry, because current tour will be

    Ended in a few days, probably on 10.04.2023 

    But just in case if you miss, please do not worry,

    E.g new book tournament is coming very soon!


     Via this update, 5 (five) new books entered and so far 169 books played!

     The latest entries performed good... especially both OliFish and Hamish!

     Actually OliFish's start was better... but anyhow even to be 7th.. just great!  

     Even to be last..not important...plus sometimes any book can be not lucky..

     Note also that the current tour is paused, resuming date is not so clear, but

     Very likely it's planning to be resumed in next month (April) Btw, as I stated

     Before, another new NON - NNUE tour coming, for latest played: Results


     Another NON-NNUE Duel with one of most frequent used engines, played 

     Via same cond. exc.used Balsa and the results ended in favor for CF-EXT

     Score of CF EXT 291120 C40 vs Raubfish X48c3 SC: 17 - 9 - 174 [0.520]

     ...      CF EXT 291120 C40 playing White: 12 - 3 - 85  [0.545] 100

     ...      CF EXT 291120 C40 playing Black: 5 - 6 - 89  [0.495] 100

     ...      White vs Black: 18 - 8 - 174  [0.525] 200

     Elo difference: 13.9 +/- 17.3, LOS: 94.2 %, DrawRatio: 87.0 %

     200 of 200 games finished. Games 


     After 330+ games (per player) the standings are changed..and again

     And again, HCan Upd book managed to take to lead...unbelievable!

     On other hand, in the next updates, Everest, OPTIMUS, FireOnBin...

     Can be as next Number One..you may know..everything can happen

     Btw for anyone missed, I picked as players 3744+ of the recent BN X  

     Exc. FireOnBin, due to its lines managed as Champ (in older NON-NN tours)

     What I can say more, it's clear some books are better with assistance

     Or just opposite, but the most important: all in one (in performances)!


     Here are the latest standings of NON-NNUE tour, where all books are

     Playing via CF-EXT 291120 C40...what I can say in short, exc Everest

     FireOnBIN's performance is incredible so far, actually no BIG surprise

     Because in case of no assistance, FireOnBIN's lines are unstoppable!

     Sure, HCan, OPTIMUS, Pimienta, Barnabas, OlisFish..are not bad too

     Btw, so far  Barnabas and FireOnBin have very low draw-ratio..bravo!

     Ok..now I am too busy..but later more detailed information coming...)


     Via current update, 8 (eight) books entered... and the standings changed...

     And one of Mr. Hamdullah Can's book managed to be Number One again!

     Impressive really...  e.g 2nd time his books are Champions in this tourney!

     Meanwhile, sure same words are going to Mr. Angel Morano s books too!

     On other hand, for right now Barnabas book lost the lead...but in the next

     Updates everything can happen even Pimienta book has BIG chances too

     In other words, time will tell..Btw, let me say please a few words regarding

     Dottie-Maloti (created by Mr. Ian Hurnavich): in short, I'm just shocked for

     Two reasons: 1st Incredible performance, 2nd Smallest (315KB) in the tour

     Yes,this super-micro book fully deserves as candidate in Guinness records!

     Sure, Goi_Light, GutLess Git, Ukraine 53 Light performed very good too!

     About Lion190322's performance, no any idea why performed at 74th rank

     E.g I tested as BestMove ON, but what I can say, it's different than Lion 8

     Anyhow no any complain/ problem, because this is just a fun competition )

     One thing more, Elo2400 bin book is the same one, which comes via SCID

     Note also that very soon, the current tour will be paused, but before I plan to

     Organize another new book tour, where will be played as NON-NNUE, e.g 

     Via NN assistance it's clear about which are strongest..what about without?

     Ok...that's all for now, more details very soon... and please stay tuned...)


     Well, this is the 2nd update (for today), where Legends book is participated.

     For anyone missed, it's my work, but all credits are going to Mr. Angel and

     To Mr. Vasid and it has been created in name of one of Best Book Makers!

     It's tuned to prefer both Top Book Authors openings (played mainly in 2022)

     To be more clear, I did not touch the openings, played in current tournament

     Frankly, its performance as expected.. Btw, tested vs many various books!

     And we can't expect more e.g to be Number One: special tuning, new lines

     Plus beta book testings required...anyhow I'm satisfied..I assume you too )

     One thing more, Legends is 4 MB (uncompressed) and its draw-ratio 88%

     Note also in the next days several more books will be played out as well...


     No new entry (actually there are a few new ones which are pending

     And very likely they will be tested soon as possible) In short via this

     Update, as you may see, again the latest Top books are resumed to

     Play vs weaker books, which prefer mainly various openings... and 

     Now it's more clear e.g some are better in OVERALL openings...or

     Where some of the Top books perform better in TREND openings, 

     But on other hand, this is nothing new... for example in CS XXXVII

     We noticed similar situations (the Champs Fres, Vitamin suffered)

     And to be more clear, the main reason..via creation of these books

     CCCC, CCRL, FCP, FGRL, SPPC, SCCT, TCEC etc) is simply that

     To stress the latest Top opening books..and I hope also you like my

     Way of testing...otherwise only TREND...would not be too boring ?)

     Ok...it's time to say: BARNABAS is again and again on Top !! and 

     I wonder... who will manage to stop it? note also this is a very small

     Book in size (3 MB uncompressed) and frankly I can't remember so

     Tiny one with such great performance plus with low draw-ratio 89%

     Btw, next Champion titles will be determined after 1000 games and

     Will be played vs many books too, which prefer various openings...

     And via this method...will be more clear strongest books out there!

     Meanwhile, my created ''Legends'' book will be participated soon...

     E.g it's based on Angel Morano and Vasid Chouhan's older books!

 19.03.2023     Via 2nd update (for today), we have a new leading Top opening book:     ChessBoardConqueror (by Hamdullah Can) and his other new book     Zaytsev is ranked currently as 6th place...in short, very very good !!     But on other hand, I wonder too, what will be standings... if via more     Games...especially vs weaker books, which prefer various openings... Ok..very soon I plan to test ChessBoardConqueror vs weaker ones.. And please stay tuned...)


 Via current update, no any new entry...in short, simply I realized that

 Both Top books (Barnabas+Pimienta) to be played vs weaker books,

 Which prefer various openings, .e.g a few of them CCRL, FCP, FGRL..

 And for right now, standings are slightly changed...where Barnabas is

 Managed to take the lead...not sure what will be next ranks, but it is

 Clear that to be on Top: not so easy as it looks... some may say as

 Luck or as Engine error.. or due to I use fast time control etc. and etc.

 Anyhow, I can talk more...but there is one true..this is a fun tour..and

 Please do not take too seriously the current played results...and just

 Because is hard..it does not mean to give up... try again and again..

 And no doubt that sooner or later...the success will be in the door..!)

     Note also that two new different books (by Hamdullah Can) entered..


 Again 4 (four) players are entered, but the main difference is that

 Stockfish 240223 participated, but without using any opening book...

 Note: exactly the same SF version is 'twice' as Winner of CS XXVII

 And if comparing... it's already clear that minus plus Elo difference

 Between (Raubfish X48c SC and Stockfish 240223) is just 20 Elo

 That means also in one year period of time is improved about 20..

 If you are not aware, please check, No Book's points: 3732 Elo

 Btw, another main difference: Stockfish is much more DRAWISH

 And once more, Raubfish is one of best (in case of book tours...)

 About rest entries: 3 new books, which performed really so good!

 I said before, this man (Angel Morano) is Legend..and as we see

 He is proving to be so... like DON's author (Vasid Chouhan) and 

 I'm afraid to count theirs Champ titles...because I may miss some..

 But too many titles for sure! SF-SE_a by SkyNet, one of the best

 Talents..not only in book making but also in engine programming!

 And HCan is created by Hamdullah Can, who is same author of

 Varied book, who managed to win the UNFORGETTABLE B/N V

 A few words about Barnabas, stable as STONE, one of Leaders!!

 Same words are going for Mustafacanseven plus to many as well..


 Via this update only 4 (four) books entered and so far 149 books played

 Yes.. the latest new Barnabas book is managed to be as Number One !!

 Frankly, I'm very impressed by the current Barnabas 2.1 's performance

 And I think that, checking, tuning etc.... by the previous played games,

 Helped and made a serious influence that Barnabas become Champ!

 Meanwhile (for anyone missed) in case of request, all the played games

 Will be sent to the Book Authors, who are already as current participants

 Otherwise (without checking the played games), no BIG chances to tune...

 About latest new LesChat's performance: not bad, but I expected better

 Points, Btw, I noticed that it's completely new vers..anyhow sometimes

 Any opening book can be not so lucky...and the most important is fun!

 On other hand, latest Ukraine 53 performed as 25th rank...not bad too

 And again and again, I gave a chance to FireOnBoard's opening lines

 E.g FireOnBin = it is based on all FireOnBoard's games (wins+draws)

 Where FIRE..wins book is tuned on only FireOnBoard' wins (no draws)

 But it's already clear that FireOnBoard's lines are better as NON-NNUE

 Note also that, very likely in the next days: I'm going to drop my tempo..

 Sure the current tour will be still active...but I plan to test less books...


 Via this update many books entered again and so far 145 books played..

 Note also that mostly books are belonging to other Authors, sure many 

 Books are my work too, e.g all my created books are optimized to prefer

 Other opening books, I mean if you will blame about that X book is below

 Or higher than expected...then simply I say: I'm not the reason..exc. for 

 Perfect13+SCCT, in other words, I'm responsible for both..about rest no)

 And while I'm talking about Perfect 13..current its rank is 124, but based 

 On openings of 2006 year, Btw, in same time means the oldest lines in

 The current championship...so nothing strange...but on other hand, e.g

 In the past...this book was 1st Champ..plus Perfect13 was as' key' that

 I started to organize these tourneys...in other words, without this book:

     - Probably we would not see these kind of tours !!..What I can say more:

 Its ver. number 13, the created date (as bin) plus testing on 13.03.2022

 Even my birth date is on 13.02.1971...in short, what a lucky number !)

 Ok..let's back to our actual Top standings, for right now 3 Leaders have

 Identical Elo points...I tested them against many various books...really

 One of strongest books that I have ever seem...sure same words are

 Going for all the rest Top opening books as well, ok...that's all for now.)

 Exc. organizing tours (with so plenty of books) are required BIG efforts...

 And I hope you like my free chess activities ?)


 Important update (for better accurate standings) all DVLC's games are 

 Removed...and in case of interest, all the played games available: CAT

 For more details about why, you can check and read at Outskirts forum

 And after new, but right Elo calculations:

 We have two Number One public books: Chucaro and Mustafacanseven

 Note also that many more books are coming soon and please stay tuned


 Another BIG update but this time, the number of previous 27140 games Increased to 47490, that means 20000+ new games are played/added! And 40 (forty) new entries are included..so far total number of books:111 In other words (in less than a week) so many books+games are played! But this is not all, in the next days more books are planing to played out And via latest update, mostly of rankings changed...yes...for right now We have a new public Champion book: Chucaro, Chucaro, Chucaro.!! Is this is as luck?. sure to become a Champ....requires some luck..but Undoubtedly, requires a lot of hard work, new stronger lines, ideas etc. Btw, I created more BIN books, which are tuned to prefer CTG versions E.g Vitamin is one of them, plus just for comparing I tested the original Vitamin 290320 book too, which belongs to real author (Juan Carlos), And as we see..same in performances (between both Vitamin books) There are a lot of other details to say about current update of course, But no free time for all...exc. Mustacanseven is another great one !! Which released by Cevdet Sarı (in the name of Mustafa CanSeven) And without to not mention this can't too, Echidna is created by Me.. But all credits are going to Kerveros..where even as old dated lines.. (Based mainly on 2019 year..) Echidna's performance is incredible! That's all for now, more info about my created books in next updates..


 A BIG update...as you may see, plenty of opening books are participated Note that I created more books, which are based on CTG opening books: E.g what's new (than 1337.. wins) 1337chess includes drawn games too.. Plus other my created books are DarkGalactus, Donmez, Katzemaier etc. And I have good news as well,  DarkGalactus bin (one of current Number One...) is released: Download
         06.03.2023:      Here is another new tour, but this time (as participants) only BIN books The reason, CTG book format is not compatible under Cutechess GUI On other hand, I did not prefer Fritz GUIs, due to no 'concurrent' option, E.g via parallel matches: easy to produce so many games in short time! Maybe later I can organize under Fritz too ..but I don't want to promise... And here are the 1st played results, yes for right now, two Champions: SF-SE + Everest 090223 btw both Authors books 1st time as Champs! And no doubt that Everest book fully deserves this name! plus I tested  The same Everest book version as NON-NNUE too, and who said that  NNUE is much stronger than NON-NNUE?) e.g under these conditions The Elo difference is minus plus 50 Elo, in other words, it all depends... Well, I'm impressed also by DON, old dated but still is very strong, sure xXx, Cacho, Guzelkiz, Adrenaline, Varied, LessChats...another BEAST'  Note that exc. SF-SE plus xXx, Andrenaline, SF15f created by Skynet! And just out of curiosity, I created some BIN books based on their wins E.g Fire..Wins = FireOnBoard / 1337..Wins =Series of 1337chess vers. SCCT = Based on wins too, played by various Perfect, Balsa series... And I hope to see many books in the next days, weeks...Good Luck )