Breaking News (02.03.2023):Two Championships, based mainly oh new participants of 3700+ EloYes.. the Number One (of both competitions): Stockfish 240223 dev!However, as we much Elo progress since many months, butFun should be as most important part in our hobby, so no any regret...Note also that normally 2nd tour (5m+1s) was planning more games...But I lost interest..due to very high draw percentages..too boring..sorry..And probably in my next tours, I'll use faster TC, plus less Cores, sureI mean about running tours of NNUE 3700+, thanks for understanding!
The Winner is Stockfish dev - My Congratulations to Stockfish team!
Rank Name                Elo    +    - Games Score Oppo. Draws    1 Stockfish 240223   3768    2    3   544   53%  3760   93%    2 SF PB Skynet       3767    2    3   544   52%  3760   94%    3 Dark Sister 1.9a   3767    2    3   544   52%  3760   95%    4 Kayra 1.7          3766    2    3   544   52%  3760   95%    5 Kookaburra v1.03a  3766    2    3   544   52%  3760   95%    6 SF PB ChessMan     3766    3    3   544   52%  3760   94%    7 CorChess 240223    3766    3    3   544   52%  3760   94%    8 PREDATOR X5        3766    2    3   544   52%  3760   95%    9 Eman 8.70          3765    3    3   544   52%  3760   95%   10 Genko 1.1          3765    3    3   544   52%  3760   94%   11 Polyfish 020223    3764    3    3   544   52%  3760   96%   12 Patzer AI 020223   3764    3    3   544   51%  3760   95%   13 Charisma 240223    3763    3    3   544   51%  3760   96%   14 KomodoDragon 3.2   3756    3    3   544   49%  3761   92%   15 CFishNN 250223     3752    3    2   544   48%  3761   92%   16 Fat Fritz 3        3745    2    2   544   44%  3761   87%   17 Berserk 11.1       3743    2    2   544   42%  3762   82%   18 Vafra 12.3 Cfish   3741    2    1   544   40%  3762   80% 
       • Calculated by Bayeselo / Genko 1.1 fixed to 3765 Elo / Blue Name = Last Update
     More Details: • Almost all of NNUE engines are AVX2, tested via their default Evalfiles • SF PB Skynet is released on 090223 / SF PB ChessMan on 301022 • Current overall draw percentage (based on 4896 games) is high: 93% • All the played tour games are available (in PGN format): NNUE XXVII
     And here is 2nd new tourney (with the above Top 10 players):     Cutechess, 5m+1s, Ponder ON, 6 Cores/Game, 512 MB hash...
    The Winner is again Stockfish dev - My Congratulations to Stockfish team!
 Rank Name               Elo    +    -  games score oppo. draws    1 Stockfish 240223   3815    2    3   216   51%  3812   99%    2 SF PB Skynet       3813    2    3   216   50%  3812   99%    3 Kookaburra v1.03a  3812    3    3   216   50%  3812   99%    4 Dark Sister 1.9a   3812    3    3   216   50%  3812   99%    5 Kayra 1.7          3812    3    3   216   50%  3812  100%    6 SF PB ChessMan     3812    3    3   216   50%  3812  100%    7 CorChess 240223    3812    3    3   216   50%  3812   99%    8 Eman 8.70          3811    3    2   216   50%  3812  100%    9 PREDATOR X5        3811    3    2   216   50%  3812   99%   10 Genko 1.1          3810    3    2   216   50%  3812   98%       • Calculated by Bayeselo / Draw Ratio (based on 1080 games) is very high: 99%