Breaking News -17.11.2022:The current tourney is over... thanks and congrats to all book makers!All the played tournament games are available: SCCT Book / NN VIINote that I included the Bench / Strength plus FireOnBoard games tooOn other hand, normally the tour was planning to be still active, but myPC is busy with other... e.g (for anyone missed) here is recent: ResultsIn other words, no much free time for all..thanks for your understandingBtw, via final update 4 (four) new books entered, all of them belongs toMr. Ian Hurnavich and very good performance comes by Nimativ vers..!That's all for now, I hope see you in next tours sure when ever will be !)Meanwhile, for my all previous postings about current competition:News

Grand Champion (ctg+bin): Guzel Kiz 200522 bin - Congrats to Hasan Satrani!

 Rank Name                 Elo    +    -  games score oppo. draws    1 Guzelkiz 200522       3668   10   10   670   54%  3638   77%    2 DON 201022            3663   10   10   670   54%  3638   83%    3 Eman 240722 book      3659   10   11   670   53%  3638   79%    4 Cubail 040722         3658   12   12   510   53%  3640   83%    5 NimaTiv 131122        3657   12   12   500   53%  3640   82%    6 1337chess Pro 070422  3656   11   12   550   52%  3641   85%    7 Cacho UPD             3656   11   11   590   53%  3636   85%    8 SF15d                 3656   10   11   670   53%  3638   83%    9 Serbest-At            3655   12   12   550   52%  3641   83%   10 Donmez 260322         3654   10   11   670   52%  3638   81%   11 NimaTiv-220722        3653   11   11   670   52%  3638   80%   12 Time-Lord 180622      3652   10   11   670   52%  3638   83%   13 Goi CTG May 2022      3652   12   12   500   52%  3640   85%   14 Fauzi Turbo 1.1       3651   12   12   500   52%  3640   85%   15 Long                  3651   12   12   550   51%  3641   79%   16 Goi 040121            3650   11   11   670   52%  3638   81%   17 Surprise 3535         3650   12   12   550   51%  3641   85%   18 LSA                   3650   10   11   670   52%  3638   83%   19 xXx                   3649   11   11   670   52%  3638   83%   20 Dara 111122           3648   12   12   540   51%  3640   82%   21 MANTIS-DH2            3648   10   11   670   51%  3638   85%   22 1337chess Pro 080722  3647   11   11   660   51%  3638   84%   23 Fufa                  3647   11   11   670   51%  3638   82%   24 Yanbu 100922          3645   11   11   670   51%  3638   82%   25 Dual Ukraine 38 + MZ  3645   11   11   670   51%  3638   81%   26 Thunderwizard         3645   11   11   670   51%  3638   85%   27 LOBO 1                3645   12   12   550   51%  3641   79%   28 Dark Galactus V3      3645   11   11   670   51%  3638   84%   29 Chucaro4              3645   11   11   670   51%  3638   82%   30 Halloween-2022        3644   11   11   630   51%  3639   83%   31 Solista Attack v1.1a  3644   11   11   670   51%  3638   82%   32 SolistaAttack v2      3644   12   12   500   51%  3636   87%   33 M13.7                 3644   11   11   670   51%  3638   83%   34 FLUX                  3644   12   12   500   51%  3640   84%   35 Earth V1              3644   11   11   670   51%  3638   84%   36 Eddie                 3643   12   12   500   51%  3640   83%   37 OPTIMUS1              3643   12   12   500   51%  3636   85%   38 Solista 081022        3643   11   11   670   51%  3638   83%   39 Athina 231022         3642   11   11   670   51%  3638   80%   40 Hubble 3.3            3640   11   11   670   50%  3638   80%   41 Pavel 240422          3639   12   12   540   51%  3635   85%   42 Athina CTG            3639   11   11   630   50%  3638   82%   43 CallmeX               3638   12   12   500   50%  3636   85%   44 Ikal 3                3638   11   11   670   50%  3638   83%   45 Hubble 3.2            3638   11   11   620   50%  3638   84%   46 Dual Strong + MZ      3638   11   11   670   50%  3638   83%   47 Quantum               3638   12   12   500   50%  3640   85%   48 Delta Zero ctg        3637   11   11   670   50%  3638   78%   49 StockfishMZ + MZ      3635   12   12   550   50%  3636   84%   50 Zeus + Ze             3633   12   12   500   50%  3635   86%   51 SF-PB + PB            3629   11   11   670   49%  3638   82%   52 Kayra + Ka            3626   12   12   500   49%  3635   85%   53 Desvelemosafrica      3626   11   11   670   48%  3638   78%   54 SF Polyglot + SP      3625   11   10   670   48%  3638   83%   55 Raubfisch + Ra        3625   12   11   550   48%  3636   84%   56 Cfish                 3625   11   11   670   48%  3638   79%   57 Brainfish + Br        3622   11   11   670   48%  3638   79%   58 Marvin 610            3622   11   11   670   48%  3638   74%   59 Grendel               3621   11   10   670   47%  3638   77%   60 Stockfish + SF        3617   11   10   670   47%  3638   80%   61 Eman + Em             3617   11   10   670   47%  3638   81%   62 FatFritz2 + FF2       3611   11   10   670   46%  3639   77%   63 TestBook + Slow       3609   10   10   670   46%  3639   75%   64 Koivisto + Ko         3607   11   10   670   46%  3639   72%   65 Berserk + Be          3603   11   10   670   45%  3639   66%   66 RubiChess + Ru        3597   12   11   540   44%  3636   69%   67 Mayhem Final          3593   11   11   540   44%  3636   69%   68 KDragon + KD          3567   11   10   540   39%  3637   65% 
    • Calculated by Bayeselo / Cfish book is fixed to 3625 Elo / Blue Name = Last Update
More Details (when the tour was active) :Mostly books are played by 6-times Champion: Cfish 030820 C40  As alternative, many other different engines are used to play as well  E.g so far, my created 16 Books are played by these various engines • In the current active tour: only Public opening books will be played..  Exc. FireOnBoard (private) tested..even old-dated but still not dead• Several books allowed (by same Author), but have to be different...  • Overall draw percentage (based on 21420 games) not so high: 80%• Maximum (compressed) size limit for CTG: 300 MB / BIN: 100 MB  As Bonus (for frequent), I can test CTG up to 1 GB  /  BIN:  350 MB  Btw, very small books (such as 1-2 MB) are not planing as players• Chessbase (ctg) main book settings: Learning ON, Optimized, 0/40• Polyglot (bin) main settings: BookDepth 40 / Best Move as disabled  Exc. some opening books are played by Author's recommendationsAll opening book entries will be played min.500 games (per player) • Any Leader (after 500 games per player) will be titled as Champion  Plus any BIN Leader will be titled Champ due to Book Learning ON  Also there will be Grand Champion tittle (if best BIN performance)• As usual, all the played games will be after the end of tournament   Exc. the Book Authors can get their played games (in active tour) For anyone missed, more details regarding current tourney: NewsBN6  64  BN5  BN4  BN3  63  62  BN2  BN1  61  60  59  58  57  56  55  54