Last Update: 03.12.2021

Dear  Chess Friends,

As usually, I am pleased to announce that,

I organized a new book championship, as players: GMs books!

Btw, periodically I run similar tours based on GMs :XXXVIII, XXXIX etc.

Meanwhile, just  I'd like to point out that CS XLVI will be still active ...I

Some notes about the current competition,

For a better performance. all books are new and optimized to prefer:

GMs players openings e.g games since the period between 2010 -.2021

The target (for each book):  to be based on min 1500+ games (per player)

Games used the high-rated GMs players...e.g mainly av. 2600-2700+ Elo 

During any book optimizations the defeats are removed (for White/Black)

As main move: the wins are optimized, as alternative the draws as well 

In short, 

I've done my best about any book to be close to GMs opening styles!

Btw, in previous GMs tourneys,

Giri's opening book performance was oıtstanding...won both tours: XXXIX

WesleySo managed 3rd rank, Ding 4th, Aronian 5th (e.g in previous tour) 

And it's not an accident to see the same players in one of Top ranks again

Note also that for this tour: I picked as books, FIDE high-rated players

And finely the current competition is ended (after 380 games per player)

Have fun !)

 SCCT Book CS LVII Champion: Ding - Congratulations to Ding Liren!

 Congrats also to Dominquez, which performed as 2nd, Aronian as 3rd

 And many thanks to all GMs, without you, these exciting tours would not exist!

 # PLAYER             : RATING     POINTS   GAMES   (%)

 1 Ding               : 3644.1     199.0     380   52.4%

 2 Dominguez          : 3643.3     198.5     380   52.2%

 3 Aronian            : 3640.6     197.0     380   51.8%

 4 WesleySo           : 3639.7     196.5     380   51.7%

 5 Giri               : 3638.0     195.5     380   51.4%

 6 Wang-Hao           : 3637.1     195.0     380   51.3%

 7 Karjakin           : 3634.4     193.5     380   50.9%

 8 Anand              : 3630.0     191.0     380   50.3%

 9 Nepomniachtchi     : 3628.2     190.0     380   50.0%

10 Caruana            : 3628.2     190.0     380   50.0%

11 Rapport            : 3627.3     189.5     380   49.9%

12 Radjabov           : 3624.7     188.0     380   49.5%

13 Vitiugov           : 3622.9     187.0     380   49.2%

14 Firouzja           : 3622.0     186.5     380   49.1%

15 Duda               : 3622.0     186.5     380   49.1%

16 Carlsen            : 3621.2     186.0     380   48.9%

17 Vachier-Lagrave    : 3621.2     186.0     380   48.9%

18 Grischuk           : 3619.4     185.0     380   48.7%

19 Nakamura           : 3611.4     180.5     380   47.5%

20 Mamedyarov         : 3608.8     179.0     380   47.1%

• Calculated by Ordo chess program / Anand opening  book is fixed to 3630 Elo

More Details:

• All opening books are played by same engine: Cfish 050521 C40 /  Results

• Main target: Testing GMs played openings (min 1500-2000 games per player)

• Each book is CTG format, tested with settings: Optimized (0/35) / Learning ON

• For maximum book performance and strength (while tuning each opening book):

- I enabled as main move the wins and sure as alternative the draws for playing

• Current overall draw percentage (based on 3800 games) is not so high: 73%

• Download the played tournament games (in PGN format): SCCT Book CS LVII

56  55  54  53  52  51  50  49  48  47 46  45  44  43  42  41  40  39  38  37  36  35  34  33