Hello Chess Friends,

I am pleased to announce that, One of my greatest tours is ended, again as players are based books! In this tournament, only XLII Top 10 books are played as participants This time, all based books are played min 1080 games (per player) In this way, I think we can make a better conclusion which are strongest All derivative books are new, tuned to prefer previous played openings In short: SCCT database contain games since 24.06.2019 - 07.07.2020 Final results can be counted as one year performance (per book author) As far as possible, the high-ranked books games are preferred and used All based books are tuned to prefer their played openings (per player): Draws are enabled up to 20 moves, where the Wins up to 50 moves To be more clear, Why the draws are optimized / imported to be played up to 20 moves? Due to many of openings played each other (many times in older tours) E.g if we enable the draws up to 50 moves, that means almost all games: - Can be ended as draws...not so good idea to see a lot of boring games... In short, simply my target to increase the winning percentage.. let's see.. Btw, my created books are not 100% same as the original opening books But according to my experience, they are close to theirs opening styles... What is the main difference between: the recent XLII and current XLIII? - In XLII: the based books are up to 40 moves (all games: draws and wins) - Almost all of the books are based on games played on latest 5-6 months - Played less games (520 per player),, but against more various opponents - In the current XLIII: the draws up to 20 moves, the wins up to 50 moves - Mostly of based books contain more games (played on latest 12 months) - Only Top 10 books are playing each other, plus 1080 games (per player) So..some based opening books can gain more points or some may suffer .. Note also that for maximum performance, (as usual): - Any book is used to play from separate copy of Brainfish engine.exe - For each GUI installed separate books (to not affecting book learning) - Internet connection is disabled, plus no any program to tray in taskbar In other words, (on my tournament PC) no any program exc. chess...!) Meanwhile, In X tour, X author's book can be not so lucky.. for several reasons... E.g not enough played games (per book), or not so well-prepared etc.. Or some books are much bigger in size, or some in BIN book format.. Where in this tour, I give a BIG chance, picked the high-ranked books Min 1080 games (per player) and exactly same ctg book setting for all... Plus, these openings played over a year, that means, more equal, fair... And almost all books are close in size, I mean no BIG advantages etc In short, I've done my best to compare/see which one will be the best Sure...when I say 'best' ...I am meaning about XLIII's conditions...!)
Btw, without to not mention this I can't, Any book, which is managed to be as Champ (in this or in older tours), It does not mean in reality is best ..., because for a such strong saying: In every tour, as best mentioned author's openings should be as Winner And as far as I know...no one managed to do that...but this is also true: Usually the Top authors books are performing at higher places... !! E.g, even in this tour: some opening lines are old dated, some newer... That's why it's impossible to determine exactly who is best of the best! Actually I believe in that, the right method to determine who is the best: All books should be private, not old-dated in lines, created on same date, Plus all of them should be in same book format, very close in size etc. Furthermore, each book should be played min 1000 games, more better.. Sure... against many many various players...otherwise not so clear... And only after that, we can make better conclusions who is the best ... Anyhow just fun tour, so please don't take too seriously the results As I stated earlier, All of them are very dangerous, superior strong, born to win...!! And all of them are in quality as Diamonds in VVS1 (in clarity) Now, let's see, which ones are certificated as Lupenrein ?) And congratulations and many thanks to all book authors, Without YOU: These exciting tours would not exist! And it is my great pleasure to organize... XLIII's Champion: CF1977 - Congrats to Antony Rossetti! # PLAYER : RATING POINTS GAMES (%) 1 CF1977 : 3700.8 558.0 1080 51.7% 2 MZ : 3700.5 557.5 1080 51.6% 3 Attacker : 3693.2 545.0 1080 50.5% 4 Noname : 3692.3 543.5 1080 50.3% 5 Vitamin : 3691.4 542.0 1080 50.2% 6 Cevdet : 3689.1 538.0 1080 49.8% 7 DON : 3688.8 537.5 1080 49.8% 8 Kain : 3685.6 532.0 1080 49.3% 9 Cerebellum : 3680.9 524.0 1080 48.5% 10 Kerveros : 3680.0 522.5 1080 48.4%
• Ranking calculated by Ordo / Kerveros based book fixed to 3680 Elo
More Details: • All books are CTG, played by same engine: Brainfish 151019 C40 • High-ranked books games are picked (played on latest 12 months) • For maximum performance and strength (while tuning each book): - I enabled as main move: the wins and as alternative the draws too - Plus, the defeats are removed, so some books may perform better... • Chessbase (CTG) settings (for all): Learning ON, Optimized, 0/50 • Any Leader (after 1080 games per player) is titled as Champion And with highest Elo points (XLII+XLIII) is titled Overall Champ • Current tour's overall draw percentage (based on 5400 games) 79% Note: In previous XLII'sTop10 books the draw percentage was 82% Sure, current books (draws up to 20 moves) make some influence... • All games will be available for downloading after XLI Light tour • For more info about XLIII tourney can be viewed: Outskirts forum • Download all the played tour games (in PGN format): CS XLIII -------------------------------------------------------------------- And here are the overall standings, including XLII tournament: Overall Champ (XLII+XLIII) CF1977 Congrats to A. Rossetti! # PLAYER : RATING POINTS GAMES (%) 1 CF1977 : 3694.4 820.5 1600 51.3% 2 MZ : 3692.3 820.5 1610 51.0% 3 Attacker : 3689.4 808.0 1600 50.5% 4 Vitamin : 3689.0 807.0 1600 50.4% 5 Cevdet : 3688.8 811.5 1610 50.4% 6 Noname : 3688.6 806.0 1600 50.4% 7 DON : 3688.2 810.0 1610 50.3% 8 Kain : 3683.2 792.5 1600 49.5% 9 Cerebellum : 3683.2 792.5 1600 49.5% 10 Kerveros : 3680.0 784.5 1600 49.0% 11 Zodiac : 3679.9 157.0 314 50.0% 12 M : 3678.4 151.5 304 49.8% 13 Scorpio : 3677.3 151.0 304 49.7% 14 Poss : 3676.2 150.5 304 49.5% 15 Final : 3673.8 149.5 304 49.2% 16 Everest : 3672.7 149.0 304 49.0% 17 RKnight : 3671.8 148.5 304 48.8% 18 Hurnavich : 3670.6 148.0 304 48.7% 19 Jodi : 3656.1 141.5 304 46.5% 20 Alaska.ru : 3653.9 140.5 304 46.2%

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