XXXVIII Champion: Giri - Congratulations to Anish Giri!             # PLAYER              : RATING    POINTS    GAMES   (%)   1 Giri                : 3618.1     307.5     562   54.7%   2 YangyiYu            : 3616.1     312.0     570   54.7%   3 WesleySo            : 3615.0     298.5     550   54.3%   4 Ding                : 3611.8     301.5     560   53.8%   5 Aronian             : 3610.5     300.5     560   53.7%   6 Firouzja            : 3609.2     299.5     560   53.5%   7 Kasimdzhanov        : 3605.5     268.0     500   53.6%   8 Vidit               : 3604.9     293.0     550   53.3%   9 Karjakin            : 3604.4     276.5     522   53.0%  10 Vitiugov            : 3601.4     268.0     510   52.5%  11 Gelfand             : 3600.0     277.5     530   52.4%  12 Navara              : 3599.5     272.0     520   52.3%  13 Anand               : 3599.1     261.5     500   52.3%  14 Kramnik             : 3598.9     271.5     520   52.2%  15 HaoWang             : 3596.6     291.0     560   52.0%  16 Dominguez           : 3594.4     209.0     400   52.3%  17 Topalov             : 3593.8     273.0     530   51.5%  18 Tomashevsky         : 3593.8     248.5     500   49.7%  19 Leko                : 3593.4     267.5     520   51.4%  20 Carlsen             : 3592.5     208.0     400   52.0%  21 Caruana             : 3592.0     266.5     520   51.3%  22 Radjabov            : 3591.7     273.5     534   51.2%  23 Harikrishna         : 3590.7     207.0     400   51.8%  24 Gurevich            : 3588.2     268.5     530   50.7%  25 Artemiev            : 3588.0     263.5     520   50.7%  26 Mamedyarov          : 3585.9     262.0     520   50.4%  27 Nepomniachtchi      : 3584.4     203.5     400   50.9%  28 Almasi              : 3582.9     202.5     400   50.6%  29 Bacrot              : 3581.6     202.0     400   50.5%  30 Kasparov            : 3581.2     202.0     400   50.5%  31 Vachier-Lagrave     : 3577.7     190.5     380   50.1%  32 PolgarJ             : 3576.3     201.0     404   49.8%  33 Petrosian           : 3576.3     160.0     340   47.1%  34 Nakamura            : 3567.0     194.0     400   48.5%  35 Deep Fritz 8        : 2742.1       2.5     320    0.8%  36 Deep Junior 10.1    : 2742.1       2.5     320    0.8%
    • Calculated by Ordo / Gelfand is fixed to 3600 Elo / Blue Name = Last Update    Some Notes  • Main target: Testing GMs played openings (average 1500 games per player)     • Each book is CTG format, tested with settings: Optimized (0/35) / Learning ON     • Almost all of the books are played by same chess engine: Brainfish 151019 C40          Exc. Deep Fritz 8 and Deep Junior 10.1, both engines tested just for comparing        And the Elo difference is approx. 900 Elo...just imagine if Man vs Machine duel      • For maximum book performance and strength (while tuning each opening book):      - I enabled as main move the wins and as alternative the draws as well for playing      • The played XXXVIII knockout tour games are included in the current database      • For more detailed info about mostly of current GMs players books CS XXXVIII      • So far, the overall draw percentage (based on 8608 games) is not so high: 68%      • Download all the played tournament games (in PGN format): SCCT CS XXXIX

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