For More Information: Details
              Breaking News:          3 books are released (with permission of Authors):          DON 040819  /  MisterNoname 3 
          SCCT XXIX Champion: DON - My Congratulations to Vasid  Chouhan!      
    # PLAYER                 RATING    POINTS    GAMES   (%)   1 Don 040819           : 3621.9     131.0     240   54.6%   2 Echidna              : 3619.1     130.0     240   54.2%   3 CF1977 280719        : 3619.0     125.0     230   54.3%   4 Mustikasari          : 3616.0     124.0     230   53.9%   5 Vitamin 030819       : 3610.1     122.0     230   53.0%   6 Poss Project         : 3607.2     121.0     230   52.6%   7 NooB (Clone)         : 3607.2     121.0     230   52.6%   8 Cerebellum 040819    : 3604.2     120.0     230   52.2%   9 Attaker 3 (FAKE)     : 3599.8     118.5     230   51.5%  10 MisterNoname 3       : 3599.8     118.5     230   51.5%  11 Bullet               : 3595.3     117.0     230   50.9%  12 M6.2                 : 3595.3     117.0     230   50.9%  13 Aedat chess          : 3592.6     116.0     230   50.4%  14 Book2019             : 3590.9     115.5     230   50.2%  15 Perfect2019x         : 3585.0     113.5     230   49.3%  16 TWIC 150719          : 3580.6     112.0     230   48.7%  17 Stronger Gökay46     : 3580.6     112.0     230   48.7%  18 Hiarcs14zc           : 3571.7     109.0     230   47.4%  19 R.K.2019_r0804       : 3570.2     108.5     230   47.2%  20 Equal                : 3570.2     108.5     230   47.2%  21 NESTUM-k5            : 3565.8     107.0     230   46.5%  22 Polyglot             : 3562.6     106.0     230   46.1%  23 Texel108a11          : 3540.4      98.5     230   42.8%  24 Detroid 030519       : 3540.4      98.5     230   42.8%

       • Calculated by Ordo chess program /  Perfect2019x book is fixed to 3585 Elo 

           Some Notes

   • All books are played by same chess engine: CFish 190619 MP BMI2

   • A new engine strength test is available (by CFish): Results / Games

   • Chessbase (ctg) main book settings: Learning ON, Optimized, 0/100

   • Exception, some ctg books are played by Author's recommendations

   • Polyglot (bin) books are played with best book move as disabled...

   • All of the books are not too old-dated, belonging only to 2019 year

   • Current tour's overall draw percentage (based on 2770 games): 76%

   • Download all the played games (in PGN ): SCCT Book CS XXIX

                28  27  26  25  24  23  22  21  20  19  18  17  16  15  14  13  12  11   10   9