scct book cs 29 details

Latest Update: 09.08.2019

Dear Chess Friends,

Just I'd like to inform you that,

Recently I organized another book championship XXIX

Note that all books are played by CFish 190619 MP

A new engine strength test (by CFish): Results / Games

Some info, statistics...,which are participated: Players

Due to no much free time,

Maximum book size limit is up to 350 MB (in compressed)

Exception for Hiarcs14zcBook and Attacker 3 Pro (FAKE)

This book is a fake, real Attacker 3 is approx. twice less in size

Only publicly books are allowed (the private ones will be not...)

Participant Details,

3 opening books are released (with kind permission of Authors):

DON190408 (Champion of XXIX) / MisterNoname 3 / NooB

Perfect 2019x book will be released later (date unknown, but soon...)

In short, I am still working... (will be available in many book formats)

Btw, Perrfect2019x is the most shorted in lines (mainly up to 8 moves)

Plus, it's one of those books which prefers many many various openings

Polyglot book is the same one which managed to be Champion of XXVII

Book2019 seems to be based on Human games, and belongs to Chessbase

Some of the own engine books can be found at Computer-Chess Wiki

About rest participated books, mostly of them (after the end of tour) are

Available at several chess forums, one of them please check MZ forum

Tournament Details,

All books are played by CFish 190619 MP BMI2 (8 Cores/Game)

For each book player is installed a separate copy of CFish engine

2x E5-2686 2.00GHz, HT OFF, Windows 64-bit, LP OFF, Fritz GUI,

3 Min, Ponder ON, 8 Core/Game,, 1024 MB Hash, Syzygy (4-Men)

Chessbase (ctg) main book settings: Learning ON, Optimized, 0/100

Exception, a few different settings used by Author's recommendations

Polyglot (bin) books are played with best book move as enabled...

As graphical chess interfaces used: Fritz 12, Fritz 13, Fritz 14 GUIs

In short, that means: 4 separate Fritz GUıs are played...(in same time)

I don't prefer newer GUIs such as Fritz 15 and Fritz 16 GUIs, due to

As far as I know, 'Book Learning' does not work in tournament mode

As usual, only one book is allowed (of course by same book author)

More Details,

What I can say more, my tournaments are not perfect, but I strongly believe:

SCCT is not so bad indicator of determining the strongest publicly books!

Online engine games (played on Playchess, Infinitychess etc) are good as well,

But oftenly the hardware speed diffrences playing a big role, where many suffer...

At least in my book tours: all is equal, same engine etc, exception the books !)

To be honest,

I am really very happy that I have seen many opening book registrations...

There is no doubt, it's one of the most exciting tours that I have ever seen!

Once more I wish to say BIG thanks, for your trust, interest in participating!

And I hope to see all of you again plus new Incommers in the next book tours!

Kind Regards,

Sedat Canbaz