Dear Chess Friends,
I am pleased to announce that, I started a new tourney, where as players are based opening books Mostly participants include games played mainly during 2020 year XLII tour is similar to XXXV, exc. the based books are up to 80 plies All derivative books are based on SCCT database, in CTG book format... And I've done my best to tune and prefer their previous played openings Note also that periodically I organize such book tours, with based books Another example, here some results, mainly with derivative books: XII More tourneys with based (derivative) books: VIII or XIV or XXVIII What is the target of running such tours with based books? the answer: Simply because my goal is to be played under more fair conditions... In short, all books are CTG format, that means Book Learning for all... Plus the sizes are quite close to each other (av 8-10 MB uncompressed) Due to all of the derivative opening books consist av. 2000-2500 games Note also (in normal tourneys) big books (in size) play with advantages. Sure it all depends who is the creator as well.. however...reality is reality... Just imagine, minus plus 1 GB vs 10 MB book = Auto car vs Bicycle ) I'd like to point out that too, no book matches: Private vs Available etc.. That's another very important factor, e.g mostly private performs better.. And almost all of the based book players contain decent opening lines... In short, in the current XLII, all same, exc. the opening lines...and as Usually the strongest ones are performing and ranking at higher places... And XLII's results can be counted as overall performance (per author) I don't plan to add the books such as CCRL, CEGT, FGRL, SCCT etc. Due to the deep opening lines of above mentioned books not optimized... Plus (in case of allowing as players...) no any chances to be as Winner...
Note also that, As 2nd name of this XLII tour is SuperStar In other words, there are many stars...and exc..Cerebellum book, Cevdet , DON, Vitamin etc.managed to be as shiniest STARS too!
Tournament Details: 1st Stage: 20 books x16 games = 304 games (per player), 2nd Stage: Top 10 ranked books played extra 216 games That means Top 10 consist min 520 games, Total: 4140 games Before the tiebreak match for 2nd place (Cevdet vs DON): (Btw, tiebreak result ended 5.5-4.5 in favor for Cevdet book) Cerebellum based book managed to perform with best result That's why Cerebellum is fully deserved as XLII Champ... However, this never happened before..and very interesting...!) E.g after the tiebreak match for 2nd place: Cevdet vs DON: Cevdet book's performance is same as Cerebellum book ! Plus e.g in case of comparing rest players points: very close... That's why, in my eyes: There is no Winner..and all of them can be counted as Champ! XLII Champion Cerebellum - Congrats to Thomas Zipproth! # PLAYER : RATING POINTS GAMES (%) 1 Cerebellum : 3687.5 268.5 520 51.6% 2 Cevdet : 3687.5 273.5 530 51.6% 3 DON : 3686.3 272.5 530 51.4% 4 Vitamin : 3683.2 265.0 520 51.0% 5 Attacker : 3680.6 263.0 520 50.6% 6 Noname : 3680.0 262.5 520 50.5% 7 CF1977 : 3679.9 262.5 520 50.5% 8 Kerveros : 3679.4 262.0 520 50.4% 9 Kain : 3677.6 260.5 520 50.1% 10 MZ : 3674.4 263.0 530 49.6% 11 Zodiac : 3673.5 157.0 314 50.0% 12 M : 3672.3 151.5 304 49.8% 13 Scorpio : 3671.2 151.0 304 49.7% 14 Poss : 3670.1 150.5 304 49.5% 15 Final : 3667.6 149.5 304 49.2% 16 Everest : 3666.5 149.0 304 49.0% 17 RKnight : 3665.7 148.5 304 48.8% 18 Hurnavich : 3664.5 148.0 304 48.7% 19 Jodi : 3650.0 141.5 304 46.5% 20 : 3647.8 140.5 304 46.2%
• Rankings calculated by Ordo / Jodi based book is fixed to 3650 Elo
More Details: • All based books are played by same engine: Brainfish 151019 C40 • Frequent / High-ranked are picked (mainly played on latest months) • For maximum book performance/strength (while tuning each book): - I enabled as main move: the wins and as alternative the draws too - Plus, the defeats are removed, so some books may perform better... - Sure they are not 100% as originals, but close to their opening styles • Chessbase (CTG) settings (for all): Learning ON, Optimized, 0/40 • Any Leader (after 520 games per player) will be titled Champion • Current tour overall draw percentage (based on 4140 games) 79% • All Games will be available for downloading after XLI Light tour • For more info about XLII tourney can be viewed: Outskirts forum • Download all the played tour games (in PGN format): CS XLII

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