Latest Update: 21.10.2022

Hello Chess Friends,

As usual, I am pleased to announce that,Latest days I managed to create 16 books!Yes..this is not as joke.) because too many..And I want to share with you all Download

Note thatMy 16 (sixteen) books are already playing at B/N VIIException Lc0 book...maybe later I can test it as well
Some Notes and as I stated earlier, All my created books are tuned to prefer their played eng openings, e.g:Berserk.ctg is highly based on openings played by Berserk eng versionsNote also that same words are going for other rest engine books as wellOn other hand, they are not so deep in opening lines (e.g up to 24 moves)In other words, my target (via creating...) to stress others books, becauseCurrent books are tuned to prefer various openings...and you may know, It's too boring...if mostly games to consist only the latest Trend openings
What I can say more, During my book creations...I've spent minus plus 10 min (per book) so,We can't expect much from these books, because include many holes, But this is also true that, some of theirs opening lines are not so weak!
Source of games: mainly SCCT, CCRL and Playchess server

Enjoy and happy testings..!)
