Dear Chess Friends,

On this news page, You can read my postings regarding for Book / NNUE CS VII

12.11.2022:Via this update, only 1 (one) book (Dara 111122) is entered and franklyNot so bad performance, currently ranked as 13th place..Note also thatFor nowadays, my target will be to test mainly the new releases of 2022Sure (it will depend on my free time) I may test some older ones as wellAnd I wish to say once more to all authors: many thanks for your work!

04.11.2022:8 strong books entered and the standings are changed..exc. Top 3 ranksIt's something like, these Terminators are welded on Top..really amazing!Note also that 1337chess Pro 070422 and Cubail 040722 are exactly theSame versions, which are managed to be Champions (in previous tours)In other words, no BIG surprise that they are again at one of Top rankingsSure same words are going to all rest Top ranked book participants as well
03.11.2022:This time 4 (four) new books are entered... all of them as 1st participatedJust I'd like to point out that next entries will be played vs less Drawish booksE.g the target will be mainly vs ones, which produce up to 83%-84% drawsPlus as main opponents will be ones, which are over than 3600 Elo points
28.10.2022:The tour is resumed... again 8 books entered..mostly already participated..All of them are released in 2022 exc. Fufa and LSA (both released in 2021) I'm excited to announce that the Champion is Guzel Kız 200522Note: Guzel Kiz is BIN I realized to be titled as Grand Champion !One thing more, Mr Hasan Satrani is as first-time Champ (in SCCT history)And what a lovely name is Guzel Kiz (e.g in Turkish) means Beautiful GirlOn other hand, I expected DON to be Champ but even 2nd is a great score!Ok.let's see what will be next rankings because current tourney is planing toBe active min. 2-3 months! so in next updates we may see other Champs tooBtw, even non of my created books are in Top 30...strong opponents for sure!And after 510 games, FireOnBoard (as private) test is final score:Exactly same Elo points as current Number One (Guzel Kiz) very interesting..Sure the played FireOnBoard's games will be available after the end of tour..
22.10.2022:Another new update: 8 books entered...some of them already participated.But some 1st time playing... all belongs to 2022, exc. Goi (belongs to 2021)And as usual, DON book is again Number short, no BIG surprise !Note also that the current tour is paused (due to I need to take good rest.)But later I hope to resume it again...and new book updates will be allowed
21.10.2022:BIG update:12 books entered...mostly are new versions (1st time playing..)The current Top 4 books are BIN...interesting...this never happened before!Very soon more opening books will be participated...e.g one of them is DON And I wonder much...what will be next standings...let's see...good luck to all )As I promised (for anyone missed): my created 16 books released: Download
20.10.2022:And here are the 1st rankings...yes for right now, Eman 240722 is Number One...Solista Attack, Ukraine etc. are another ones, which can be next Leading booksRegarding my created books, they are not so deep in lines (e.g up to 24 moves)In other words, my target is simply to stress the Public books, because many ofThem are tuned to prefer a lot of various may know, too boringIf mostly of the played games to consist only the latest Trend openings..right ?)My created books include many holes, but some of the opening lines are strong..However, at least the played openings moves are belonging to their eng styles..And no doubt that (under these new conditions) the matches are so interesting!Bear in mind that the overall draws (based on 2510 games) is not so high: 78%E.g via latest SF NNUE engine, the overall draw ratio can be close to 97%-99%Here the difference is BIG, because the FUN should be as most important part!Note also that nowadays I'm busy but soon I hope to publish my created books Btw, mostly used engines (for my books) are slightly weaker than Cfish 030820So I've no BIG chances to be Champ...since 2009 I missed to be Number One)Sure just joking ) in my tours (since 2007) my goal is not to be Champ anymore


I am pleased to announce that,

Finely I've started current book championship...

Note that this tour one is a very special one ..really...

I am so excited...many different players and frankly,

One of the most interesting book tournaments that

I have ever doubt with a lot of fun.. !)

And once more,

Only Public opening book versions will be tested...exception:

The private FireOnBoard is testing unofficially (as guest) e.g

In case of best performance, it will be not titled as Champion

And almost all of current engines are very close in strength!

E.g based on my testings, they are close to 3550 - 3600 Elo

In other words, almost all are near strength to Cfish 030820

Exception, Komodo Dragon 2 MCST is about 50 Elo weaker

Sure I am referring via Balsa, Champ and Perfect 2022 book

As 1st start,

Here are the current book entries (Total 22 players):

NNUE Enabled (5 players):

Berserk 8.5.1 + Berserk.ctg

Koivisto 8.0 + Koivisto.ctg

Komodo Dragon2 MCST + KDragon.ctg

RubiChess 130822 + RubiChess.ctg

SlowChess 2.9 +

NON-NNUE (17 players):

Cfish 030820 C40 + Eman240722.bin

Cfish 030820 C40 + FireOnBoard.ctg

Cfish 030820 C40 + Hubble 3.2.bin

Cfish 030820 C40 + Solista 081022.bin

Cfish 030820 C40 + Yanbu 100922.bin

SF200620MZ + Dual Ukraine 38.bin

Brainfish 240720 + Brainfish.ctg

Cfish 030820 C40 + Cfish.ctg

Eman 6.91 + Eman.ctg

Fat Fritz 2 + FatFritz2.ctg

Kayra 1.6 + Kayra.ctg

Raubfisch X48e + Raubfisch.ctg

SF-PB 290922 + SF-PB.ctg

SF Polyglot 15 + SF_Polyglot.ctg

Stockfish 310720 C40 + Stockfish.ctg

SF200620MZ + StockfishMZ.ctg

Zeus 9.4 + Zeus.ctg

More Details:

Target is that, the opening books to be tested mainly by

Small engines (in size),which are close to 3550-3600 Elo

As usual, Cfish 030820 C40 will be used as main engine,

The reason, simply Cfish is the strongest engine out there!

Proved in many various one of the most

Less Drawish chess engines...what we can need more ?)

All book entries will be played min 500 games (per player)

Any Book Leader (after 500 games) will be titled Champion

Yanbu 100922 book = book bin (released by Cevdet Sarı)

Dual Ukraine 38 book is playing via SF200620MZ BMI2,

Due to Cfish 030820 engine does not support 2 BIN books..

But as I stated earlier, the next book entries will be mainly

Via Cfish 030820 C40 engine..(sure I mean if no dual bin)

And in this way, any book's strength will be more clear !

Plus, in same time of course, it will be more fair...right ?)


Regarding why I prefer under these tournament conditions,

A long story...but anyhow in short, if we would give more time,

Plus more cores or via huge assistance (e.g all as NNUE) then

It's expecting the overall draw ratio to be much higher..SORRY

And best way is to test the opening books via less assistance!

Btw, after checking some other games (NON - SCCT results),

As usual, I see close to 99% draws..yes.. better quality games,

But too boring for sure.. to be more clear, in my understanding:

The played chess games should be based on many wins, right?

Otherwise, what's the point of running these kind of book tours?)

In 100 or in 200 games, to see a single win...just waste of time!

Sure...this is my opinion...and anyone is free to run at any cond..

And in the near future via NNUE (under optimal test conditions):

To see a WIN will be just a DREAM..maybe in 400 - 500 games..

In other words, I'm not a BIG fan if almost all DRAW games..!!

Btw, even 80%-90% draws can be said as high draw numbers.

Sure..for less draw ratio percentages: we have to do our best!

Otherwise, I am afraid to say that CHESS will be in DANGER...

What I can say more,

Latest days I spend BIG efforts about creating many books!

All of my created books are tuned to prefer their openings

Just one example,

Berserk.ctg based on openings played by Berserk eng versions..

Source of games: mainly SCCT, CCRL and Playchess server

And I have good news,

I will release all my created opening books in the next days...

Plus, I ran new strength testings, but later will be published


I hope to see many new Public books as well )

Thanks in advance


As usually, I am pleased to announce that,

I hope to organize another new competition...

1st of all, in the planning new tour:

Mostly of the book entries will be played by Cfish 030820 C40

As alternative, several NNUE engines will be used as well, e.g

Berserk 8.5.1, Koivisto 8.0, RubiChess 130822, SlowChess 2.9

And according to my latest testings, they are close in strength to

Cfish 030820...this is really good news ! plus in this way, we can

Expect different playing engine may have same view:

Too boring...If each timer same, right?...and all mentioned engines

Are close to 3600 Elo, I mean the game-quality will be not so bad...

And the most important, the draw percentage is expecting to be

Not so high...sure it's too early for any estimation, but very likely

The draw-ratio to be minus plus 80% sure after all time will tell..)

What I can say more,

The current tour will be totally different than all other book tourneys..

E.g many matches are planning to be played NNUE vs NON-NNUE

But with close in Elo strength, so I strongly believe that, as usual

The strongest opening books to be ranked at one of Top standings!

A few more notes about the planning books, this time:

I hope to test mainly the PUBLIC books (as players), exception.:

I can test FireOnBoard (as private), because performed so good..

Via 62% win. percentage (via Cfish NON-NNUE): LX / LXI / LXIII

And let's see FireOnBoard's performance (even as old-dated) here..

In short, I wonder much: who will manage to be next Champion?

Ok that's all for now, more info very soon

And please be ready for the real Arena..!)

