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     Breaking News - 14.02.2023:     1st of all (about earthquakes in southeast Turkey and north Syria), I'm deeply saddened, R.I.P to all who lost their lives in this disaster,  And wishing a speedy recovery to all the injured and BIG thanks to The people from all around the world ... for your great support!  
 Ok, the current book tourney is ended, download all games: B/N IX
      2nd League's Champion: Feta - Congratulations to Vladislav Belikov
 Rank Name                Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws   1 Feta 7              3765    8    9   200   56%  3734   88%    2 DON 201022          3764    8    9   200   56%  3734   87%    3 Dark Galactus V3    3763    8    9   200   55%  3734   90%    4 StudentChess        3760    9   10   200   55%  3734   88%    5 Cevdet-no           3759    9   10   200   54%  3734   86%    6 Everest 090223      3758    9   10   200   54%  3734   91%    7 Engines 2022        3758    9   10   200   54%  3734   91%    8 OPTIMUS2            3758    9   10   200   54%  3734   88%    9 Goi-light 241222    3757    9   10   200   54%  3734   91%   10 SF15f               3755    9   10   200   54%  3734   93%   11 CachoTWO            3754    9   11   200   53%  3734   90%   12 1337chess 040722    3753   10   11   200   53%  3734   89%   13 Varied 110122       3753   10   11   200   53%  3734   90%   14 Desvelemosafrica    3753   10   11   200   53%  3734   92%   15 Alchemist Pro       3751   10   11   200   53%  3734   92%   16 Ganryu              3751   10   11   200   53%  3734   93%   17 Ukraine 50          3750   10   11   200   53%  3734   90%   18 Guzelkiz 220522     3750   10   11   200   53%  3734   94% 
  19 Hubble 3.3          3749   10   11   200   52%  3734   93%   20 LesChats 180123     3749   10   11   200   52%  3734   92%   21 Everest 190622      3748   10   11   200   52%  3734   96%   22 Hiarcs15dBook       3747   10   11   200   52%  3734   93%   23 Earth V1.1          3747   10   11   200   52%  3734   93%   24 NebulaRing168       3744   11   11   200   52%  3734   92%   25 CS BNV              3744    5    4  1240   49%  3749   92%   26 Open Chess          3743   11   12   200   51%  3734   90%   27 Dragon              3741   11   11   200   51%  3734   95%   28 CS LVI              3738    4    4  1240   48%  3749   92%   29 Fauzi Turbo 1.1     3736   11   11   200   50%  3734   96%   30 Spritzer            3736   11   11   200   50%  3734   91%   31 Zenix 4.1           3734   11   11   200   50%  3734   95%   32 CS XXXX             3733    4    4  1240   47%  3749   91%   33 CS XLIX             3732    4    4  1240   47%  3749   92%   34 Very small cat 24v  3726   12   11   200   49%  3734   85%   35 CS LII              3725    4    4  1240   46%  3749   88%   36 FireOnBoard         3722   11   10   200   48%  3734   92% 
   • Calculated by Bayeselo / Ukraine book fixed to 3750 Elo / Blue Name = Last Update
More Details (when the tour was active...):• All books played by same NNUE chess engine:Raubfish X48c3 SC• Any opening book player with 3750+ Elo is qualified: Super League • In this Championship, all books are allowed (Private plus Public...)  It is planning to be active for a month (30 days), in case of interest:  BIN / CTG book registrations acceptable (once per month): Contact• As bonus, SCCT's frequent book authors can submit up to 2 books  To be more clear, the second book have to be different in playing..• Maximum (compressed) size limit for CTG: 500 MB / BIN: 250 MB  As another BONUS (for frequent..), I can accept even 1 GB in size• Chessbase (ctg) main book settings: Learning ON, Optimized, 0/40• Polyglot (bin) main settings: BookDepth 40 / Best Move as disabled  Exc. some opening books are played by Author's recommendations• The new entries will be played 200 games vs 5 constant opponents:  CS XXXX, CS XLIX, CS LVII, CS LVI, CS BNV, which are  based on  Only SCCT Second League Book Tours games, just one example:  CS BNV book is tuned to prefer BNV's 2nd league's played openings  Btw, the 5 constant books are playing via settings as Book Disabled• Any Book Leader (after the end of tour) will be titled as Champion• Overall draw percentage (based on 6200 games) is not so high 91%• As usual, all the played games will be available after the end of tour• For anyone missed, my previous postings about current tours News 
BN8  BN7  BN6  64  BN5  BN4  BN3  63  62  BN2  BN1  61  60  59  58  57  56  55