Breaking News - 14.02.2023:

 1st of all (about earthquakes in southeast Turkey and north Syria), I'm deeply saddened, R.I.P to all who lost their lives in this disaster,  And wishing a speedy recovery to all the injured and BIG thanks to The people from all around the world ... for your great support!  
 Ok, the current book tourney is ended too, download all games: B/N IX
     Super League's Grand Champion: Alchemist - Congrats to Angel Morano!       Congrats also: Public Champions CTG Dark Galactus  / BIN: StudentChess!
 Rank Name              Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws   1 Alchemist Pro     3769    4    5   306   51%  3764   98%    2 Dark Galactus V3  3768    4    5   306   51%  3764   97%    3 1337chess 040722  3767    4    5   306   50%  3764   98%    4 DON 201022        3767    4    5   306   50%  3764   98%    5 StudentChess      3766    4    5   306   50%  3764   99%    6 Goi-light 241222  3766    5    5   306   50%  3765   98%   7 CachoTWO          3766    5    5   306   50%  3765   98%    8 Everest 090223    3766    5    5   306   50%  3765   98%    9 Varied 110122     3766    5    5   306   50%  3765   98%   10 Engines 2022      3765    5    5   306   50%  3765   98%   11 Guzelkiz 220522   3765    5    5   306   50%  3765   97%   12 Cevdet-no         3765    5    5   306   50%  3765   97%   13 Ganryu            3764    5    5   306   50%  3765   98%   14 Desvelemosafrica  3763    5    4   306   50%  3765   97%   15 Feta 7            3762    5    4   306   50%  3765   97%   16 SF15f             3761    5    4   306   49%  3765   97%   17 Ukraine 50        3760    5    4   306   49%  3765   96%   18 OPTIMUS2          3759    5    4   306   49%  3765   98% 
   • Calculated by Bayeselo / Ukraine book fixed to 3760 Elo / Blue Name = Last Update
More Details (when the tour was active...):• All books are played by same NNUE engine: Raubfish X48c3 SC• The overall draw percentage (based on 2754 games) is high 98% Any Leader (after 300 games...) will be titled as Grand Champion  Plus there will be Champion tittles for Public, BIN opening books• As usual, all games will be available after the end of competition• For anyone missed, all books are qualified from Second League• For my previous postings regarding current competitions: News 
BN8  BN7  BN6  64  BN5  BN4  BN3  63  62  BN2  BN1  61  60  59  58  57  56  55