Breaking News - 11.09.2023:Well, current championship ended, congrats and many thanks to all!Normally the plan was to be resumed but anyhow, I have good news:Very soon I hope to organize a new book tour but as next under Fritz,    That means in same time I missed a lot testing CTG opening books )Note that in planning tour: all books will be allowed (Private + Public)Plus as usual, all books will be played by same engine:Raubfish SCAnd for more fair cond.. any CTG's book learning will be disabled..As reason, (if Learning ON) BIN books may suffer vs CTG booksFor more info about the planning new tour, please check: BNXV
    B/N XIV's Champion: HCanFree Upd - Congratulations to Hamdullah Can!
 Rank Name             Elo    +    - games  score oppo. draws    1 HCanFree Upd     3768    4    4  1500   55%  3740   86%    2 Leschats 140623  3751    4    4  1500   52%  3741   94%    3 CachoUPD2        3751    4    4  1500   52%  3741   94%    4 SkynetSCCT 10.1  3750    4    4  1500   52%  3741   87%    5 ChessBot 170623  3749    5    5  1100   51%  3742   84%    6 V by Kerveros    3749    4    4  1500   51%  3740   94%    7 OlisFish 220523  3749    4    4  1500   51%  3741   92%    8 Agarta           3748    4    4  1500   51%  3741   90%    9 Mustafacanseven  3748    4    5  1500   51%  3741   89%   10 OPTIMUS 3.1      3748    4    4  1500   51%  3740   94%   11 Chucaro 4 Upd2   3747    4    4  1500   51%  3740   92%   12 OlisFish 040623  3747    4    5  1450   51%  3741   92%   13 Cute by Cevdet   3746    5    5  1400   51%  3739   89%   14 StudentChess     3745    5    5  1400   51%  3738   94%   15 CallmeX          3745    5    5  1400   50%  3742   90%   16 Goi 241222       3745    5    5  1050   50%  3742   96%   17 Mini Mighty      3744    5    5  1400   50%  3742   88%   18 Predator 2.3     3743    5    5  1400   50%  3741   92%   19 Solista          3743    5    5  1350   50%  3742   94%   20 Spawn-SCCT       3742    5    5  1350   50%  3741   91%   21 Ikal 3           3742    5    5  1350   51%  3738   94%   22 SENTINEL         3741    5    5  1350   50%  3743   91%   23 Goi 210323       3739    5    5  1350   50%  3742   95%   24 Ukraine X        3737    5    5  1350   49%  3741   90%   25 DarkGalactus     3737    5    5  1350   49%  3741   91%   26 Hubble 3.3       3736    5    5  1200   49%  3742   93%   27 M13.8            3734    5    5  1250   49%  3743   87%   28 Guzelkiz 220522  3733    5    5  1300   49%  3742   92%   29 KainNew          3733    6    6  1000   50%  3734   93%   30 Vitamin 290320   3733    5    5  1200   49%  3737   92%   31 Dara 150222      3731    6    6   950   49%  3736   92%   32 Pure Sarcasm     3731    6    5  1050   49%  3736   92%   33 NebulaRing178    3729    6    6   950   49%  3736   94%   34 Lotusblume       3725    6    5   950   48%  3737   91%   35 Cerebellum 3M    3723    6    6   850   48%  3735   90%   36 Depth4_Deeds     3722    5    5  1000   46%  3745   88%   37 Mustafa          3712    4    4  1150   45%  3742   84%   38 Komodo 270523    3710    5    5   800   43%  3746   78%   39 Texel 100623     3709    5    5   800   43%  3747   83% 
     • Calculated by Bayeselo / CallmeX fixed to 3745 Elo / Blue Name = Last Update
More Details (about when the current tour was active):• All opening books are played by same engine Raubfish X48c3 SC  Btw, for anyone missed / interested here are Raubfish SC settings• In this new Championship, only Public books will be participated...• Tournament time duration is not clear..will depend on my free time  In case of interest, BIN book registrations are acceptable Contact• As bonus, frequent authors can submit several books (per month)• The maximum (compressed) size's opening book limit is 250 MB   Another bonus (for frequent): I can accept even 500 MB (in size)• Polyglot (BIN) main settings: BookDepth 40/ BestMove Disabled  Exc. some of the books are played by Author's recommendations• Each book participant will be played min. 800 games (per player)• Any Book Leader (after 1000 games...) will be titled as ChampionThe overall draw ratio (based on 24750 games) is not so high: 91%• As usual, all the played games are available (in PGN): BNXIV• For anyone missed, for more details about current tourney News
BN13  BN12  BN11  LXV  BN10  BN9  BN8  BN7  BN6  64  BN5  BN4  BN3