Breaking News - 27.09.2023:The current championship is ended...many thanks and congrats to all!DON DON usual unstoppable and Number One, sure not viaPapers..with real 'facts' but I admit also that LesChats series becameVery powerful books.. about HCanFree performance, even old dated...Plus available free to public and still holds to be one of the Top ranks!In other words, what does it mean in reality? a least in my eyes!CachoSCCT, Goi forum etc Top books performed so good too, actuallyIn this League, mostly books seems to be very close in performances!Btw, some of long book names are editing or publishing actual dates...I mean about two books: Solista 070823 = Solista-ENG 2024-1-CTGAnd other name is shorten Goi forum = chess_massimilianogoi_forumMeanwhile, for my previous postings about current competitions News 
Private plus Public Book Champions: DON  - Congrats to Vasid Chouhan! 
 Rank Name             Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws   1 DON 240923       3795    5    5   540   55%  3772   89%    2 DON Free 2023    3793    5    5   540   54%  3772   86%    3 LesChats 130923  3783    6    6   540   52%  3772   89%    4 HCanFree Upd     3783    6    6   540   52%  3772   92%    5 CachoSCCT        3779    6    6   540   51%  3773   94%    6 Goi forum        3779    6    6   540   51%  3773   87%    7 OlisFish140823   3777    6    6   540   51%  3773   94%    8 Solista 070823   3775    6    6   540   50%  3773   94%    9 HCan Upd         3774    6    6   540   50%  3773   95%   10 OrionPax         3774    6    6   540   50%  3773   93%   11 Raid-TR-200823   3774    6    6   540   50%  3773   98%   12 SENTINEL 2       3773    6    6   540   50%  3773   96%   13 Bloom 090723     3773    6    6   540   50%  3773   95%   14 OPTIMUS 3.1      3769    6    6   540   49%  3773   95%   15 Grendel 100923   3768    6    6   540   49%  3773   96%   16 CachoUPD2        3767    6    6   540   49%  3773   93%   17 Lion 110423      3757    6    5   540   47%  3774   82%   18 Breaker 1.0      3750    5    5   540   45%  3774   89%   19 CallmeX          3742    5    4   540   43%  3775   80% 
     • Calculated by Bayeselo / Breaker fixed to 3750 Elo / Blue Name = Last Update
More Details.• All books are played by same NNUE engine: Raubfish X48c3 SCNote that all current Top books are qualified from Second LeagueOverall draw percentage (based on 5130 games) not so high 91%  You know, with other Top engine, we may see close to 99% draws• Any Book Leader (after 500 games...) will be titled as Champion  And plus there will be Champion tittles for Public opening books• As usual, all the played games available (in PGN format): BNXV• For anyone missed, previous postings about current tours News 
BN14  BN13  BN12  BN11  LXV  BN10  BN9  BN8  BN7  BN6  64  BN5  BN4