Hello Chess Friends,

    On this news page,    You can read my postings for Second / Super League

26.09.2023 (Super League):Super League tour started too, where again DON series are on Top!!Same words going for HCan, LesChats, CachoSCCT.. books as wellNote also that any book Leader (after 500 games..) will be Champion!And as usual, there will be Champ tittles for Public opening book too!
     26.09.2023 (2nd League):     The championship is started.. here is 1st ranking of Second League:     Congratulations to qualified book authors, impressive...on other hand,     Unfortunately many books could not...it seems they are not optimized     For running under these cond...or simply some of them were not lucky     Anyhow, please do not take too seriously... it is just a fun competition!     Note that I managed to start Super League as well..Good Luck to All )
26.09.2023 Meanwhile (for anyone missed.. about registration rules). Details• In this Championship, all books are allowed (Private plus Public...)  It is planning to be active for a month (30 days), in case of interest:  BIN / CTG registrations are acceptable (once per month): Contact    By unknown is required min 100 games (played on Playchess etc.)  This rule can be called as VISA, it's just against cheating for Details• As bonus, SCCT's frequent book authors can submit several books  To be more clear, each other have to be different in playing styles...• Maximum (compressed) size limit for CTG: 500 MB / BIN: 250 MB  As another BONUS (for frequent..), I can accept even 1 GB in size
A note for frequent authors (in case of interest to submit a book),Please do not pay attention to previous played old book versions!And as usual, these Top books are tested mainly out of curiosity...And if you ask Me why I test old-dated books too ?) simply becauseMany times... we noticed that some older books became Champs!Or they've managed to be ranked at least one of the Top ranks !!You may know, it does not mean that 'newer' is better/winner !)
But where this time, New DON vers did not allow to older book ones to perform better...E.g so far, best of best is DON book, with win. percentage: 59%Really a great Book/NNUE record.. one of best that ever seen!!
Btw, I checked at least 2 (two) times both DON vers.Regarding it is played by Raubfish SC engine or not...Because (in recent Exp Duels) previous DON ver isPlayed by other, stronger engine (SF-Poly 220723),But in this tour: be sure all books played by Raubfish...
     25.09.2023     Just I would like to inform all of you that,     Current CS started..and will be based on    Second League and Super League tours!
    Some Notes (as one of main differences...):    2nd League will be played as Bullet, Ponder OFF    Super League will be played as Blitz, Ponder ON    Sure later..qualified books will be in Super League
    To be more clear (about Second League),    All book entries will be played vs only 3 constant:    2021, 2022, 2023 books and frankly they are very    Small in size (approx. 3 MB per book)  plus these 3    Constant books can't be considered as so strong...    And as other detail, just one example, 2021 book is    Based on 2021 games, played in SCCT book tours,    And as far as possible (while creation these books),    I picked those opening books, which produced less    Draw perc.otherwise, too boring, at least for my side..
    And now most important (about qualification rule)    Any opening book with 3750+ Elo points will be    Qualified player into new planning Super League    For qualification: 300 games (per player) will be played!    More details very soon....For any questions please feel free to ask: Contact
And I hope to see and test many opening books... )    Thanks in advance
     12.09.2023:     As usually, I am very pleased to announce that, I plan to organize a new book championship !!
Opening Book Registrations: 11-24 Sept 2023Championship Start Day: 25-26-27 Sept 2023
To be more clear,Very soon I hope to run a new book tour but as next under Fritz GUI,    That means in same time I missed a lot testing CTG opening books )Note that in planning tour: all books will be allowed (Private + Public)Plus as usual, all books will be played by same engine: Raubfish SCAnd for more fair conditions any CTG's book learning will be disabled..As main reason, (if Learning ON) BIN books may suffer vs CTG books
Note also that,Current championship may active for long period of time,I mean registrations can be allowed even in October days...
Ok.that's all for now and be ready for the real 'ARENA' !!And please stay tuned... more information very soon...)
If you have any questions please feel free to ask: Contact
Thanks in advance
