Breaking News (11.10.2023):Current tours ended...BIG thanks and congratulations to all book authors!For anyone missed, interested...Ultimate League is organized too: ResultsOk...that's all for now... and here are all the recent played: League GamesMeanwhile, for previous postings about current new championship News
    Second League Champion SENTINEL Congrats to Roger Constantinesco
 Rank Name              Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws   1 SENTINEL 2        3634   15   15   300   56%  3592   79%    2 LesChats 071023   3632   15   15   300   56%  3592   84%    3 CachoSCCT opt     3628   15   16   300   55%  3592   78%    4 OPTIMUS 4         3627   15   16   300   55%  3592   80%    5 SkynetSCCT 10.1   3624   15   16   300   55%  3592   73%    6 Guzelkiz 220522   3623   15   16   300   55%  3592   81%    7 CachoSCCT         3622   15   16   300   55%  3592   85%    8 Pimienta          3619   15   16   300   54%  3592   86%    9 ORIONPAX3         3619   15   16   300   54%  3592   82%   10 FireOnBIN         3616   16   16   300   54%  3592   78%   11 1337chess X       3615   16   16   300   53%  3592   81%   12 C.B Conqueror     3615   15   16   300   53%  3592   84%   13 Zaytsev           3614   15   16   300   53%  3592   85%   14 GutLess Git 1.0   3614   16   16   300   53%  3592   76%   15 Goi forum         3614   16   16   300   53%  3592   76%   16 Everest 300923    3613   16   16   300   53%  3592   82%   17 Breaker 1.0       3613   16   16   300   53%  3592   76%   18 Chucaro 4 Upd2    3613   15   16   300   53%  3592   88%   19 OlisFish 260923   3613   16   16   300   53%  3592   81%   20 HCanFree Upd      3611   16   16   300   53%  3592   84%   21 ShadRach          3608   16   16   300   52%  3592   78%   22 DON-B             3605   16   16   300   52%  3592   83%   23 V by Kerveros     3605   16   16   300   52%  3592   87%   24 SARI 300923       3605   16   16   300   52%  3592   80%   25 Red Dragon        3604   16   16   300   52%  3592   78%   26 Lion 110423       3602   16   16   300   52%  3592   84%   27 HCan Upd          3602   16   16   300   51%  3592   79%   28 ORIONPAX2         3600   16   16   300   51%  3592   84%   29 DON Hercules 2    3600   16   16   300   51%  3592   86%   30 CallmeX           3600   16   16   300   51%  3592   85%   -----------------------------------------------------------  31 Hubble 3.3        3598   16   16   300   51%  3592   85%   32 Champs2021        3596    4    4  4800   49%  3603   82%   33 Champs2022        3595    4    4  4800   49%  3603   82%   34 Hamish 5          3594   16   16   300   50%  3592   81%   35 Rebel 190822      3593   16   16   300   50%  3592   83%   36 Raid 3 TR         3593   16   16   300   50%  3592   84%   37 Feta X            3593   16   16   300   50%  3592   86%   38 Predator 2.3      3592   16   16   300   50%  3592   83%   39 Cerebellum X      3591   16   16   300   50%  3592   83%   40 Cubail 120823     3589   17   17   300   50%  3592   69%   41 Bigfoot           3587   16   16   300   49%  3592   84%   42 Champs2020        3584    4    4  4800   47%  3603   80%   43 Bloom 090723      3584   16   16   300   49%  3592   82%   44 Solista X         3582   16   16   300   49%  3592   79%   45 DON Hercules      3582   16   16   300   49%  3592   80%   46 Ingkong 230923    3577   16   16   300   48%  3592   77%   47 M13.8             3576   16   16   300   48%  3592   74%   48 Africaata 081023  3576   16   16   300   48%  3592   77%   49 Lotusblume        3575   16   16   300   48%  3592   82%   50 Arasan 24X        3574   16   16   300   48%  3592   78%   51 Hero 230923       3563   16   15   300   46%  3592   76% 
   • Calculated by Bayeselo/ DON Hercules2 fixed to 3600/ Blue Name = Last Update
More Details (when the tours were active).• All books are played by 8-times Champion eng Cfish 030820 C40• Any book player with 3600+ Elo: will be qualified in Super League• In this new Championship, all books allowed (Private plus Public.)• Tournament time duration is not clear..will depend on my free time In case of interest, BIN book registrations are acceptable: Contact    By unknown is required min 100 games (played on Playchess etc.)  This rule can be called as VISA, it's just against cheating for Details• As bonus, SCCT's frequent book authors can submit several books  To be more clear, each other... have to be different in playing styles• Maximum book size limit rule: up to 250 MB (compressed) allowed  As another bonus (for frequent...) I can accept even 500 MB in size• Polyglot (BIN) main settings: BookDepth: 100 / Best Move disabled  Exc. some opening books are played by Author's recommendationsAll entries will be played min. 300 games vs 3 constant opponents:  Champs2020, Champs2021, Champs2022 (based on SCCT tourneys)• Any Leader (after the end of championship) will be titled as ChampOverall draw percentage (based on 14400 games):not so high 81%• As usual all the played games will be available (after the end of tour• For anyone missed, my previous postings about current tours News
BN17  BN16  BN15  BN14  BN13  BN12  BN11  LXV  BN10  BN9  BN8  BN7 BN6