Hello Chess Friends,

    On this news page,    You can read my postings for Second  /  Super  /  Ultimate League

Ultimate League - 11.10.2023:Here is another new NNUE vs NON-NNUE test!And it has been organized just out of curiosity...)
To be more clear,Cfish 030920 NON-NNUE is played via Everest 300923 book too,Where all Everest NON-NN's opponents used Raunfish SC engine,So under current test conditions, we see about 80 Elo difference..Frankly not so bad...Btw, if we are going to compare with the olderEverest NON-NNUE (in BNX tour): the Elo difference is about 63
Rank Name              Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 Everest 300923   3776    7    7   550   53%  3755   87%    2 Pimienta         3766    6    7   600   53%  3751   91%    3 CachoSCCT opt    3766    6    7   600   53%  3751   88%    4 ShadRach         3763    7    7   600   52%  3751   87%    5 ORIONPAX3        3762    7    7   600   52%  3751   87%    6 OPTIMUS 4        3756    7    7   600   51%  3752   91%    7 SENTINEL 2       3756    7    7   600   51%  3752   93%    8 Zaytsev          3755    7    7   600   51%  3752   92%    9 DON Hercules 2   3750    7    7   600   50%  3752   91%   10 LesChats 071023  3750    7    7   600   50%  3752   91%   11 Red Dragon       3746    7    7   600   49%  3753   88%   12 OlisFish 260923  3739    7    6   600   48%  3753   90%   13 Everest NON-NN   3695    5    5   550   36%  3755   63% 
    GAMES  (database consists only Everest NON-NNUE gauntlet games)     Note: Everest NON-NN = Everest 300923 by Cfish 030920 NON-NNUE
Meanwhile, it is a shocking news is that,After checking more closely... I've noticed also thatEverest NON-NN book is managed to perform better:
1   Everest NON-NN   +12/-8/=30 54.00%   27.0/502   OlisFish 260923  +8/-12/=30 46.00%   23.0/50
What I can say more over these important issues,A superior strong book is something like that,May win even via disadvantage test conditions!
Second League - 09.10.2023:Via current update just only 1 opening books is entered and qualified...nice!Note that Second League is paused.. even there is a possibility to be ended...Reason, I need to take rest, you know.. not so easy to organize serious andSeries of tours and sometimes I wonder with how many testers I can compete?) 
Super League - 09.10.2023:Well, via latest entries..now all books contain 540 games (per player)So, the 1st Champions are already clear..note also that via Bayeselo,Both Public (OPTIMUS 4 and OlisFish 260923) ranked with same Elo,But after checking closely (via SCID), 0.5 point in favor for OPTIMUSOn other hand, I am impressed also by all qualified players, becauseMany of them can be considered as old - dated, so no much chancesTo be Winners...but no doubt that they are fighting as real Gladiators!So nothing strange with current rankings..Btw, very soon Ultimate tourWill be started (via Top 11 books by Raubfish SC engine), Good Luck!
2nd League -09.10.2023):Via latest update, 8 books participated, where mostly are qualified...not bad!
Super League - 09.10.2023:DON DON DON...again managed as Number One..really just amazing!Yes in same time that means, The Father (Vasid Chouhan) proves againDON used openings are too dangerous, especially vs new trend ones!!Btw, this is also true that if I course a little bit over.. then how happy I'mSure, the first Champion is still not so clear, Red Dragon, SENTINEL etcAre serious candidates to be next Number One, in the end, time will tell..Note also that any Book Leader (after 500 games) will be titled Champ!And Top 10 (with highest points) will be qualified into planning Ultimate..
2nd League - 09.10.2023:Another new update, half qualified, half could not. again and again HubbleWas not so lucky...really many times Mr. Mehmet's book is quite close..but...On other hand, the good news is that Mr. Angel Morano plus Mr. HurnavichNew books qualified..note that only updated CachoSCCT opt will be played,I mean the older CachoSCCT will be replaced with the new updated versionAnd as we see.. when the books are super strong...success is no accident!Btw, Guzelkiz even very old-dated (like DON-B) is managed..but no surprise,Since exactly the same Guzelkiz is the Champion of B/N VII ChampionshipAnd the other qualified ORIONPAX2 belongs to Mr. Roger ConstantinescoNote also that I've managed to start Super League as well...good luck to all!
2nd League - 08.10.2023:1st of all, my congratulations to all qualified authors books..and unfortunately,Some of the opening books were not so lucky..or some are not tuned so wellAnd after checking the latest results of current Second League..it's clear that,Many successful books could not qualify...it seems the old Champs lines areNot soft touch and still not dead..Btw, a few more words over DON Hercules:It's based/tuned vs newer trend openings so against older trend ones.suffer!But via importing DON's other played games...DON Hercules 2 is managed..Btw, interesting, the very old-dated DON-B book is managed to qualify..nice!Yes..under these cond. not easy...and here strongest ones say the last word!About the Leading books: SENTINEL, LesChats, OPTIMUS, CachoSCCT etc.They proved to be so strong...as NNUE and NON-NNUE, just superb score!Sure we are just in beginning..let's see what will be the next entry results ?)
2nd League - 08.10.2023:A new, but very hard championship started...and latest played results soon...This time tour's main target will be to check pure/real opening book strength!You may know, as NNUE, many of the critical weak lines may perform better,But when NON-NNUE: then situation is totally different...as usual 'best' wins..The current tours will be based on 3 Leagues: Second, Super and Ultimate!Second and Super Leagues will be played by Cfish 030820 ( NON-NNUE)Where Ultimate tour will be played by Raubfish X48c3 SC (NNUE enabled) Both mentioned tourneys will be in qualification mode e.g 2nd League willConsist 3 constant Champs books, which are tuned to prefer only WinnersOpening lines (in SCCT tours, mainly 2020, 2021 and some of 2022 year..)  In short, my created Champs books are based on old-dated trend openings..Sure no free time to count all, but these Winners are mainly Angel Morano,Vasid Chouhan, Cevdet Sarı etc. ok that's all for now more info very soon!Btw, any known author interested can submit a bin book at any time Contact
    Meanwhile, here are new strength, candidate tests..Played mainly for the current book tournaments...
As engines used, which are mainly small in size!Due to it is too complicated and meaningless if weUsing such as 40 MB-100 MB for each book player!Just imagine...let's say 100  players x 50 MB = 5 GBWhere via Cfish eng: 100 players x 200 KB = 20 MB
And as usual, once more we noticed that,Cfish 030820 is still the KING..in case of NON-NNUE!Not only as strongest, but even not so Drawish as wellWhat does it mean in reality ? a lot... !) if not so clear,This CF version is already more than 3 years old...that's Why as usual I say, not always newer/bigger are better..!
Forget everything..as alternative,I tested many other SF-based ones, but I cancelled their test..As reason...minus plus 5%-10% higher draws..very strange!On other hand, I can understand if they are stronger...e.g There are such SF NON-NNUE ones, which produce closeTo draw ratio as Raubfish SC NNUE, the main differenceRaubbfish SC is about 150-200 Elo stronger than them!!
Btw, via current tittle, Cfish 030820 is already 8-times Champ !!Frankly a similar record is never seen before...just unbelievable!For anyone missed, the previous NON-NNUE tourney: Results
Ok...too many comments ) here is the latest new strength ranking:
Rank Name                   Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 Cfish 030820 Def      3581   10   10  1000   52%  3569   77%    2 SlowChess 2.9 NNUE    3579   10   10  1058   52%  3567   74%    3 Stockfish XIr4 Def    3578   10   10  1100   52%  3567   78%    4 Cfish 030820 C40      3577    8    8  1756   52%  3562   74%    5 Brainfish 240720 Def  3570    8    8  1758   51%  3562   77%    6 Stockfish XIr4 C40    3567    8    8  1656   50%  3563   75%    7 Cfish11 x86_x64 C40   3566    8    8  1600   50%  3564   75%    8 Koivisto 7.14 NNUE    3565    9    9  1256   50%  3567   69%    9 CF-EXT 291120 Def     3565    9    9  1358   50%  3566   75%   10 Clover 4 NNUE         3564   10   10  1056   50%  3567   71%   11 Zeus 9.4 C40          3563    8    8  1656   50%  3563   73%   12 Zeus 9.4 Def          3561   13   13   600   49%  3568   81%   13 Eman 5.62 Def         3556   12   12   700   49%  3564   80%   14 CiChess 170720 C40    3554   12   12   700   49%  3564   78%   15 SlowChess 2.8 NNUE    3554   13   13   600   48%  3568   74%   16 CF-EXT 291120 C40     3553   12   12   700   48%  3565   74%   17 Cfish11 x86_x64 Def   3551   15   15   454   47%  3569   77%   18 Arasan 24 NNUE        3547   12   12   700   47%  3571   72%   19 Koivisto 241122 NNUE  3536   13   13   600   46%  3568   67% 
Conditions:2x Epyc 7B12, CuteChess, 1 Core, Ponder OFF, 2m+1s, 128mb Hash, 4-MEN