Breaking News - 11.10.2023:Current tours are ended..BIG thanks and congratulations to all book authors!Everest Everest Everest..managed to be Winner..great performance indeed!Also good points come by Mr Angel's books: CachoSCCT 2nd, Pimienta 3rdActually in this Ultimate League: all of the Top books performed not so bad..Btw, this time DON Hercules could not be as Champion, but it's quite seems via NNUE assistance..vs current Top players...situation is different..However, in latest organized tourneys, there are many ranks via participants..So you can appreciate any standing...which you like's your choice !)    Btw, if comparing Elo improvement points over Zaytsev, which played: BN XWe will see about 20 Elo diff. (in 6 months in favor for Everest 300923 book)In short, I'd like to point out that the strongest opening theory is still not dead!Where I can't say same words for Stockfish Elo improvements..e.g via shortStrong openings (Balsa suite) no much Elo difference since many months!Exception in case of weak openings..we may see some SF improvements!Note also that I tested Everest book as NON-NNUE too (via Cfish 030820) we can compare books strength (NNNE vs NON-NNUE): ResultsOk... that's all for now.. and here are all the recent played: League GamesMeanwhile, for my previous postings regarding current competitions News 
   Ultimate League Champion EVEREST - Congratulations to Ivan Alekseev! 
 Rank Name             Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws   1 Everest 300923   3774    6    6   550   53%  3754   87%    2 CachoSCCT opt    3764    6    7   550   51%  3755   91%    3 Pimienta         3763    6    7   550   51%  3755   94%    4 ORIONPAX3        3758    7    7   550   50%  3755   90%    5 ShadRach         3757    7    7   550   50%  3755   90%    6 SENTINEL 2       3755    7    7   550   50%  3756   95%    7 Zaytsev          3755    7    7   550   50%  3756   93%    8 OPTIMUS 4        3754    7    7   550   50%  3756   94%    9 DON Hercules 2   3750    7    7   550   49%  3756   92%   10 LesChats 071023  3749    7    7   550   49%  3756   93%   11 Red Dragon       3744    7    6   550   48%  3757   90%   12 OlisFish 260923  3743    7    6   550   48%  3757   93% 
     • Calculated by Bayeselo / Zaytsev is fixed to 3755  / Blue Name = Last Update
More Details• All books are played by same NNUE engine Raubfish X48c3 SC• As players, I picked the high-rated opening books: Super League• Overall draw percentage (based on 3300 games) is normal: 92%  You may know, with other Top engine/s, we may see 99% draws• Any Book Leader (after 500 games...) will be titled as Champion• For anyone missed, previous postings about current tours NewsBN17  BN16  BN15  BN14  BN13  BN12  BN11  LXV  BN10  BN9  BN8  BN7 BN6