
For CLAS12 analysis with Java code, we will use the Maven build scripts.

  • Download Maven from this website Choose the binary file like apache-maven-#.#.#-bin.tar.gz, where # is the version number. I prefer the tar.gz file, but the .zip is acceptable
  • Follow the installation instructions on Essentially you have to
    • unzip the file, which creates a folder.
    • copy the folder into a common area. On my Mac, I copied it to the Utilities directory. You can also put it in the /opt directory. It will not matter too much since you will put it in the $PATH.
    • set the $PATH. I use bash. The command line is "export PATH=export PATH=/Applications/Utilities/apache-maven-3.6.3/bin/:$PATH". I recommend also putting this command in the /etc/basrc. Since I put it in the Utilities directory, the $PATH contains "/Applications/Utilities". Again, your choice of the folder may differ.
  • Check that maven works. Open a new shell terminal and run the command "man -v". You should a print to the screen like you see in the installation instructions.