
I am not sure how JavaFX is used with coatjava. However, it was recommended that it be installed.

  1. Download JavaFX from the JavaFX runtime hyperlink on the page Follow the link under "JavaFX runtime". I downloaded the SDK for my Mac.
  2. The download is a folder with the library files. Copy this folder into a useful location on your computer. I choose to move it to the Utilities/ on my Mac.
  3. Create the environment variable $PATH_TO_FX. I used the command "export PATH_TO_FX=/Applications/Utilities/javafx-sdk-11.0.2/lib/". You should put this in your .bashrc or /etc/bashrc.
  4. To test the libraries,
    • download the from "git clone".
    • cd in samples/HelloFX/CLI/hellofx
    • compile the code "javac --module-path $PATH_TO_FX --add-modules javafx.controls"
    • run the code, "java --module-path $PATH_TO_FX --add-modules javafx.controls HelloFX"
    • A small window will open and print a "Hello World" message