Help Page for txt2part


txt2part -oEventGenerated.evt < input.txt

where EventGenerated.evt is the output BOS file and input.txt is the input text file. These names are generic and do not have to be used.

Optional flags:

Format of input.txt

Each event has the following format:


E_electron E_gamma T_offset

pid Pt Px Py Pz

Vx Vy Vz



where N=number of particles. The second line is optional (only read if the -T flag is used) if one wants a weighted rem. spectrum. The third and fourth lines are the particle information of pid=particle id, Pt=energy, [Px, Py, Pz]=momentum components, and [Vx, Vy, Vz]=vertex positions. The third and fourth lines are repeated for every particle in the event.