How to Run BED

To run BED, you can use the ant script with the command

>> ant run

This command will do two things

  1. compile a jar file called BED.jar, that is stored in bed/bed/build/jar
  2. execute the program

Currently, the calibration constants have to be read in manually. To do this,

  1. Go to the Events menu at the top, left of the GUI.
  2. Select Open Calibration Constants File.
  3. A new window will open with the directories. Dig down through bed/bed/data/ to find the text file with the constants.

Once the calibration constants have been successfully loaded, open the evil data file

  1. Go to the Events menu at the top, left of the GUI.
  2. Select Open Event File ...
  3. A new window will open with the directories. Search to find the data file.

With the data file loaded, the events can be displayed by

  1. Go to the Events menu at the top, left of the GUI.
  2. Select Go to Event where the event number can be entered.