Radiation Safety AT Canisius College

This is the working space for the Radiation Safety Committee of Canisius College. This space is meant as a repository of information about the committee as well as useful documents related to radiation safety on campus.


Canisius College is authorized by NYS Department of Health to acquire, possess, and use radioactive materials and radiation producing equipment for education and research. Canisius College’s Radiation Safety Committee authorizes and oversees all possession and use of radiation at Canisius College in accordance with NYS regulations and the college's policies and procedures.

Radiation Safety Committee

Canisius College Radiation Safety Policy

The college's policy on radiation safety is in Volume IX: Section 9.5 - Radiation Safety Program.

The Radiation Safety Study Guide

Before anyone on campus can handle radioactive materials, work in a radiation area, or work with radiation-producing equipment, that person must be certified by the Radiation Safety Officer. Certification is granted with a grade of 85% or greater on the Radiation Safety Exam. To prepare, check out the Radiation Safety Study Guide

Procurement of Radioactive Materials and Radiation Producing Equipment

The Radiation Safety Officer must be notified before the purchase and shipping of any radioactive materials and/or radiation producing equipment to the college. The acceptance of any radioactive materials on the campus must follow the procedures in the Canisius College Safety Manual and the regulations of the NY State Department of Health.

Radioactive Waste Management

All radioactive wastes generated in College laboratories must be properly packaged and labeled (isotope, activity, date, generator), and stored within a “controlled” radiation area. Disposal of radioactive waste down a drain or in a regular trash receptacle is strictly prohibited. Generated radioactive waste must be segregated by isotope and physical form and stored in a secure location until they are picked up by the Radiation Safety Officer for disposal.

The RSO will assist generators of radioactive waste in the proper management of radioactive waste and will provide radioactive waste containers and shielding as necessary. The RSO will arrange for the removal and disposal of the generated radioactive waste from the laboratories.

To arrange for radioactive waste disposal, contact the RSO by email or telephone. The information is listed in the table above.