How to Install BED

BED consists of two main packages: the BED source and the CLAS12 libraries from CED. The latter should be checked out from the CLAS12 repository. The former is currently in the git repository of the Canisius group.

To download the BED source, use the command

>> git clone

The CLAS12 libraries that are needed are

  • bCNU
  • clas-io
  • clasJLib
  • magfield
  • split
  • swimmer

The directory structure needs to be cleaned up. Currently, it is

bed -> bed

|-> dependencies

To install BED,

  1. create a directory called bed and cd into it.
  2. create a directory called dependencies and download the CLAS12 libraries in there.
  3. in the original bed directory, download the BED source with the git command above.
  4. cd into the bed directory with the source code.
  5. To compile the java classes, use the ant command (>> ant). The >> means the command prompt.

The ant script is the file build.xml in the bed/bed directory. The compiled java classes will be stored in the bed/bed/build directory. To erase the classes, use the command

>> ant clean