Danielle Stewart

For the kaon acceptance calculations, you will a few CLAS6 software packages such as gsim, gpp, and a1c.

Getting Started

  1. Install the CLAS6 software packages. This will get complicated, so take some time to read through the various instructions on the CLAS wiki pages mentioned below.
    • Follow the link on the CMENP sidebar to Hall B
    • Click on the tab for CLAS
    • Follow the link for Offline Data Analysis under the Analysis Software section in the lower right corner of the page.
    • In the list of Contents, go to the section labeled CLAS Software System Documentation.
    • Read the items labeled Building CLAS Software and Build CLAS Software: more detailed instructions. Read the various subsections in each of these items.
    • Since you will be the only person using your Linux computer, I recommend building the software in your home directory. To do this, start in the top of your home directory by using the command
      • cd $HOME
    • Follow the instructions for Checking out entire clas6 software suite under Build CLAS Software: more detailed instructions.
    • There will be many questions and mistakes, but this is a learning process. Take your time.
  2. After the CLAS software suite has been compiled, check that the programs gsim, gpp, and a1c are working. You can do this by typing the command gsim -h or a1c -h, and you should see a help menu in the terminal.

The Chain of Programs to Calculate Acceptance

To calculate the CLAS detector acceptance, you will run a series of programs in order. They are

  1. Your PLUTO++ reaction generator.
  2. A text to BOS converter. BOS is the data format of CLAS6.
  3. gsim - detector simulator
  4. gpp - post-processing program
  5. a1c - physics analysis program

Scripts will be provided that will run each of these programs automatically.