Various reported problems
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Google Podcasts keeps pushing "Stuff You Should Know"

After I say "OK GOOGLE Play Podcast" and being served "Stuff You Should Know" yet again, I did a "Feedback" -> "Send feedback to Google".
TIL: Both Google and Canonical(Ubuntu) allow you to view your feedback/bug reports.

Afterwards I again looked to see that had I adjusted all the Google Podcast controls make sure that things were turned off.

There I learned that Google Podcast will shove recommendations at you based on "Your History".
Apparently there was a way to stop this, but the easy way specified in the help is no longer relevant.
The place to look seems to be or "Web & App Activity" Podcasts History
Until they revamp the whole Privacy/Security/Activity webspace yet again :-)

Some others have had problems with this, but I didn't find any good solutions.
I am going to try Removing each instance "Listened to Stuff You Should Know".

Note that the user interface for this aggressively wants to stop warning you about your deletions after the first one.
I guess people don't want the "Do you really want to delete this" when they are frantically trying to delete embarrassing activity history.

Analysis: When we say or type to Google Assistant "Play podcast"
Google Podcasts
Google Podcast ignores Mark as Played/Completed status.
Google Assistant, from our data sample, gets the "Popular & trending", and uses that to suggest completions (see above "play podcast")

NONE OF THESE SUGGESTIONS HAVE I EVER TYPED. While I liked Joe Rogan as Joe Garelli in NewsRadio, his opinions are not something I seek.
Google Assistant is quietly trying to get me to sample other content. I really wasn't expecting that but hey, it's free.

When we do "Play Podcast", we hear and see:



Maps vs CaSe
are not the same!

Google Maps has had a consistent problem with a particular road sign.

An error in the last character is read from the sign's image is converted to lowercase.

The visual map card sign and therefore the audio text-to-speech of directions are both incorrect.

The navigation directions sound like "for Eastern Lee", rather than "for Eastern ell eye".

Sign from Google Maps

All this seems to come from the case on the last letter, I vs. i.
This is not Spy vs. Spy.

The culprit is the exit from the southbound Meadowbrook Parkway, in Nassau County, New York.

Exit M6E coded by NYSDOT : Meadowbrook, 6 the interchange from the northern terminus, and heading East

which appears somewhat like the following:




Eastern LI

Following, please note the changes: from the physical sign

  1. the space before the E from the original M6E

  2. the extra E after 'M6 E' to make 'M6 E E'

Screenshot of the Android Maps: Hey it doesn't show the crack in my screen 😃

Desktop Google Maps, following, shows the Exit M6E