怎么入门 (2) 教学视频 --吐血推荐

Youtube上搜索关键字,能搜出来各式各样的教学视频,有经典的WC教学视频(如Chuck Martin),也混杂各式各样的“mogul skiing tips”,“master mogul”之类的,鱼龙混杂不说,即便是正统的经典教学视频,至少对我来说并没有帮助太大(我觉得讲解的不够浅显,感觉更适合已经有一定基础的bumper)。此外搜出来的很多是高手大牛的示范,但大多滑的太好太快,对我们入门学习帮助也不太大。




item: "Flats Barn" = "Flats Turn"

Clear progession from drills to turn.

Builds up, always the same motion.

3:00 - Mogul wedge. Poleplant followed by quick, full weight shift early in turn

4:23 - Javelin

6:43 - Mogul turn

7:15 - Quick turns

11:34 - Rollers, timing of turn, carving the backside, absorption

23:00 - Moguls

24:08 - Vision

24:30 - Poleplants in bumps. Don't reach with arm. Poles flick opposite each other

26:00 - Poleplant is after the crest, on the backside

26:10 - Pulling the feet on backside (left pane). Also hips high to clear the crest

27:30 - Carving the backside

28:50 - Hold poles & flick with fingertips, not full hand grip. Don't move arm

33:45 - Air

Throughout, lots of nice do's & don'ts in side by side panes

Some scattered dryland summer drills

Some recreational Telemark for fun

Lots of nice views of Whistler for stoke

More comments:

3:00 - Mogul wedge. Poleplant followed by quick, full weight shift early in turn

Get a copy of this vid and watch what she is doing. It's a wedge, so it is slow enough to see and understand. She plants her pole when it is directly square downhill of her hips. Immediately after planting the pole (pole touch), she smoothly and very quickly shifts her whole weight uphill, onto the uphill ski (which will be the new downhill ski). You can see her hips make a small arc up & then down. The fundamental movement is that shift of the hips and full commitment of all weight to the uphill ski (new downhill ski). Now, fully standing on the uphill ski (new downhill ski), the inner edge bites in, and she rides the ski around the turn. The key part is that the weight is *all* on the uphill ski (new downhill ski) quick & smooth, and while the ski is still pointing off to the side (ski still on the top of the C of the turn. not the bottom half. the top half.).

Then watch how she progresses beyond the mogul wedge to the parallel mogul turn. The pole-touch, and the weight shift, are exactly the same as in the wedge. She just brings the other ski parallel. Now since the skis are parallel, she can use knee roll (she couldn't do that while in the wedge). She rolls her knees just after the inner edge gets bite.

Then after she has the main motions down in the wedge & slow turns, she squares her hips downhill at all times. But the weight shift is the same.



Janne Lahtela (Olympic + FIS gold medals, head coach of Japanese mogul team)

Stephen Fearing

下面这个也是强烈推荐的带中文翻译的日本蘑菇教学,讲解的虽然不如前面两个视频细致,但我很喜欢的是:1) 他把正确的动作和错误的动作对比示范的非常好;2) 他把不同的路线滑法都示范的很好;3) 有中文翻译!




南山滑雪教程101-Mogul猫跳 (youku) 3'20''开始

最后推荐的经典蘑菇教学视频,出自Chuck Martin,Mogul Logic的创始人,他的教学视频在美国蘑菇圈里被奉为正统和经典了。youtube上有他本人上传的一些dvd里的章节:


