


Quote from http://forums.mogulskiing.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1999:

"As you ski the moguls, your pole plants should be on the backside (downhill side) of each mogul. Patience truly is a virtue when discussing mogul poling. You don’t want to plant on the face (front) of the mogul. This will get you off balance, pull your arms behind you as you absorb and advance toward the next bump, and thus will create problems with your turn timing. You don’t want to plant on the top of the mogul, because this will force you to reach up and will also pull your arm behind you (see right image above). You want to aim for a spot around the center of the downhill side of the bump. Many bump skiers (even good ones) have trouble waiting for the right moment to pole plant. It is very important that you be ever patient and wait for the moment when you can effortlessly plant on that downhill side. This will act, then, as your pivot point for the next turn and allow you to plant with a very light touch and a simple wrist movement. Again... do not lean your weight into your pole plant. It is not a speed controller."


1) timing: 延迟点杖会帮你更耐心不急躁。尤其是我们初学者速度普遍比较慢的情况下,过早的点杖会导致过早的init turn,后果就是“跌落”到下一个包上。

2) hand/upper body position: 点杖在uphill face或者top,容易让点杖的手离开正确的位置从而影响upper body的稳定。