Cheswardine Cricket Club
Shown above is the ladies team from some unknown era!
Cheswardine Cricket Club for many years had club house and playing field on land to the south east of Cheswardine Hall that eventually became part of the farm belonging to Yew Tree Farm. This was sold by Mr John Bourne, the owner of Yew Tree Farm in about the year 2000 with the proviso that if cricket continued to be played on the pitch it would thereafter remain as the the local cricket club. Sadly this was not the case and the land on which the pitch was based is now under agricultural use and the club house has long since disappeared. Below is a picture of the Cheswardine Cricket Club taken before 1941.
The gentleman 4th from the left on the third row from the front is Ralph Charles Donaldson-Hudson, who died in April 1941.
A number of other photographs show members of the Cheswardine Cricket Club at other times.
And this special team:-
The bases of the two cups awarded each year for the best bowler still exist, but sadly the cups themselves have disappeared. The names engraved on the bases are as shown below.