Lean Touch+

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Lean Touch+ is an extension to the popular Lean Touch asset, adding many more example scenes.

CameraFreeflight - Shows you how to create a freeflight camera that can turn with finger drags, and move with finger pinches.

CameraOrbit - Shows you how to make a simple orbital camera that can rotate with finger drags.

CameraOrbitAutoRotate - Shows you how to make an orbital camera that begins to automatically rotate after some time of no finger drags.

CameraOrbitCenter - Shows you how to make an orbital camera that can change its orbit center point based on which objects are currently selected.

CameraOrbitDolly - Shows you how to make an orbital camera that can move in and our with finger pinches.

CameraOrbitDollyCollision - Shows you how to make a dolly orbital camera that can move in front of objects that block the view.

CameraOrbitMove - Shows you how to make an orbital camera that whose orbit center point can be shifted using two finger drags.

CameraOrbitSwipe - Shows you how to make an orbital camera that rotates using finger swipes.

CameraOrbitZoom - Shows you how to make an orbitcal camera that zooms in and out using finger pinches.

CameraPitchYaw - Shows you how to make a basic FPS game-style camera that can look around using finger swipes.

CameraSwipeMove - Shows you how to make an overhead camera that can move around the scene using finger swipes.

CameraSwipeMoveClamp - Shows you how to add a camera boundary to CameraSwipeMove.

CanvasDrag - Shows you how to make canvas elements draggable using a native UI implementation.

CanvasDragSpawn - Shows you how to make canvas elements that can spawn 3D prefabs when you drag a finger off them.

CanvasJoystick - Shows you how to make square and circle joysticks using a native UI implementation.

CanvasJoystickTurret - Shows you how to read the joystick input and have it control a turret.

CanvasPressRotate - Shows you how to make canvas elements that can rotate a 3D GameObject when you press down on them.

CanvasPressTranslate - Shows you how to make canvas elements that can translate a 3D GameObject when you press down on them.

CanvasResize - Shows you how to make canvas elements resizable using a native UI implementation.

ChaseRigidbody - Shows you how to make a Rigidbody chase a finger around the screen.

ChaseRigidbody2D - Shows you how to make a Rigidbody2D chase a finger around the screen.

ChaseRigidbody2DFollow - Shows you how to make an input system where the camera follows a Rigidbody2D that you can control by touching the screen.

ChaseRigidbodyOnPlane - Shows you how to make a Rigidbody that chases fingers around the screen, but follow the point on the surface of a plane.

DragControls6DOF - Shows you how to combine finger drags, twist, and pinch gestures to create a GameObject you can control across 6 degrees of freedom.

DragMove - Shows you how to make a GameObject you can move using finger drags.

DragReplay - Shows you how to make a GameObject replay the recorded movement of a finger across the screen.

DragSelectTransformRelative - Shows you how to select multiple objects by dragging a finger over each object you want selected, and how you can then transform the selection.

DragToShoot - Shows you how to make a Rigidbody spawn and shoot from where a finger began touching the screen, to where it stopped touching the screen.

DragToThrow - Shows you how to make a drag strength indicator that then spawns and throws a prefab on release.

DragToThrowTarget - Shows you how to make drag strength indicator for a specific Rigidbody, and how upon finger release you can throw it.

DragTurn - Shows you how to rotate a specific GameObject using finger drags.

DragTurnStep - Shows you how to rotate a specific GameObject in increments using finger drags.

FingerLineFade - Shows you how to draw lines between the start and end point of a finger drag, and slowly fade it out when released.

FingerTrailFade - Shows you how to draw a path of a finger's journey across the screen, and slowly fade it out when released.

Match2D - Shows you how to implement block selection and swapping like in most match-3 style matching games.

MultiTap - Shows you how to implement a multiple finger tap gesture, and read how many fingers were used, and how many times you tapped.

Pong - Shows you how to control paddles in a split screen pong style game.

Press2DDragDrop - Shows you how to drag and drop 2D GameObjects onto a 3D GameObject and have them get destroyed, and display a counter of how many were destroyed.

Press2DSelectedTime - Shows you how to display how many seconds your finger has been pressing on a 2D GameObject.

Press2DSwipe - Shows you how to swipe Rigidbody2Ds across the screen.

Press2DSwipeNoRelease - Shows you how to swipe Rigidbody2Ds across the screen before the swiping finger is released.

Press2DThrow - Shows you how to throw Rigidbody2Ds across the screen with a visual force indicator.

Press2DThrowFade - Shows you how to throw Rigidbody2Ds across the screen with a visual force indicator that slowly fades away.

Press2DTranslateRigidbody2D - Shows you how to drag Rigidbody2Ds under a finger.

Press3DDragDoors - Shows you how to make 3D doors that can be swung open by dragging across them.

Press3DPlaceOnPath - Shows you how to make GameObjects that can be dragged along custom spline paths.

Press3DPlaceOnPlane - Shows you how to make GameObjects that can be draggable along a plane shape.

Press3DPlaceOnPlaneSnap - Shows you how to make GameObjects that can be draggable along a plane shape and be snapped to a grid like in chess or checkers.

Press3DSpinThrow - Shows you how to pick up GameObjects, spin them around, and throw them into the scene like a certain monster catching game!

Press3DSwipe - Shows you how to swipe Rigidbodys across the screen.

Press3DSwipeNoRelease - Shows you how to swipe Rigidbodys across the screen before the swiping finger is released.

Press3DThrow - Shows you how to throw Rigidbodys across the screen with a visual force indicator.

Press3DThrowFade - Shows you how to throw Rigidbodys across the screen with a visual force indicator that slowly fades away.

Press3DThrowOnPlane - Shows you how to throw Rigidbodys along the surface of a plane with a visual force indicator.

Press3DTranslateRigidbody - Shows you how to drag 3D GameObjects around the screen.

Select2DReselectCount - Shows you how you can keep track of how many times you re-select the same GameObject.

Select2DSelectedTimeAction - Shows you how to perform an action after a GameObject has been selected for a certain amount of time.

Select3DColorMesh - Shows you how to paint the vertices of a selected Mesh using finger drags.

Select3DDeformMesh - Shows you how to deform the vertices of a selected Mesh using finger drags.

Select3DTransformRelativeRevert - Shows you how to revert/undo transformations done to a GameObject once you deselect it.

SelectionBox - Shows you how to make a multiple unit selection box like in most Strategy/RTS games.

SwipeAngleNoRelease - Shows you how to display the swipe angle before the finger is released.

SwipeMove - Shows you how to move an object when a finger swipes.

SwipeSwap - Shows you how to swap a GameObject between a selection of prefabs if you swipe left or right.

SwipeTurn - Shows you how to turn an object around based on finger swipes.

TransformConstrain - Shows you how to create a boundary and limit how far you can drag a GameObject.

TranslateRigidbody - Shows you how to translate a Rigidbody around the screen using finger drags.

TranslateRigidbody2D - Shows you how to translate a Rigidbody2D around the screen using finger drags.

NOTE: If you feel this package lacks an example you need, then please send me your ideas and I will try to add them!

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