Org Charts

While a "Chain of Command" details formally who reports to who, an "org chart" shows the structure of an organization (a "who's who in the zoo") beyond formal reporting.

Cadet Org Chart pending...

The above shows SQ 153 seniors as assigned to primary duties listed on the organization chart depicted in CAPR 30-1. There are however other duty positions which are not shown and this chart does not reflect senior members in assistant positions. Open the collapsible text below for a complete break down duties assigned to senior members. In bold (p) - primary, regular text (a) - assistant

Lt Col Skullr: Advisor to the Commander (p), Safety Officer (p), Administrative Officer (a), Personnel Officer (a), Testing Officer (a)

Maj Van De Brake: Finance Officer (p), Advisor to the Commander (a), Public Affairs Officer (a), Safety Officer (a), Testing Officer (a)

Maj Holland: Chaplain (p)

Capt Cole: Deputy Commander (p), Emergency Services Officer (p), Emergency Services Training Officer (p), Logistics Officer (p), Operations Officer (p), Safety Officer (a), Testing Officer (a)

Capt Grossgold: Cyber Education Officer (p), Information Technologies Officer (p), Testing Officer (p), Web Security Administrator (p), Administrative Officer (a), Aerospace Education Officer (a), Deputy Commander (a), Finance Officer (a), Personnel Officer (a), Professional Development Officer (a), Safety Officer (a)

1st Lt Vallee: Aerospace Education Officer (p), Commander (p), Deputy Commander for Cadets (p), Public Affairs Officer (p), Activities Officer (a), Cadet Activities Officer (a), Information Technologies Officer (a), Safety Officer (a), Squadron Leadership Officer (a), Testing Officer (a), Web Security Administrator (a)

1st Lt Grossgold: Activities Officer (p), Cadet Activities Officer (p), Professional Development Officer (p), Squadron Leadership Officer (p), Aerospace Education Officer (p), Safety Officer (a), Testing Officer (a)

2d Lt Grossgold: Information Technologies Officer(a), Web Security Administrator (a)

2d Lt Fritch: Administrative Officer (p), Personnel Officer (p), Cadet Activities Officer (a), Safety Officer (a), Testing Officer (a)

2d Lt Meader, I: Recruiting & Retention Officer (a), Safety Officer (a)

2d Lt Meader, M: Recruiting & Retention Officer (p), Safety Officer (a)

SM (TSgt) Frankie M. DeGuzman: Squadron NCO (a)

SM Lau: in training for admin & personnel

SM (TSgt) Frank Mancebo: Squadron NCO (p)

SM Tyree E. Pace: