
Attachment 4 PROWORDS CAPR 100-3 ATTACHMENT 4 6 APRIL 2016

Proword Explanation

AFFIRMATIVE You are correct, OR, what you have transmitted is correct. Yes.

ALL AFTER The portion of the message to which I have reference is that portion which follows.

ALL BEFORE The portion of the message to which I have reference is that portion which precedes.

ASSUME CONTROL You will assume control of this net until further notice.

BREAK I hereby indicate the separation of the text from all other portions of this message.

CLOSE DOWN Individual stations or entire nets are to close down when indicated.

CORRECT You are correct. That is correct.

CORRECTION An error has been made in this transmission. Transmission will continue with the last word correctly transmitted.

DISREGARD THIS TRANSMISSION, OUT This transmission is in error. Disregard it. (This proword will not be used to cancel a message that has been transmitted and receipted for by the receiving station.)

DO NOT ANSWER Stations called are not to answer this call, receipt for this message or otherwise transmit in connection with this transmission. The proword OUT will end the transmission

EXEMPT The addressees immediately following are exempted from the collective call. The addressees following are exempt from receiving this message.

FIGURES A group of one or more characters, the first of which is a numeral, follows. Indicates the beginning of a new word group.

FLASH This message has a precedence of FLASH.

FROM The originator of the message immediately follows.

GROUPS The group count of the message follows.

IMMEDIATE This message has a precedence of IMMEDIATE.

INFO The addressees immediately following are addressed for information only. No action is required of them.

I READ BACK The following is in response to your request to read back.

I SAY AGAIN I am repeating the transmission, or the portion you need repeated.

I SPELL A group of one or more characters, the first of which is a letter, follows. Indicates the beginning of a new word group.

I VERIFY That which follows has been verified per your request (to be used only as a reply to a VERIFY request).

MESSAGE A message that requires recording is about to follow (transmitted immediately after the call). It is intended for use on tactical nets.

MORE TO FOLLOW I have more messages, traffic, or information for you.

NEGATIVE Not received. No.

NO PLAY During Exercises the words No Play are used to distinguish real activity from the exercise activity.

NOTHING HEARD To be used when no reply is received from a call.

NUMBER This station message number, in numerals, follows

OUT This is the end of my transmission to you and no answer or reply is required or expected.

OVER This is the end of my transmission to you and an answer is required or expected.

PRIORITY This message has a precedence of PRIORITY.

RADIO CHECK Report the signal quality and strength of the path between our stations. If both are good, reply with the single proword ROGER. Otherwise give a brief report such as “weak, barely readable.”

READ BACK Repeat this transmission back to me exactly as received.

RELAY (TO) Transmit this message to all addressees immediately following this proword.

ROGER I have received your message satisfactorily and understood.

RELAY THROUGH Relay your message through _ .

SAY AGAIN Repeat the indicated portion of the message.

TEXT FOLLOWS Following a BREAK, use of TEXT FOLLOWS indicates that transmission of the message resumes.

THROUGH ME Relay your message through me.

UNKNOWN STATION The identity of the station I am trying to contact is unknown (used in place of that station’s call sign).

USE ABBREVIATED PROCEDURE Because conditions are satisfactory, all stations are to use abbreviated procedure until further notice.

USE FULL PROCEDURE As conditions are not are satisfactory all stations are to use full procedures

VERIFY Verify entire message (or portion indicated) with the originator and send the verified version (used by receiving station).

WAIT I must pause for a few seconds. Standby. Do not transmit. Wait for me to continue with my transmission (the proword OUT is not used).

WAIT OUT I must pause for more than a few seconds. This contact is terminated until I call you again. The net can continue.

WILCO I have received, and understood, and will comply. (Note: Since the meaning of the proword ROGER is included; the two prowords are not used together.)

WORD AFTER The word to which I have reference is that which follows .

WORD BEFORE The word to which I have reference is that which precedes .

WRONG Your last transmission was incorrect. The correct version is .