Flying for Cadets!


Orientation Flights

The cadet orientation flight program shares with cadets the thrill of flying. Every CAP cadet under age 18 is eligible for five flights in a powered aircraft (usually a single-engine Cessna), five flights in a glider aircraft, and an unlimited number of backseat flights when conditions allow. Orientation flights are always free to cadets. Survey data has repeatedly shown that the #1 reason youth become CAP cadets is an interest in flying.

Be sure to complete the "Aircraft Ground Handling Training" course on Axis LMS.

Book your powered CAP O-ride here!

What are the FAA regs on getting my pilot's certificate?


Subpart C—Student Pilots

§61.83 Eligibility requirements for student pilots.

To be eligible for a student pilot certificate, an applicant must:

(a) Be at least 16 years of age for other than the operation of a glider or balloon.

(b) Be at least 14 years of age for the operation of a glider or balloon.

(c) Be able to read, speak, write, and understand the English language. If the applicant is unable to meet one of these requirements due to medical reasons, then the Administrator may place such operating limitations on that applicant's pilot certificate as are necessary for the safe operation of the aircraft.

§61.87 Solo requirements for student pilots.

(a) General. A student pilot may not operate an aircraft in solo flight unless that student has met the requirements of this section. The term “solo flight” as used in this subpart means that flight time during which a student pilot is the sole occupant of the aircraft or that flight time during which the student performs the duties of a pilot in command of a gas balloon or an airship requiring more than one pilot flight crewmember.

Subpart E—Private Pilots

§61.103 Eligibility requirements: General.

To be eligible for a private pilot certificate, a person must:

(a) Be at least 17 years of age for a rating in other than a glider or balloon.

(b) Be at least 16 years of age for a rating in a glider or balloon.

(c) Be able to read, speak, write, and understand the English language. If the applicant is unable to meet one of these requirements due to medical reasons, then the Administrator may place such operating limitations on that applicant's pilot certificate as are necessary for the safe operation of the aircraft.

(d) Receive a logbook endorsement from an authorized instructor who:

(1) Conducted the training or reviewed the person's home study on the aeronautical knowledge areas listed in §61.105(b) of this part that apply to the aircraft rating sought; and

(2) Certified that the person is prepared for the required knowledge test.

(e) Pass the required knowledge test on the aeronautical knowledge areas listed in §61.105(b) of this part.

(f) Receive flight training and a logbook endorsement from an authorized instructor who:

(1) Conducted the training in the areas of operation listed in §61.107(b) of this part that apply to the aircraft rating sought; and

(2) Certified that the person is prepared for the required practical test.

(g) Meet the aeronautical experience requirements of this part that apply to the aircraft rating sought before applying for the practical test.

(h) Pass a practical test on the areas of operation listed in §61.107(b) of this part that apply to the aircraft rating sought.

(i) Comply with the appropriate sections of this part that apply to the aircraft category and class rating sought.

(j) Hold a U.S. student pilot certificate, sport pilot certificate, or recreational pilot certificate.


From CAPP 60-43:


Prior to applying for the Cadet Wings, every cadet should become an Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) “Young Eagle.” As a CAP cadet, once you complete your first CAP orientation flight, you are eligible to become a Young Eagle with a student membership in EAA. This membership provides resources which will help you become an ideal applicant for Cadet Wings. Your cadet status as a Young Eagle comes with no obligations but offers great benefits, including:

• FREE access to Sporty's Learn to Fly Course ($248.00 value)*

• FREE first flight lesson ($130 value)**

• FREE Soaring Society of America Cadet Membership

• FREE admission to 400+ science and technology museums

• FREE Academy of Model Aeronautics Student Membership

• FREE electronic copy of EAA Sport Aviation magazine

• FREE access to EEA Virtual Flight Academy - Stage One: Fundamentals of Flight ($29.95 value)

• Access to valuable flight training awards, education scholarships, and Air Academy camperships

* This interactive online course uses real-world video and incredible 3D animations to help you learn the basics of flight. Plus, EAA will reimburse you when you pass your FAA Airman Knowledge Test also known as the “Written Exam” ($165 value).

**Upon completion of the first three volumes of the Sporty's Learn to Fly Course

CAP Cadets & Young Eagles

EAA | Free Young Eagles Flights


We are very fortunate that Squadron 41 is literally right here! They share the building with us and typically fly on Sundays and Tuesdays right here at Los Alamitos Army Airfield!

For scheduling cadet orientation flights, this should be coordinated between the squadron commander of the requesting squadron and the Squadron 41 commander, Maj. Tom Barbre using an official Civil Air Patrol email address

2021 - Squadron 41 Glider Training Promotional Video

Required courses/video to fly gliders with Squadron 41 (Orientation Rides, Training Flights, Currency/Proficiency Flights):

Wing Runner Course (Soaring Safety Foundation)

Tow Pilot Course (Soaring Safety Foundation)

Flight Training Programs (Soaring Safety Foundation)

CAP Online Quiz System