
From CAPR 40-1

6. Level I. Onboarding. The intent of Level I is to provide new members with the information they need to begin their service in CAP successfully, as well as help them to assimilate into their unit.

6.1. Timeline for Level I. Level I should be completed within the first 30 days of membership. Level I content is divided into modules that can be completed onsite, online, or as a blend of the two modalities. ...

6.2. Level I Completion Privileges. CAP requires individuals in the active senior member category to complete Level I training prior to being assigned to a duty position in the unit, directly supervising cadets, being allowed to wear the Air Force-style CAP uniform, or enrolling in AUDL courses. ...

"Here in the CAWG we ask for the online equal opportunity training to be completed within the first 90 days." - Lt Col Tammy A Sturgill

California Wing Chief of Staff

Specialty Tracks

From CAPR 50-17:

4-2. Specialty Track Training. Except for professionals in law or medicine who join specifically to perform these functions, senior members select specialty tracks based on their personal interests and the unit’s need, as determined by the unit commander.

a. Three primary factors the unit commander should consider in making the initial selection include:

(1) Member's current duty position.

(2) Unit manning requirements

(3) Individual's capabilities, interests, and achievements.

b. Current specialty track codes are:

200 Personnel

201 Public Affairs

202 Financial Management

203 Inspector General

204 Professional Development

205 Administrative Officer

206 Logistics

211 Operations Officer

212 Standardization-Evaluation Officer

213 Emergency Services Officer

214 Communications Officer

215 Aerospace Education Officer

216 Cadet Programs

217 Safety Officer

219 Legal Officer

220 Health Services (no pamphlet - see your PD Officer)

221 Chaplain A,B,C

222 Command

223 Historian

225 Character Development Instructor

226 Recruiting and Retention Officer

227 Information Technology Officer

c. After selecting a specialty, the member downloads the appropriate study guide from the CAP website. Typically, the study guide directs the member's self-study and on-the-job training (OJT) through the three skill ratings in the specialty (i.e., Technician-1, Senior-2, or Master-3). Each specialty track identifies appropriate schools, courses, and suggested readings. Concurrently, the member should have a mentor assigned to assist in applying information learned to actual job performance. For the member to receive credit for specialty track training, update the PDR using the Specialty Track administration module in eServices.

Note: I found that "Pamphlets" had more up to date stuff than the "Level II: Technical Training" page; the links I have to the left are from the first source.

d. Each specialty track has an assigned code number used for entering the data on the PDR. The code number usually relates directly to the number assigned to the training material for that particular track. Some specialties such as Operations may require completion of training from a combination of several specialty tracks.

e. The professional fields of law and medicine (219 and 220) do not have study guides. These positions have only a position code number. Promotion criteria for these members are outlined in CAPR 35-5, CAP Officer and Noncommissioned Officer Appointments and Promotions. Members of these professions may enter any of the other training tracks desired using the training guide for those specialties.

f. When a member achieves proficiency in all the requirements for the technician, senior, or master rating, the member and mentor coordinate with the PDO and the unit commander to enter the appropriate rating in the online Specialty Track module in eServices. Once approved the rating will automatically be reflected in the member’s record.

The specialty tracks which I currently have pages for [here] are pertinent to my personal duty assignments; more may be added later but for now this is what I have.