Professional Development

There are five levels of professional development for Civil Air Patrol senior members.

Level I: Onboarding

The Level I, or Onboarding, is the first of CAP's five Education and Training Program levels. The materials in Level I provide the new senior member with the information required to participate actively in CAP. To complete this level, complete the Level 1 Onboarding modules with the help of your Professional Development Officer (PDO)/Education and Training Officer (ETO) as outlined below (in accordance with CAPR 40-1). Should you have any questions about what you are learning in Level I please do not hesitate to talk to your mentor, unit PDO/ETO, or unit Commander.

NEW MEMBERS: As a new member in the Civil Air Patrol, the first thing you should do is meet with your PDO/ETO and Commander to lay out a plan of action for your career in CAP. Your next task is to complete the Level I Onboarding modules. In the Onboarding modules, you will gain a breadth of knowledge that will serve you well as you begin your journey. Your PDO/ETO will be your mentor as you proceed through the modules. Onboarding is located within eServices under CAP’s online learning management system AXIS. If you have a question, don't hesitate to contact your PDO/ETO or commander.

The Next Step:

Talk with your mentor or commander to explore Level Two education and training opportunities that will assist you as you advance as a CAP member. You should also become familiar with the governing regulation on Education and Training, CAPR 40-1.

Review the Customs and Courtesies Pamphlet if you have any questions concerning courtesies: Customs and Courtesies Pamphlet

Review this page to see the different Specialty Tracks available. You can go directly to the online listing at: Specialty Tracks: Choose a Specialty

More on Specialty Tracks available on this site.

Level II: The Learning Phase


The materials in Level II focus on developing a competent member who can participate actively at the squadron or flight level. In Level II, the member chooses one of four specialized paths tailored to meet the needs of new members, professionals who will receive an advanced promotion, former cadets, and current or former military members. This level is divided into two parts.

To complete this level and earn the Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. Award, you will need to take Part I and Part II of Level II:

The first part provides a broad understanding of basic CAP skills such as uniform wear, customs and courtesies, the chain of command, and responsibilities. Completion of the first part of Level II is required prior to promotion/appointment to any senior member grade. The second part of Level II introduces unit functions as well as leadership and management training.

You will also

1. Choose a Specialty and earn a Technician's rating in that specialty.

2. Choose a duty position. Getting a job to help your squadron. CAP has over 2 dozen jobs squadrons have to accomplish its mission.

3. Earn the Brig Gen Charles E. "Chuck" Yeager Award

This award recognizes successful completion of the Yeager test portion of the Aerospace Education Program for Senior Members (AEPSM). The test may be completed online and the member’s record will automatically be updated reflecting completion of the AEPSM. If the online process is not used, the wing/region director of aerospace education certifies completion of the AEPSM on a CAP Form 127, Monthly Certification Report, and forwards it to CAP/DPR. The Yeager test is based on the Aerospace: Journey of Flight 2nd edition which can be found on eservices under "AE Download and Resources". The Yeager test can be found on the Learning Management System (LMS) in eServices.

Level III: Leadership Phase

Level III focuses on developing the squadron level leader who aspires to serve on staff or as a commander.

To complete this level and earn the Grover C. Loening Award and the Loening ribbon, you will become senior rated in a specialty track, attend two major conferences, serve in a staff or command assignment for at least one year, mentor a member through Level I, and complete the Level III modules. See CAPR 40-1 for details on these requirements.

Should you have any questions about what you are leaning in Level III please do not hesitate to talk to your mentor, unit Professional Development Officer (PDO)/Education and Training Officer (ETO), or unit Commander.


1. Become Senior Rated in a Specialty

Becoming a craftsperson in your job. Obtain a senior rating in a specialty track. Successful completion of the senior rating in a specialty track results in award of the Bronze Star for the Leadership Award ribbon (CAPR 39-3). Request authorization through your PDO/ETO to your unit commander. Once approved, you may then purchase the ribbon bronze star device from Vanguard.

2. Attend two Major Conferences

Collaborative Learning. Attend two wing, region, or national conferences. These conferences afford CAP members a broad view of the CAP corporation’s organization and expose them to the issues confronting CAP. Attendance at a region/wing aerospace education conference can also be credited for one conference attendance. Conferences attended prior to entry into Level III count toward fulfillment of this requirement.

3. Level III Modules

Squadron Level Leadership. The Level III modules discuss how to lead at the squadron level whether you serve on staff or as a commander. Topics include Advanced Communications, Decision Making, Problem Solving, and Leadership.

4. Mentor a member through Level I. Mentoring is an important aspect of leadership and has a positive impact on both participants. Members in this level will help a new member complete Level I.

5. One year of service on staff at any level.

Level IV: Senior Leadership Phase

Level IV primarily focuses on expanding leadership skills, program development, and building a more holistic view of CAP. Level IV prepares the member for service as a group or wing level leader who aspires to serve on staff or as a commander.

To complete this level and earn the Paul E. Garber Award and Garber ribbon, you will become master rated in a specialty track, serve as a staff member in a wing level activity or conference, give a presentation, complete the Level IV modules, and serve in a staff or command assignment for at least two years.

Should you have any questions about what you are leaning in Level IV please do not hesitate to talk to your mentor, unit PDO/ETO, or unit Commander.


1. Master a Specialty

2. Serve on Staff

Leadership Applied.

a. Complete one of the following:

1) Prepare and deliver a CAP-related presentation to a non-CAP group.

2) Conduct a hands-on unit aerospace education program,

or an external aerospace education classroom program.

b. Occupy a command or staff position for a total of 2 years of service to CAP.

c. Serve as a staff member at a wing level activity, conference, or as a Volunteer University instructor.

d. Serve in a staff or command assignment for at least two years.

3. Complete the Level IV modules

Increased Leadership Skills. The Level IV modules provide students with in-depth studies of management, leadership, and communications skills, and shows how CAP's missions are accomplished at the group or wing level. Discussions, case studies, and practical exercises are integral parts of the modules.

Level V: Executive Leadership Phase

The primary focus in Level V is on developing a strategic view of the organization and continued leadership skills. Level V focuses on developing the region or national level leader who aspires to serve on staff or as a commander.

This is the highest level of CAP career development and is for those officers performing duty as commanders or staff officers at the region or national level. As such, only the members most dedicated to advancing their education and training complete this level.

Successful completion of Level V of the Education and Training Program qualifies the CAP officer for the Gill Robb Wilson Award, the highest education and training award earned by a senior member. The award honors an airman, poet, writer, and founder of CAP.

Should you have any questions about what you are leaning in Level V please do not hesitate to talk to your mentor, unit PDO/ETO, or unit Commander.


1. Serve on Staff for 3 years (one at the group level or higher) & serve on staff for a course.

Leading and Managing. Serve on a staff in both of the following capacities:

a. Perform in a command or staff position for a total of 3 years of service to CAP with one year being at the group level or higher.

b. Serve in a director or staff member capacity in a CAP approved course (reference CAPR 40-1). This is in addition to the staff service in Level IV.

2. Mentor a junior officer or NCO through the Technician Rating in a specialty track.

Leadership In Action.

3. Complete the Level V modules.

Links to PD Resources